Revealing Unknown Facts About the History of the Deportation of the Chechens and the Ingush to Middle Asia and Kazakhstan
Volume 9, Issue 2, June 2023
6 December 2022
5 January 2023
22 May 2023
Abstract: This article is devoted to the detection of unknown facts about the deportation of Chechens and Ingush from the territory of their residence in Chechen Republic to Middle Asia and Kazakhstan. The relevance of the topic of deported peoples is important for the world community as a whole, because an in-depth study of the mistakes made in those years, will make it possible not to make them in the future. At the moment the topic of the deportations of the Caucasian peoples has not yet been thoroughly studied, the whole range of problems that the deported peoples had to face has not yet been fully elucidated. Until recently, the study of this issue was seriously hampered by the extreme narrowness of the source base. It is important to note the fact that there are quite different approaches to the study of the topic of deportations, and the works devoted to this problem are quite diverse in their methodological essence. During the research I tried to reveal unknown facts about the deportation. As a result of the conducted studies, based on historical facts and archival data, I have identified various versions of the reasons for the deportation and the expulsion of peoples to Central Asia and Kazakhstan. The actual data as well as the versions proposed by the Soviet leadership have been studied.
Abstract: This article is devoted to the detection of unknown facts about the deportation of Chechens and Ingush from the territory of their residence in Chechen Republic to Middle Asia and Kazakhstan. The relevance of the topic of deported peoples is important for the world community as a whole, because an in-depth study of the mistakes made in those years,...
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Development of Short Story Teaching Materials in the Form of Digital Comics
Agnes Novayanti,
Suherli Kusmana,
Iyay Robia Khaerudin
Volume 9, Issue 2, June 2023
10 May 2022
21 December 2022
25 May 2023
Abstract: This study aims to develop teaching materials in the form of digital comics on short stories material that will be used as learning media. This teaching material in the form of digital comic media has never been used in short story material. To achieve the objectives in this study, the research and development method (Research and Development) was developed by Borg and Gall with the research stages being simplified into six stages. The six stages in this research and development are research and data collection, planning, product draft development, initial field trials, revision of test results and field trials. From this research, the results of teaching materials that meet the criteria as teaching materials are feasible to be used in learning. From the assessment of the validation of teaching materials by experts based on an assessment of the components of the material, language, presentation and graphics, it is known that the level of feasibility of teaching materials in the form of digital comic media is very feasible. Thus the assessment from educators of these components is included in the very feasible category. Based on the implementation of teaching materials in the form of digital comic media, it is known to be effective in learning. This is shown from the results of the questionnaire assessment of the teaching materials developed for students. Based on these results, it can be stated that short story teaching materials through digital comic media are feasible to be used in learning to class XI students of SMA Negeri 1 Subang Kuningan.
Abstract: This study aims to develop teaching materials in the form of digital comics on short stories material that will be used as learning media. This teaching material in the form of digital comic media has never been used in short story material. To achieve the objectives in this study, the research and development method (Research and Development) was ...
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Analysing Somalia Conflict: Involving Actors, Causes, Triggering and Possible Solutions
Volume 9, Issue 2, June 2023
26 September 2022
17 October 2022
25 May 2023
Downloads: 123
Views: 680
Abstract: This study is analyst Somali conflict roots and investigate social effects of this long term conflicts. This paper is analyzing Somali conflict and it is backed up by analyzing and utilizing existing literature as well as reports. It also included include the comprehensive range of conflict dynamics identified, and the way in which factors that are identified as having greater importance are identified and discussed. This paper is Structuration approach of the framework provides a degree of sophistication in distinguishing conflict enablers, such as availability of arms, from sources of tension such as chronic resource shortages unemployment and the limitations of traditional legal frameworks. Furthermore, the essay also presented the possible solutions on Somalia conflict such as it presented to apply indigenous or grass root peace building approach which Somaliland managed its civil wars and conflict and also build democratic political authority which have the popularity as well as legitimacy of its own people. Also this essay identifying the role of actors or agencies of Somalia Conflict by declaring their positions and also underlying interests of the conflicting parties. Finding the causing and triggering factors of Somaliland conflict and long historical linked problems from traditional, and solutions to solve Somaliland Elders and clams are solve their conflict’s in 1991.
