Comparison and Application Among Micro Course, Massive Open Online Course and Flipped Classroom--Taking “Automotive Insurance and Claims” Course as an Example
Hongjuan Ren,
Siya Jia,
Dan Wei,
Yiping Luo
Volume 5, Issue 3, June 2017
13 March 2017
22 March 2017
1 April 2017
Downloads: 179
Views: 2839
Abstract: With the rapid development of computer and network, Chinese higher education pays more attention to the teaching methods of Micro Course, Massive Open Online Course and Flipped Classroom. The paper respectively analyzes the meanings and features of Micro Course, Massive Open Online Course and Flipped Classroom, and studies the relationship and differences among them. Then the scope of application of the Micro Course, Massive Open Online Course and Flipped Classroom is analyzed and studied under considering the features of them. Finally in combination with the teaching content and requirements of the “Automotive Insurance and Claims”, application of Micro Course, Massive Open Online Course and Flipped Classroom is analyzed. The conclusion of the paper can provide reference for the content and the revolution of the teaching method of the “Automotive Insurance and Claims”, which will also provide reference for other courses at the same time.
Abstract: With the rapid development of computer and network, Chinese higher education pays more attention to the teaching methods of Micro Course, Massive Open Online Course and Flipped Classroom. The paper respectively analyzes the meanings and features of Micro Course, Massive Open Online Course and Flipped Classroom, and studies the relationship and diff...
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Construction of Automobile Service Engineering Under the Perspective of Engineering Education Accreditation
Dan Wei,
Qihua Ma,
Chenxi He,
Yiping Luo
Volume 5, Issue 3, June 2017
13 March 2017
22 March 2017
1 April 2017
Downloads: 170
Views: 2879
Abstract: In view of the engineering education accreditation concept, and according to the core values of higher engineering education professional accreditation, this article identifies the breakthrough in automobile service engineering professional training for positioning and post after well versed in technical secondary school degree. And the graduation requirements and ability oriented of the major is determined through the guidance of engineering education accreditation. This paper discusses the influence of engineering ability oriented education accreditation in automobile service engineering professional course system. The courses of automobile service engineering are accordance with orientation of engineering education accreditation ability.
Abstract: In view of the engineering education accreditation concept, and according to the core values of higher engineering education professional accreditation, this article identifies the breakthrough in automobile service engineering professional training for positioning and post after well versed in technical secondary school degree. And the graduation ...
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Extent of Compliance of a Higher Education Institution for a University System
Roger S. Ambida,
Rizalina A. Cruz
Volume 5, Issue 3, June 2017
11 April 2017
12 April 2017
Downloads: 180
Views: 2873
Abstract: Higher Education Institutions in the Philippines are being confronted by transformations caused by a process of interaction and integration among different nations driven by international commerce. With the modified global learning, colleges and universities have to capacitate themselves to offer quality degree programs which will be attuned to world class standards. The Commission on Higher Education in the Philippines has supported the development of higher education institutions by engaging them in the process of promoting a culture of international quality. The study conducted determines the compliance of the subject universities on certain standards of a university system as aligned to becoming a globalized structure. The study is anchored on the framework of Provus’ Discrepancy Model for Curriculum Evaluation Method. Based on this pattern, particular discrepancies can be determined and resolved between a pre-determined set of standards and what actually the current status of a particular area being studied. A survey was conducted to ascertain the extent of compliance of some university campuses to the standards of a University System. The respondents of this study are composed of university presidents, vice presidents for academic affairs, planning officers, deans, directors, heads, coordinators, faculty representatives and student Leaders from universities and colleges that belong to university systems. The continuing development plan crafted by the researcher could be a significant basis for other institutions to transform towards a globalized system.
Abstract: Higher Education Institutions in the Philippines are being confronted by transformations caused by a process of interaction and integration among different nations driven by international commerce. With the modified global learning, colleges and universities have to capacitate themselves to offer quality degree programs which will be attuned to wor...
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Actors and Responsibilities of the Educational Process
María de Jesús Velázquez Vázquez,
Martín Darío Castillo Sánchez,
Horacio Sánchez Barcenas
Volume 5, Issue 3, June 2017
11 April 2017
12 April 2017
Downloads: 179
Views: 2974
Abstract: The educational issue has always been the subject of intense debate on the part of researchers, government and specialists in the subject. Lately, the discussion has focused on the scope and limits of education systems, that is, the educational apparatus has responded so much to the resolution of problems that afflict society as a whole. One of the strongest critics revolves around the evaluation process, the most compelling argument being that the ways of evaluating are no longer the most convenient according to the times in which we live, this on the one hand, on the one hand, all the actors involved in the education must be subject to the evaluation including the same institutions, not only the students and teachers, so it seems that there is a total separation of the planning-evaluation processes. The purpose is to make a series of reflections and considerations about the evaluation process and the main actors involved in it.
Abstract: The educational issue has always been the subject of intense debate on the part of researchers, government and specialists in the subject. Lately, the discussion has focused on the scope and limits of education systems, that is, the educational apparatus has responded so much to the resolution of problems that afflict society as a whole. One of the...
