Science Journal of Education

Volume 3, Issue 6, December 2015

  • School Based Speech and Language Therapists’ Perceptions of MLU-w and Its Use

    Louiza Voniati

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 6, December 2015
    Pages: 119-125
    Received: 20 September 2015
    Accepted: 7 October 2015
    Published: 20 October 2015
    Downloads: 148
    Abstract: The aim of the study was to examine how mean length of utterance counted in words (MLU-w hereafter) is perceived and used by speech and language therapists (SLTs) in the Greek Cypriot education system. A postal questionnaire was used to gather information from SLTs in the Greek Cypriot education system. A mixed method approach was used to analyse t... Show More
  • A Review of High School Physics Education in the United States of America

    Serif Uran

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 6, December 2015
    Pages: 126-130
    Received: 10 September 2015
    Accepted: 4 November 2015
    Published: 24 November 2015
    Abstract: Physics is often considered to be one of the most difficult subjects to study. Thus, it is particularly important to have good physics teachers to teach the subject. However, a close look at the statistical data indicates that about 67% of high school physics teachers did not major in physics. Physics is being taught by teachers that are in variety... Show More
  • Factorial Composition of the Self-efficacy Teamwork and Entrepreneurship Scale in Mexican University Students

    Perla J. Jurado, Susana I. Aguirre, Nestor E. Rivera, Francisco Munoz

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 6, December 2015
    Pages: 131-136
    Received: 15 November 2015
    Accepted: 24 November 2015
    Published: 14 December 2015
    Abstract: The present study aims to investigate whether the psychometric results proposed by Gastélum, Guedea, Viciana, and Peinado (2012) for the Self-efficacy Teamwork and Entrepreneurship Scale replicate. The total sample was of 2004 subjects; 1139 women and 865 men, students of the degrees offered at the Autonomous University of Chihuahua, with an mean a... Show More