Abstract: This study is analyst Somali conflict roots and investigate social effects of this long term conflicts. This paper is analyzing Somali conflict and it is backed up by analyzing and utilizing existing literature as well as reports. It also included include the comprehensive range of conflict dynamics identified, and the way in which factors that are...
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Academia-Industry Linkages: Alternative Platforms for Engagement Under Nigerian Law
Volume 9, Issue 2, June 2023
25 October 2022
25 January 2023
25 May 2023
Abstract: The mandate of Nigerian universities and other institutions of higher learning is to among others, teach and carry on research. The ability of universities to effectively carry on these mandates depend on adequate funding. It is a truism that Universities in Nigeria, both public and private are under funded. The low level funding of public universities in particular, has resulted into low level research outputs. Although there are laws and indeed policies that encourage collaborations between universities, industries and other agencies of government, it does appear that there is low level awareness by researches in leveraging on the existing platforms to bridge the academia- industry gap. This article explores alternative/additional funding options for researches based on collaborative platforms under current laws and policies and concludes that these alternatives/additional funding are not resorted to by researchers largely due to low level awareness of the laws and policies underpinning academia-industry and government collaborations. The inability of universities to take advantage of these platforms has impeded researchers from transforming their research findings into products and services. The article has brought to the fore the need for universities and other institutions of higher learning to explore the legislative and policy framework underpinning collaboration with a view to transforming researches into commercial products and services. The article concludes that universities and indeed other institutions of higher learning engaged in teaching and research do not need to depend wholly on government for funding as is currently the case, rather collaboration with government Ministries, Departments, Agencies (MDAs) and industries is available and are necessary in transforming research outcomes into commercial products and services for the benefit of stakeholders under the applicable intellectual property laws and policies. In so doing, the universities would come closer to bridging the academia –industry gap.
Abstract: The mandate of Nigerian universities and other institutions of higher learning is to among others, teach and carry on research. The ability of universities to effectively carry on these mandates depend on adequate funding. It is a truism that Universities in Nigeria, both public and private are under funded. The low level funding of public universi...
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Corona Pandemic and Internet Comedy in the Egyptian Society (An Analytical Study)
Volume 9, Issue 2, June 2023
31 March 2023
23 April 2023
29 May 2023
Abstract: The current study's problem is represented in the attempt to identify internet comedy during the Corona pandemic and its role in the awareness of the pandemic or warning against it, by analyzing a sample of the most popular comic "figures" on Facebook. The study proceeds from Bergson’s Comedy Theory, and Risk Society Theory of Ulrich Beck. Methodologically, the study uses the descriptive method. The qualitative semiological analysis has been used for 13 comic “posts” related to the Corona pandemic, which are selected purposively. In addition to an electronic questionnaire to detect about The positive and negative effects of comedy from the viewpoint of the general public applying on a sample of 320 persons. The results of the study have showed the importance of comedy as a tool for correcting some wrong behaviors in society in order to change and get rid of them, as Bergson assumes. It is a tool for portraying reality through satire, sarcasm, simulation, or highlighting existing defects and problems. This has been evident from the spread out of comic “posts” that have expressed the extent of fear of the Corona virus and its new mutants, and have criticized the Egyptian people’s disdain for the Corona virus, considering it a normal flu case. This has been with the aim of awareness and caution. The vast majority of the research sample has emphasized the role of comedy as a mechanism for social coping with the pandemic, and for increasing knowledge and awareness during the pandemic.
Abstract: The current study's problem is represented in the attempt to identify internet comedy during the Corona pandemic and its role in the awareness of the pandemic or warning against it, by analyzing a sample of the most popular comic "figures" on Facebook. The study proceeds from Bergson’s Comedy Theory, and Risk Society Theory of Ulrich Beck. Methodol...
