Comparative Study on the Effects of Online Courses and In-Class Courses
Yue Qin,
Di Lv,
Yinzi Feng
Volume 9, Issue 6, December 2021
27 October 2021
17 November 2021
24 November 2021
Downloads: 106
Views: 690
Abstract: The outbreak of COVID-19 at the beginning of 2020 has formulated a totally different teaching situation for most of Chinese Universities/Colleges, because inevitably online courses took the leading role in teaching by replacing in-class courses at the beginning of that semester, then in a parallel teaching mode after students' returning to school. This research conducted a comparative study on teaching quality of online courses and in-class courses under this specific background from Chinese college students' perspective by using in-depth interviews and the online questionnaire. This study finds that the quality of online courses is not as good as in-class courses at present, but with a small gap to improve, indicating a positive affirmation and encouragement of improvement for online courses. Furthermore, teaching paradigms have significant impacts on imparting knowledge. Teaching paradigm is the "catalyst" and "accelerator" on the basis of the teachers' own professional knowledge, which facilitating both teaching and learning. Finally, different learning atmosphere (online courses / in-class courses) is a significant factor in explanation of different effects and influences on both teachers and students. A more advanced network technology is needed to create a more interactive and communicative "learning atmosphere" of online courses, thus gradually improving the effect of online courses.
Abstract: The outbreak of COVID-19 at the beginning of 2020 has formulated a totally different teaching situation for most of Chinese Universities/Colleges, because inevitably online courses took the leading role in teaching by replacing in-class courses at the beginning of that semester, then in a parallel teaching mode after students' returning to school. ...
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Drawing Cartoon Strips as a Learning Tool in Fostering the Learning of Titration in Pre-service Chemistry Education
Välisaari Jouni,
Nuora Piia
Volume 9, Issue 6, December 2021
1 November 2021
23 November 2021
7 December 2021
Abstract: In this study, static visual displays of titration created by the university-level pre-service chemistry education students was investigated. The aim for the students was to learn the theory of titrations, using self-prepared cartoon strips with supportive texts. Attention was paid to the titration cartoon strips students made which were suitable for both learning and teaching purposes. The basis of this study was students’ own drawings: students observed and visualized the titration process, and built their own representation of it. Simple models were created using pencil and paper. The goals were to determine how students regard the learning tool, how drawing cartoon strips helps their learning, and what kind of demands can be stated for a clear and pedagogically valuable titration cartoon strip. The research methods used were a questionnaire for students, analysis of students’ task reports, and interviews with the course instructors. Students found the visualization of titration using cartoon strips to be motivating and positive, as well as useful for their own learning. They also felt it was a new method for considering titration. It helped them deepen their understanding of titration and assess it to be useful for their work in the future as teachers. According to the course instructors, students needed supportive discussions to accompany their drawing tasks. Furthermore, cartoon strips were a valuable tool for instructors to evaluate learners’ understanding and to correct misconceptions.
Abstract: In this study, static visual displays of titration created by the university-level pre-service chemistry education students was investigated. The aim for the students was to learn the theory of titrations, using self-prepared cartoon strips with supportive texts. Attention was paid to the titration cartoon strips students made which were suitable f...
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General Education Quality Assurance: The Extent of Quality Assurance Implementation from Inspection Approach in Ethiopia General Education
Volume 9, Issue 6, December 2021
8 October 2021
30 October 2021
9 December 2021
Downloads: 121
Views: 1118
Abstract: The purpose of this empirical study was to investigate the extent of quality assurance implementation from inspection approach and its contribution in quality enhancement and accountability. The study focused on areas of inspection policy frame work and strategies, the trend of external and internal inspection process at General education system. In the investigation qualitative approach used; the study conducted at Jimma Town in Oromiya regional state; in the study two schools purposely selected and 7 respondents have been participated in the study (one education office inspector; two, school principals; two, school department heads and two, teachers). Thematic analysis method was used to analyze the data that obtained from Interviews; observation, and document analysis. The study result shows that, in Ethiopia general education context inspection is one of the mechanisms designed to evaluate schools' performance related to input, process, and output. Based on the inspection result schools and concerned bodies are expected to work on school education quality enhancement and students learning outcome improvement. However, the finding of this study indicates that, the inspection strategy designed at MOE did not practically implement as it designed and it has a shortage of linkage to the operational practice. The main reasons are: miss understanding of practitioners on the objective of inspection; the inspection standards lack clarity and have ambiguities to evaluate schools practically; the strategy lack focus to support school management, teacher engagement, pupils, and parents. Also, in practice the external inspection process did not link to school self-evaluation or internal inspection; no mechanism or strategy lay responsibility and accountability on concerned bodies to improve or find a solution on identified problem based on the inspection report. For the effective implementation of the inspection mechanism, the strategic direction that developed at the center should be linked to operational practice and procedures at the district education office and school level; also, the mechanism for holding to responsibility and accountability from the top to school management and all concerned bodies should be designed. The inspection manuals and standards should be revised to evaluate effectively the overall system and tangible things in the schools. The external inspection system also should be linked to the internal inspection mechanism to strengthen school self-assessment practice and to support school improvement plan implementation.
