Research Article
Sky Is the Limit: Examining the Evolution of Indo-Israel Defence Relations
Zahoor Ahmad Dar*
Farooq Ahmad Malik
Volume 10, Issue 3, September 2024
5 July 2024
24 July 2024
6 August 2024
Abstract: The symbiotic relationship between India and Israel is underpinned by their parallel experiences following the tumultuous partition. The steadfast adherence to democratic principles, joint efforts to counter belligerent neighboring states, and the mounting specter of transnational terrorism have further cemented their bond. This research paper delves into the evolution of India's diplomatic entente with Israel. Geopolitically, the two nations have collaborated in counterterrorism, defense, intelligence coordination, research, and advancements in the scientific and technological domains. Their bilateral cooperation has extended to encompass agriculture, water resource management, trade, tourism, and cultural exchange, consequently bolstering their strategic partnership for mutual benefit. This paper scrutinizes the intricate strategic alignment forged between India and Israel in 1992, which marked the conclusion of a protracted diplomatic estrangement spanning over four decades subsequent to their declarations of independence. It principally focuses on their concerted endeavors in counterterrorism, encompassing initiatives such as mutual information sharing, implementation of counterterrorism strategies, amplification of telecommunications infrastructure, and fortification of internet networks. The study supplies a comprehensive scrutiny of the multifaceted challenges confronting India in combatting terrorist threats within its borders, taking into consideration both international dynamics and domestic political barriers that influence the country's collaborative pursuits with Israel. Moreover, it meticulously evaluates the catalytic role of the Narendra Modi administration in strengthening the defense alliance between the two nations.
Abstract: The symbiotic relationship between India and Israel is underpinned by their parallel experiences following the tumultuous partition. The steadfast adherence to democratic principles, joint efforts to counter belligerent neighboring states, and the mounting specter of transnational terrorism have further cemented their bond. This research paper delv...
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Research Article
Semiotics and Symbolic Politics in the Reception of Seventeenth-Century Art: Reflections on Guercino's Prometheus
Volume 10, Issue 3, September 2024
6 June 2024
20 June 2024
30 August 2024
Abstract: As happens in almost all eras, contemporary thinkers have been able to prepare new tools for understanding the historical phases that preceded them. Tools that have led to new disciplinary directions and new interpretative methods: think of semiotics which in relation to the artistic field has highlighted alternative exhibition languages for reading paintings; or to the philosophical question of symbolic politics. With these tools it has been possible to read the timeless myth of Prometheus with a decidedly original key and in the modern age we see a clear revival in the use of this myth, both in political essays, in philosophy, in literature and in art. Also because Prometheus brings with him many messages also based on how one wants to think of him, whether free to grant the flame to humanity or chained due to the punishment of Zeus. With this essay, we try to read the interpretation of Prometheus by one of the most important painters of the European seventeenth century, Giovan Francesco Barbieri known as Guercino who at the age of 25 decided to open the Academy of the Nude in his hometown, Cento between Bologna and Ferrara, for very young aspiring painters, and it is precisely in the rooms of that art school that he frescoed his first and only Prometheus in the act of granting flame to the inanimate clay statue. A gesture that marks the meaning of art considered one of the highest human virtues.
Abstract: As happens in almost all eras, contemporary thinkers have been able to prepare new tools for understanding the historical phases that preceded them. Tools that have led to new disciplinary directions and new interpretative methods: think of semiotics which in relation to the artistic field has highlighted alternative exhibition languages for readin...
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Review Article
Affirmative Action in Higher Education: A Systematic Literature Review
Samson Worku Teshome*
Volume 10, Issue 3, September 2024
17 August 2024
27 August 2024
11 September 2024
Downloads: 1209
Views: 1886
Abstract: This systematic literature review aimed to synthesize the existing literature on affirmative action in higher education. In the literature search, the researcher used different electronic databases. The databases used were ERIC, JSTOR, Willey, and Google Scholar. Search terms were formulated and applied to the online databases. A total of 80 study articles were identified, and 15 studies were included in the study after applying inclusion, exclusion, and quality assessment criteria. Research questions guided the review process. PICO was used to formulate the research questions. The paper was prepared using the planning, protocol, extraction, analysis, and reporting stages. This systematic review followed the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) criteria and used Zotero for reference management. The study revealed that affirmative action is provided to promote equity and access for minority and historically discriminated subgroups who wish to participate in higher education. Affirmative action is a controversial issue in higher education. Research on the effects of affirmative action in higher education has resulted in mixed outcomes. Researchers in the study of affirmative action in higher education used various research methods. The systematic literature review conducted also showed that there are still gaps in affirmative action research in higher education. To this effect, further study could be done in the future on the impact of affirmative action on students’ performance and attainment, the impact of affirmative action on labor market outcomes and earnings, and graduate rates of beneficiaries. Finally, it is uncertain what the future holds for affirmative action.
Abstract: This systematic literature review aimed to synthesize the existing literature on affirmative action in higher education. In the literature search, the researcher used different electronic databases. The databases used were ERIC, JSTOR, Willey, and Google Scholar. Search terms were formulated and applied to the online databases. A total of 80 study ...
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Research Article
Legislative Pioneers: The Brave South Korean Women Spearheading Change Against Gender Discrimination, Violence, and Inequality Through Progressive Laws
Abdul Qayyum Gondal*,
Zulkarnan Hatta
Volume 10, Issue 3, September 2024
4 June 2024
25 June 2024
29 September 2024
Abstract: In South Korea, women have a long history of fighting against injustice. This includes brutality and discrimination based on gender. This study looks at how South Korean women led the way. The aim of this writing is to examine the critical role played by female lawmakers in South Korea as they lead the charge in passing progressive legislation to fight inequality, violence, and gender discrimination. The study explores the historical background of women's political engagement in South Korea, stressing the rise of women's rights movements and the difficulties experienced by female activists in promoting gender equality. This study proposes to search for the roles of "Legislative Pioneers" in South Korea. It does this by drawing on a thorough assessment of the literature. The paper explores the impact of South Korean women's legislative activism on gender equality through interviews, historical analysis, and official data as mixed approach by both quantitative as well as qualitative methodology. The transformative impact of women legislators in driving legislative reforms aimed at addressing gender-based violence, promoting gender equality in the workplace, and enhancing women's political representation and participation is examined in this paper through an analysis of legislative initiatives and policy outcomes. The conversation also looks at the obstacles and difficulties faced by female parliamentarians, such as institutional impediments in the political system and opposition from conservative forces. Notwithstanding these obstacles, female lawmakers persist in promoting progressive reforms, capitalizing on global connections and partnerships to propel gender parity and women's entitlements in South Korea. In summary, the study illuminates the noteworthy accomplishments of legislative trailblazers in South Korea and underscores their pivotal function in cultivating a society that is more comprehensive and just for every person.
Abstract: In South Korea, women have a long history of fighting against injustice. This includes brutality and discrimination based on gender. This study looks at how South Korean women led the way. The aim of this writing is to examine the critical role played by female lawmakers in South Korea as they lead the charge in passing progressive legislation to f...
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