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Conceptual Framework of Judicial Review with Reference to Nepal
Volume 9, Issue 2, June 2023
8 November 2022
30 November 2022
31 May 2023
Downloads: 128
Views: 1549
Abstract: The power of the Judicial Review is considered as the touchstone to test constitutionality of the state action including legislation. It brings life and dynamism to the constitutional system. It brings about constitutional clarity and fulfills any gaps that may arise in the constitution. Judicial review controls the arbitrariness of government and protects civil liberties by maintaining the rule of law. The judicial review is exercised to make state organs and bodies as well as government and public officials disciplined and accountable. It is the foundation of constitutional government. The scope of judicial review can be categorized as judicial review of legislation, judicial review of executive action, and judicial review of judicial action. There are several grounds the judiciary can exercise its power. Compliance with the constitution and protection of civilian rights are the fundamental basis of judicial review. The grounds upon which state organs are subject to control by the judicial review have been classified as illegality, irrationality, and procedural impropriety. Its concern is whether a decision-making authority has exceeded its power, committed an error of law, committed a breach of rules of natural justice, and reached a decision without reasonable ground or by abusing its power. The concept of judicial review is not away from criticism. It is often said that judicial review is intolerably uncertain and amounts to little more than a license for judges to interfere arbitrarily with the machinery of government and administration. The power of judicial review has been criticized for being against democratic legitimacy. The question arises that is justifiable for the court to question the validity of the actions of the elected members of the parliament. This question makes the concept of judicial review as the most controversial feature of the Constitution. But this right is not an authority to make the court higher and more powerful than other organs, but it is a means to establish constitutional supremacy and rule of law.
Abstract: The power of the Judicial Review is considered as the touchstone to test constitutionality of the state action including legislation. It brings life and dynamism to the constitutional system. It brings about constitutional clarity and fulfills any gaps that may arise in the constitution. Judicial review controls the arbitrariness of government and ...
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Teachers Who Differentiate Instruction: A Comparative Study
Volume 9, Issue 2, June 2023
20 October 2022
15 November 2022
6 June 2023
Abstract: Differentiated instruction (DI) is a curriculum framework that focuses on the individual student. Students achieve because teachers develop lessons to the students’ readiness levels, interests, and learning styles. Students in early childhood through college have shown increased achievement when DI is implemented. The purpose of this quantitative, causal comparative study was to compare self-efficacy about DI and the frequency DI was implemented between first-year teachers and teachers with more than one-year of experience. The problem is teachers often do not implement DI in the classroom because it is perceived as too challenging. This study obtained information from 97 first through fifth grade teacher participants. The participants were randomly selected from 4 southwest Oklahoma elementary schools. A quantitative, causal-comparative research method was implemented to determine if there was a difference between teachers’ self-efficacy about DI and the frequency teachers implement DI in their classrooms. The findings from the One-Way MANOVA statistical test revealed there was a significant difference of p <.05 between first year teachers and teachers with more than one year of experience for self-efficacy and frequency DI was implemented. By investigating whether first year teachers or teachers with more than one year of experience were more likely to implement DI, the field of education will gain a better understanding on how to improve either teacher preparation programs for first-year teachers or professional trainings/mentorships for teachers with more than one-year of experience.
Abstract: Differentiated instruction (DI) is a curriculum framework that focuses on the individual student. Students achieve because teachers develop lessons to the students’ readiness levels, interests, and learning styles. Students in early childhood through college have shown increased achievement when DI is implemented. The purpose of this quantitative, ...
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The Principle of Legal Certainty: Concept and Main Characteristics
Gribova Evangelina Nikolaevna
Volume 9, Issue 2, June 2023
11 November 2022
4 January 2023
10 June 2023
Downloads: 111
Views: 602
Abstract: The article is devoted to the disclosure of the concept of legal certainty, the problem of finding certainty in law, since the emergence of legal conflicts and legal disputes are often associated with the search for certainty in law. It is advisable to find out whether the principle of legal certainty is a principle of law or is it a non-legal nature. It is argued that the principle of legal certainty is a general principle of law and, together with other fundamental legal maxims, such as the principle of the rule of law, underlies all legal systems, both international and national. The aim of the study is a comprehensive theoretical understanding of the principle of legal certainty: the formulation of its concept, the disclosure of its content and system of requirements based on the analysis of legislation and judicial practice, the clarification of its place in the system of principles of Russian and foreign law and the relationship with other principles of law, the definition of its role and functions in the implementation of legal regulation. The conclusions are drawn that, despite its name, the principle of legal certainty is perhaps the most uncertain in its content. Its provisions, repeatedly repeated in the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, cannot be considered exhaustive and final, since the European Court of Human Rights and the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, following the concept of an evolutionary interpretation of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of 1950, continues to reveal new facets and meanings this principle.