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Research of Enterprise Credit Rating Based on K-Means GMDH Model
Xiangyun Zhou,
Yixiang Tian
Volume 5, Issue 3, June 2017
11 April 2017
12 April 2017
Downloads: 178
Views: 2848
Abstract: Since the outbreak of credit risk, researching on corporate credit rating has been brought into investors, the government and scholars focus. This paper constructs an optimal K-means clustering Group Method of Data Handling model can effectively improve the accuracy of rating results, reduce the computational complexity, and this paper proves the model under the least squares estimation can get the optimal results. This article uses Chinese corporate credit rating and financial indexes to study, comparing its results with the concequences of Hidden Markov GMDH model and other traditional neural network models. The empirical outcomes show that the K-means clustering GMDH model is better than Hidden Markov GMDH model and the remaining four neural network models, indicating that the method can effectively improve the accuracy of corporate credit rating assessment and reduce the cost of rating.
Abstract: Since the outbreak of credit risk, researching on corporate credit rating has been brought into investors, the government and scholars focus. This paper constructs an optimal K-means clustering Group Method of Data Handling model can effectively improve the accuracy of rating results, reduce the computational complexity, and this paper proves the m...
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An Empirical Study on the Customer Loyalty to Sports Goods Brand
Zhang Yu,
Li Pengsong,
Cao Houwen,
Cao Ling,
Li Na
Volume 5, Issue 3, June 2017
21 April 2017
21 April 2017
Abstract: The research objective is to explore the formation mechanism of the customer loyalty to sports goods brand and improve the competitiveness of sports goods enterprises. Based on the review of relevant literatures, this paper mainly applied regression analysis method in empirical research. It concluded that the perceived quality is positively correlated with customer value and customer value is positively correlated with customer satisfaction, while customer’s satisfaction is positively correlated with customer loyalty.
Abstract: The research objective is to explore the formation mechanism of the customer loyalty to sports goods brand and improve the competitiveness of sports goods enterprises. Based on the review of relevant literatures, this paper mainly applied regression analysis method in empirical research. It concluded that the perceived quality is positively correla...
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Statistical Simulation for the Invertibility Test of Binary Random Matrices
Volume 5, Issue 3, June 2017
21 April 2017
21 April 2017
Abstract: One specific mathematical problem is discussed by combining the knowledge of statistical simulation and linear algebra. Aiming to solve this easy-to-understand yet hard-to-answer problem, this paper tries in two ways to test the invertibility of large random binary matrices. By generating random entries of the matrices, and using sparse sampling strategies to get matrices, we also consider programming techniques in order to break the bottleneck of computing power. The proportion of singular matrices changes with the increase of matrix order and the trend is presented. The advantages and disadvantages of the methods are also analyzed from the aspects of result accuracy, time efficiency and applicability. This paper is an example of computer-aided teaching to assist students in enhancing their understanding and practical ability.
Abstract: One specific mathematical problem is discussed by combining the knowledge of statistical simulation and linear algebra. Aiming to solve this easy-to-understand yet hard-to-answer problem, this paper tries in two ways to test the invertibility of large random binary matrices. By generating random entries of the matrices, and using sparse sampling st...
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Investigation and Analysis on Leadership Training of Chinese College Students-Example from DLUT
Shuo Zhang,
Yingmin Li,
Bin Liu,
Shengfa Wang,
Zhigang Yan,
Miao Tian,
Hao Zheng
Volume 5, Issue 3, June 2017
4 May 2017
4 May 2017
Abstract: The article takes a key university of China-Dalian University Of Technology as an example. We investigated 2500 students, analyzing the current situation of their leadership development. We found them having a strong desire to improve their leadership, and they hoped to improve their leadership by social practice. We also analyzed school, family and peer's important role in cultivating students' leadership. Last but not least, we put forward a thought about improving Chinese students’ leadership, which is changing education idea, increasing investment, attaching great importance to the cooperation between intercollege and university-enterprise.
Abstract: The article takes a key university of China-Dalian University Of Technology as an example. We investigated 2500 students, analyzing the current situation of their leadership development. We found them having a strong desire to improve their leadership, and they hoped to improve their leadership by social practice. We also analyzed school, family an...
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Staff’s Practice of Peer Assessment in the International Classroom in UK HE
Volume 5, Issue 3, June 2017
4 May 2017
4 May 2017
Abstract: Influenced by social constructivism emphasizing students’ responsibility for their own learning, peer assessment has become popular in many UK universities, which facilitates inquiry into learning by the learner through integration of understanding from active engagement in assessment and collaboration with staff and classmates [1]. As increasingly large numbers of international students come to study in the UK, staff have had to face issues of how to provide an appropriate assessment experience for them. Hence, how to inspire students’ performance of peer assessment and make it effective in the international classroom is a challenge for staff. This paper is part of a project studying on international students’ perceptions and experience of peer assessment. In this paper, we particularly discuss practice of peer assessment from staff’s point of view in relation to internationalization of curriculum and pedagogy in UK HE, by employing a case study methodology complemented by observation in the teaching sessions and interviews with staff in a UK university. The research would contribute to a better understanding of peer assessment in the international classroom in UK HE from staff’s perspective, and in turn to an enhancement of pedagogical approaches and assessment innovation.
Abstract: Influenced by social constructivism emphasizing students’ responsibility for their own learning, peer assessment has become popular in many UK universities, which facilitates inquiry into learning by the learner through integration of understanding from active engagement in assessment and collaboration with staff and classmates [1]. As increasingly...
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