Mathematics at Work: A Study of Working Students of Higher Classes in a Greek Secondary School
Volume 10, Issue 2, April 2022
1 October 2021
4 February 2022
9 March 2022
Abstract: The aim of this research is to find out the level of Mathematics students of an Evening Lyceum are required to use in the workplace and how this correlates to the material taught in the subject of mathematics. The research was qualitative and was conducted in Greece, specifically on the islands of the South Aegean. On these islands the majority of the population is engaged in tourism. The survey included students the majority of whom had dropped out of high school (73%) for various reasons and decided to continue their school studies in order to receive a high school diploma as required by the Greek state. These former high school dropouts work in the mornings on various tasks. The rest of the students attend classes according to their age and also work in the mornings. They also try to get a high school diploma. The questions that concerned us were the kind of Mathematics the target population of students to be surveyed use at work, and whether there are differences in the mathematics taught in the Lyceums compared to Maths students use at work. An additional question is what kind of math each task requires. The research therefore mentions the activities of their daily work and students explain the ways in which they come into contact with mathematics. We discover that most professions need only a low level of mathematical knowledge and this marks the disparity in the nature of “everyday” mathematics and the mathematics taught in the classroom setting. Mathematics taught at schools in higher classes has been forgotten and few use it. This happens to almost all students. Finally, it is suggested that there should be changes in the curricula. Mathematics curricula should be more relevant to students' daily activities in the workplace. So, the teaching of Maths needs to be put on a more realistic basis.
Abstract: The aim of this research is to find out the level of Mathematics students of an Evening Lyceum are required to use in the workplace and how this correlates to the material taught in the subject of mathematics. The research was qualitative and was conducted in Greece, specifically on the islands of the South Aegean. On these islands the majority of ...
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Assessment of Students’ Satisfaction: A Case Study of Harar Health Science College, Eastern Ethiopia
Zelalem Bekele,
Abdusamed Mohammed,
Furo Besher
Volume 10, Issue 2, April 2022
21 February 2022
24 March 2022
8 April 2022
Downloads: 73
Views: 1073
Abstract: Background: College and University in the modern world are expected to seek and cultivate new knowledge, provide the right kind of leadership and strive to promote equality and social justice. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the satisfaction level of undergraduate students enrolled in regular program of Harar Health Science College and there by understand Harar Health Science College level of service quality perceived by the students. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among 384 students of the college. The participants were selected using stratified random sampling technique. The data were collected through self-administered structured questionnaire. The data entry was done by Epi-data version 3.1 and analyzed by SPSS version 21. Results: The total of 356 study participants were involved in this study, with response rate of 92.7%. The total of 207 (58.1%) of respondents were studying on undergraduate (degree program). In terms of facility provision, 198 (55.9%) of the students were satisfied with supply of books and more than half of the students, 222 (62.7%) were satisfied with the suitability of library’s opening hours and 254 (72.6%) and 284 (81.6%) were dissatisfied with the adequacy of computer facility. Majority, 224 (64.3%), and above half, 199 (57.1%) of the students were satisfied with teaching learning environment and variety of programs options respectively. Conclusion and recommendations: Majority of the students are satisfied with the current service status of the college except those related with computer and internet facilities. Therefore, supplying enough computer and internet services is recommended.
Abstract: Background: College and University in the modern world are expected to seek and cultivate new knowledge, provide the right kind of leadership and strive to promote equality and social justice. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the satisfaction level of undergraduate students enrolled in regular program of Harar Health Science Coll...
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Scientific Culture in Sports and Dance Professionals from Biomechanics
Ana Margarita Torres Aguila
Volume 10, Issue 2, April 2022
19 February 2022
17 March 2022
25 April 2022
Abstract: The work perfects the interdisciplinary scientific practice of the university students of the Physical Culture career to solve practical situations from society. The general objective is to relate the scientific knowledge of sports and dance professionals from Biomechanics through interdisciplinary scientific practice at the University of Cienfuegos to raise scientific culture and performance in practitioners. Different theoretical and empirical methods were used. Among the first, the historical-logical, analysis and synthesis, document analysis, interviews with selected sports and dance practitioners method was used. The scientific knowledge of Biomechanics and other applied sciences have been valid in the results in sports and dance. The interdisciplinary scientific practice showed favorable results in the development of the physical capacity of strength and flexibility in the practitioners. Interdisciplinary scientific culture was raised in university students belonging to the second-year scientific student group of the Physical Culture career at the University of Cienfuegos. With this research interest in science is activated.