Abstract: The article is devoted to the disclosure of the concept of legal certainty, the problem of finding certainty in law, since the emergence of legal conflicts and legal disputes are often associated with the search for certainty in law. It is advisable to find out whether the principle of legal certainty is a principle of law or is it a non-legal natu...
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The Historical Influence of Stress, Intonation and Pause on the Meaning of a Sentence
Pohandoy Mohammad Reza Rahyab,
Pohanmal Mohammad Amin Ebtihaj
Volume 9, Issue 2, June 2023
29 November 2022
26 January 2023
15 June 2023
Abstract: The language has specific structure and system, when a speaker of a language talks he/she puts the words in the correct order without paying attention. It is possible that the structure of a language categorize in different levels; phonic structure, lexical structure, and syntactic structure make the dividable levels of language which speakers of languages follow the all of the mentioned miniature structures during their talking and they have learnt method of using of these structures in their childhood and without any pause and concentration put the partials of phonic, phonological and patterns of combinational in correct order and use them correctly. In addition of mentioned miniature structures, another structure is in languages which speakers use that during the speaking according to their necessity but this structure is not based on structure of speech indeed, depending on time, situation and purpose make the speaker to use it until the word, phrase, clause and sentence state in special manner. It is a historical truth that has a long history as the human languages have. The words, phrases, clauses and sentences in addition of their grammatical meaning, also have particular and secondary meaning which known by stress on a word, specific intonation of a phrase, clause and sentence and pause between the mentioned parts. These situations take place based on our different purposes.
Abstract: The language has specific structure and system, when a speaker of a language talks he/she puts the words in the correct order without paying attention. It is possible that the structure of a language categorize in different levels; phonic structure, lexical structure, and syntactic structure make the dividable levels of language which speakers of l...
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A Discursive Analysis and Media Apology of the Speech Delivered on January 11, 2021 by Former President Jovenel Moïse
Volume 9, Issue 2, June 2023
1 July 2022
1 August 2022
15 June 2023
Abstract: The various criticisms addressed by social media and by some economic experts, whether Haitian or foreign, suggest that the words of former President Jovenel Moïse have a direct effect on the functioning of the Haitian economy as head of state. Thus, this article focuses on this former President of the Republic of Haiti, His Excellency Mr. Jovenel Moïse. The analysis of this discourse is made taking into account the usual categories of the analysis of the content of the speech, the elements of which are the following: (1) the themes treated in the speech (2) the orientation of the speech (3) the values conveyed in the speech (4) the means proposed by the speaker to achieve his values (5) the social characteristics of the speaker (6) the references of the speech (7) the overall analysis of the discourse dividing into the identification of the theses involved, the analysis of the presuppositions and the study of the system of enunciation. Finally, we interpret discursive analysis by studying the paradoxical injunction and the double constraint. In this speech, President Jovenel Moïse aimed to: (1) enable stakeholders to take effective and efficient actions in the face of Haitian economic crises; (2) make statements about the current state of Haiti; (3) express dissatisfaction with the functioning of the country. This discourse is also part of a logic of influence of the mechanistic type where the PREPOC is personified and valued. To apologize, he aims at the same time to empower the demonstrators, the bandits and his predecessors, he creates a situation of double constraint between him who assumes his speech and his predecessors and the Haitian citizens whom she paints as incapable and irresponsible.
Abstract: The various criticisms addressed by social media and by some economic experts, whether Haitian or foreign, suggest that the words of former President Jovenel Moïse have a direct effect on the functioning of the Haitian economy as head of state. Thus, this article focuses on this former President of the Republic of Haiti, His Excellency Mr. Jovenel ...
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