Abstract: The purpose of this empirical study was to investigate the extent of quality assurance implementation from inspection approach and its contribution in quality enhancement and accountability. The study focused on areas of inspection policy frame work and strategies, the trend of external and internal inspection process at General education system. I...
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Physics Students’ Level of Capability and Attitude in Handling Mapping Concept: A Tool for Metacognitive Ability Enhancement
Volume 9, Issue 6, December 2021
29 October 2021
27 November 2021
24 December 2021
Abstract: The utilization of insufficient methodology for solving difficult concepts is one of the most referred to issues in executing science educational plans. This makes it imperative to suggest an approach for teaching physics that aims at enhancing understanding rather than promoting rote-learning, memorizing, and juggling of facts. An effective way of dealing with this problem is for the physics teacher to provide a bridge between the unfamiliar concepts and the knowledge which physics students already have. This research investigated physics students’ capability and attitude in handling mapping concept as a tool for metacongnitive enhancer.. The population of the study consist of all senior secondary school students (SS2) in Dunkofia Local Government area of Anambra State Nigeria with total sample under study as seventy six (N =76). The physics students were divided into Experimental and Control group with thirty eight (n=38) students in each group. The research instrument were validated by Physics Mapping Concept Capability Test (PMCCT), Physics Mapping Concept Attitude Test (PMCAT) which contained ten (10) item each and a summarized work on mapping concept. Reliability of the data instrument were 0.74 and 0.81 as regards to the pilot study. Two research questions and hypotheses were developed. These questions were answered using mean and standard deviation whereas the hypotheses were tested at probability less than 0.05 significant level using t-test statistics. Furthermore questionnaires were also used to evaluate student’s capability in handling mapping concept. Overall, the result of the study indicated that the experimental group exceptionally performed better than the control group. It is therefore, evident from the drawn conclusions that students’ capability in handling mapping concept tool enhances metacognitive ability and with a positive attitude at a very large extent.
Abstract: The utilization of insufficient methodology for solving difficult concepts is one of the most referred to issues in executing science educational plans. This makes it imperative to suggest an approach for teaching physics that aims at enhancing understanding rather than promoting rote-learning, memorizing, and juggling of facts. An effective way of...
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The Category Human Condition and the Integrating Spirit in the Higher Education
Volume 9, Issue 6, December 2021
24 November 2021
16 December 2021
24 December 2021
Abstract: The theoretical basis for this article is the category human condition and complex thinking. This category was created by the German author H. Arendt, with her highlights that the human being is a human being as a result of everything with which he relates. The great value of this category is that it leads us to think that in order to properly understand the human being, it is necessary to perceive it in its entirety. This category corresponds to the inclusive spirit that is increasingly important in the world of the 21st century. Technological scientific development and some theories, such as complex thinking, show that it is necessary to take into account the spirit of integration in society and also in higher education. If the category "human condition" is used in higher education, it can be promoted that the human being is conceived with an integrating spirit and that fractionation is avoided. The objective of this article is to argue, through the category of human condition and the integrating spirit of complex thought, the existence in higher education of manifestations of thought that fragments and reduces, which it is necessary to face. This study was developed through the documentary methodology, given by the critical study of texts and the analysis of written information, as well as from the methodological perspective of complex thinking, specifically regarding the careful attention to integration and opposition to reductionism and disjunction. Methods used: analysis, synthesis, logical history, as well as conjugation of the universal and the particular. Results: the value of the human condition category is argued to display the integrating spirit in higher education; the value of the integrating spirit is highlighted to face the overvaluation of professional qualities and rational capacity in higher education. Conclusions: current social conditions demand that the integrating spirit be deployed; the category human condition is essentially integrative; the use in higher education of the category human condition facilitates the deployment of the integrating spirit; In higher education, the integrating spirit is a valuable force to confront the fractional thinking that manifests itself in the overvaluation of work qualities and rational capacity.