Abstract: The work perfects the interdisciplinary scientific practice of the university students of the Physical Culture career to solve practical situations from society. The general objective is to relate the scientific knowledge of sports and dance professionals from Biomechanics through interdisciplinary scientific practice at the University of Cienfuego...
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A Phenomenological Study of the Experiences of Lesbian University Students in Kenya
Volume 10, Issue 2, April 2022
4 April 2022
20 April 2022
28 April 2022
Abstract: The rising cases of homosexuality and lesbianism in our learning institutions in Kenya is worrying. The Kenyan cultural attitude towards same sex sexual behavior is negative, whereas, homosexuality is proscribed by law. There is, however, limited scientific information in Kenya that explains why students are predisposed to homosexuality and lesbianism. The current qualitative study (N=12) examined the underlying, causes for lesbianism, perceptions, and psychological support lesbians receive in our universities. These participants were purposively selected using snow ball sampling technique. Focus group interview was conducted to generate data. Data were analyzed using a thematic approach. Findings from this study revealed that lesbianism is mainly caused by Social Psychological factors such as peer pressure, childhood sexual, and physical abuse, and poor self-esteem. These students reported favorable perceptions towards lesbianism. That lesbians are stigmatized, operate in secrecy, and cult-like manner. Lesbians behave, and play masculine and feminine roles respectively. Intriguingly, these students reported that they needed psychological support at the same time. This study concluded that this practice is prevalent in our institutions of high learning, and operates in secrecy, and cult like manner the knowledge of members of the faculty and Administration. This study recommended that these students should not be condemned for their deviant behavior per the Kenyan cultural and religious beliefs, and law, but offered professional counseling.
Abstract: The rising cases of homosexuality and lesbianism in our learning institutions in Kenya is worrying. The Kenyan cultural attitude towards same sex sexual behavior is negative, whereas, homosexuality is proscribed by law. There is, however, limited scientific information in Kenya that explains why students are predisposed to homosexuality and lesbian...
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Assessing Higher Education Exit Exam in Ethiopia: Practices, Challenges and Prospects
Eyob Ayenew,
Abreham Gebre Yohannes
Volume 10, Issue 2, April 2022
22 March 2022
20 April 2022
28 April 2022
Abstract: Ensuring quality and relevant education in Higher Education institutions is one of the challenges that remained to be solved. In a pursuit to rise educational outcomes in terms of quality and relevance, many countries currently aim to improve accountability in the school system. Many school systems provide educational outcome information. However, the Exit exam provides outcome information to be comparable across schools on an external standard. Exit exams have been argued to improve the signaling of educational achievement on the labor market and to increase labor-market productivity through increased human capital. The exit exam is intended to ensure all graduates from HEIs have developed adequate mastery of the core competencies articulated in the respective curricula thereby satisfying the requirements of the labor market and employability through the nationwide implementation of curriculum-based external exit examination. The purpose of this study, therefore, is to examine the current practices, and challenges on the implementation of exit exams and put forward way for its enhanced implementation. Thus, desk review of different articles, documents, policies, manuals, and guidelines was made from global and local pieces of literature. Moreover, key informants from concerned institutions including National Examination and Assessment Agency, Health Professionals Competency Assessment Licensure Directorate, Higher Education Strategy Center, and Federal Justice and Legal Research and Training Institute) were interviewed to substantiate the desk review result. Results have shown that although institutions across nations or states in a nation call exit exam in different names, the purpose in one way or another is the same, improving students' achievement, enhancing graduates performance, improve quality of education and improve graduates' competence in their respective fields of study. It has been identified that exit exam has many strength including helping to ensure common standard knowledge and practical competencies, improving public trust, improving reliability and validity of assessment tools, a tool for quality assurance to benchmark any potential problem, and helping the faculty to perform an ongoing global assessment. Moreover, several concerns regarding the scheme of exit exam including efforts and costs to maintain the process, opposing arguments, exposing potential weakness in the education system, fear of impeding flexibility within curriculum, quality and trustworthiness of the employee, ownership, exam administration, and management and cheating were indicated. Consequently, establishing independent exit exam organization, online exam administration, awareness creation before full implementation of exit exam and cost-sharing are some of the recommendations forwarded.
Abstract: Ensuring quality and relevant education in Higher Education institutions is one of the challenges that remained to be solved. In a pursuit to rise educational outcomes in terms of quality and relevance, many countries currently aim to improve accountability in the school system. Many school systems provide educational outcome information. However, ...
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