Alternative Didactic Strategy to Link Teaching with Environmental Protection
Andres Eduardo Vera Mendoza,
Liceo Bolivariano Jose Jesus Osuna Rodriguez
Volume 7, Issue 6, December 2019
16 September 2019
29 October 2019
5 November 2019
Downloads: 164
Views: 1840
Abstract: To link education with the protection of the environment and soils through a didactic, innovative and interesting strategy in the training and awareness process, the development of an agricultural Biol was carried out as an alternative to produce ecological fertilizers, low cost for the producer and institutions dedicated to producing different agricultural items, acting as an excellent foliar stimulant for the plants and a complete soil rejuvenator; with decomposing materials such as; manure, water, milk (liquid), chopped grass, molasses, organic humus (fertilizer) and minerals as a supplement, through a biodigester (Release of accumulated gases). Educational alternative in young people who are in the process of training in Secondary Education in Mérida Venezuela, given the indiscriminate use of chemicals that damage the planet, plants and soil. This article focuses on an action research, supported by a theoretical and practical teaching planning. As a result, relevant learning was obtained for the pedagogical and agricultural system, managing to focus students on acquiring new strategies and ideas, conserving and protecting the environment through cooperation, interest and motivation to recommend this alternative to other students, teachers and Farmers develop new fertilizers that benefit the different agricultural items and have healthy and quality food for human consumption.
Abstract: To link education with the protection of the environment and soils through a didactic, innovative and interesting strategy in the training and awareness process, the development of an agricultural Biol was carried out as an alternative to produce ecological fertilizers, low cost for the producer and institutions dedicated to producing different agr...
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Cultivation Strategies of Professional English Ability of Cruise Service Program in Chinese Higher Vocational Schools
Volume 7, Issue 6, December 2019
14 October 2019
6 November 2019
12 November 2019
Downloads: 205
Views: 1354
Abstract: China's cruise industry has developed rapidly. The major international cruise companies have entered the Chinese market, and the number of cruise tourists has also increased. However, the speed of China's cruise talent training is lagging behind the speed of industry development, and the quality of talents does not meet the requirements of enterprises. This paper analyzes the professional ability of the work position in the service department on board, and proposes six countermeasures to improve the English ability of cruise service-oriented students in China's higher vocational colleges: implementing the ability-based teaching philosophy, clarifying the professional English teaching objectives, and carrying out the use of ESP classroom teaching method, designing teaching plans and contents based on industry standards, clarifying the evaluation standards of the students’ English language ability, and training the competent professional English teachers. For improving the English language ability of the students of the cruise service program, the paper concludes that the teachers need to establish a teaching philosophy based on competency, apply the ESP classroom teaching method, and to be trained with both English language teaching ability and cruise industry knowledge.
Abstract: China's cruise industry has developed rapidly. The major international cruise companies have entered the Chinese market, and the number of cruise tourists has also increased. However, the speed of China's cruise talent training is lagging behind the speed of industry development, and the quality of talents does not meet the requirements of enterpri...
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Secure Parental Attachment and Deviant Behaviour Among Secondary School Students in Homabay County-Kenya
Volume 7, Issue 6, December 2019
5 October 2019
5 November 2019
4 December 2019
Downloads: 302
Views: 1683
Abstract: For any learning institution to achieve its goals successfully, it is paramount that all members adhere to the norms of the institution which may be written or not. Problems arise in schools when some students fail to conform to the school rules and ergo disrupt the normal routine of the system. In Kenya, despite efforts by the government to curb indiscipline in schools, student deviance has been persistent in our schools since the first case of student unrest was reported in 1908. These behaviour cause destruction of property in schools, death, some students dropping out of school, physical injury to both the teachers and the students, psychological disturbances to both the students and the teachers and finally poor academic performance. This study assessed the relationship between secure parental attachment style and deviant behavior among secondary school students in Homabay County. The study was guided by attachment theory by John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth which provided a conceptual link between parent adolescent relationship and deviance. The study employed quantitative research method and a correlational survey research design. The study population consisted of form two students from all the secondary schools in Homabay County. Out of the population of 20,160 students a representative sample of 512 students was randomly sampled. Data was collected using questionnaires. Validity of these instruments was ascertained through expert judgment and piloting while the reliability of the study was tested using the split half method and the level of confidence was α ≤ 0.05. Data was analyzedusing both descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings revealed a significant negative relationship between secure parental attachment and deviant behavior (r=-0.633, p<0.05).
Abstract: For any learning institution to achieve its goals successfully, it is paramount that all members adhere to the norms of the institution which may be written or not. Problems arise in schools when some students fail to conform to the school rules and ergo disrupt the normal routine of the system. In Kenya, despite efforts by the government to curb i...
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