Abstract: The theoretical basis for this article is the category human condition and complex thinking. This category was created by the German author H. Arendt, with her highlights that the human being is a human being as a result of everything with which he relates. The great value of this category is that it leads us to think that in order to properly unde...
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Contribution to the Achievement of an Orthographic Culture in the University Graduate Orthographic
Fredesvinda Machado Barbery,
Rogelia Marina Ineraite Pedroso,
Epifanio de JesúsCalá García,
Leonor González Rodríguez,
Norma Milagro Portal Denis,
Ana Gloria Aparicio Albelo
Volume 9, Issue 6, December 2021
25 October 2021
12 November 2021
29 December 2021
Abstract: Spelling continues to be a problem at the university. The lack of awareness that surrounds this problem affects the general and professional culture of the university student, for that reason some consider that the general culture reached by the individual, if it does not correspond to good spelling, constitutes an inconvenience that can damage their professional image. In order to verify responses, professors from the Medical University of Villa Clara and the Central University of Las Villas promote, through research, activities aimed at achieving this purpose, which began in the period between the 2014-2019 academic years. The objective was to apply a system of actions that benefits the orthographic culture of university students. From the perspective of qualitative research, methods based on observation, interview, error analysis and triangulation were used, which led to the application of a system of actions that allowed corroborating progress in the problem studied and a greater understanding of the good use of the correct writing, this influenced in the decrease of errors. The actions applied favored the orthographic awareness of the university student community and its necessary knowledge. Benefits were evidenced that favored the training of students as future professionals.
Abstract: Spelling continues to be a problem at the university. The lack of awareness that surrounds this problem affects the general and professional culture of the university student, for that reason some consider that the general culture reached by the individual, if it does not correspond to good spelling, constitutes an inconvenience that can damage the...
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Professional Development Program for the Guide Teacher: Training of the Agricultural Medium Technician
Epifanio de Jesús Calá García,
Fredesvinda Machado Barbery
Volume 9, Issue 6, December 2021
21 October 2021
15 November 2021
29 December 2021
Abstract: The transformation of the Cuban social economic model has caused major changes in all sectors of society, for which reason it has been necessary to carry out transformations in Technical and Professional Education aimed at training competent mid-level professionals. This article presents the result obtained from an investigation that addresses the professional improvement of the teacher guide of the agricultural polytechnic school to provide a solution to the cognitive needs that are currently presented in the training of the agricultural medium technician in the context of the agricultural polytechnic school-labor entity. The objective: To propose a Professional Development Program that contributes to the transformation of the professional development of the guide teacher for the training of the Middle Technician in the current training context. The dialectical-materialist method is adopted and the qualitative methodological path is assumed. The main results focus on the content of the professional development of the guide teacher, where their functions are specified, the appropriate procedure to fulfill their role in the current circumstances of training of the agricultural medium technician and the Professional Development Program. The developed Program constituted a novel contribution for pedagogical practice given its adaptability to satisfy other fields of professional improvement of the teacher in the Cuban education system.
Abstract: The transformation of the Cuban social economic model has caused major changes in all sectors of society, for which reason it has been necessary to carry out transformations in Technical and Professional Education aimed at training competent mid-level professionals. This article presents the result obtained from an investigation that addresses the ...
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An Exploratory Study of Suicidal Ideation and Risk Behavior Among Secondary School Students in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya
Volume 9, Issue 6, December 2021
21 November 2021
15 December 2021
31 December 2021
Abstract: Suicide is the leading cause of death among adolescents in the world. In Kenya, the rising number of teenage suicide cases is a matter of great concern. This study examined the underlying causes of suicide risk behavior among teenage secondary school students in Kenya. Participants comprised seven students who exhibited suicidal behaviour from four schools drawn from Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. Out of the seven participants, four were female, and three male students. This study adopted phenomenological design. Blank sheets of paper-were used in data production. Content analysis method was used in analyzing the written data generated. Results of this study revealed that the causes underlying suicidal risk behavior included: Depression, Hopelessness, Negative thoughts, Sexual abuse, Spiritual forces, Suicidal content from videos, lack of parental love and Mistrust. The findings of this study are useful to stakeholders in education in understanding the underlying causes of suicide, and designing prevention strategies to curb the rising cases of teenage suicides in schools in Kenya.
Abstract: Suicide is the leading cause of death among adolescents in the world. In Kenya, the rising number of teenage suicide cases is a matter of great concern. This study examined the underlying causes of suicide risk behavior among teenage secondary school students in Kenya. Participants comprised seven students who exhibited suicidal behaviour from four...
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