Philosophical Reflection on the Value Hierarchy According to Max Scheler
Theodorus Christian Gunawan
Volume 7, Issue 3, September 2021
19 May 2021
29 July 2021
18 August 2021
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Abstract: Axiology as a philosophical study has been in great demand since ancient Greece. There are quite a number of philosophers who have tried to discuss axiology. Problems and studies of axiology have developed along with the progress of the times. In the present era, axiology is increasingly being developed to study various contemporary issues related to values. One of the philosophers of axiology is Max Scheler. The German-born philosopher came up with the concept of value which is very a priori material in nature. This concept of value is included in understanding objective values. Scheler also created a hierarchy or level of values, starting from the lowest to the highest. The theory of Max Scheler regarding the hierarchy of values has had a significant influence on the development of the contemporary world; specifically regarding values and their application in everyday life. This hierarchy of values is certainly very influential for contemporary humans; especially to raise awareness and provide an understanding that needs to be related to which values need to be fought for and become a priority to be realized. Thus, Max Scheler's hierarchy of values has been very influential to date. This relevance is of course very important to be continuously reflected.
Abstract: Axiology as a philosophical study has been in great demand since ancient Greece. There are quite a number of philosophers who have tried to discuss axiology. Problems and studies of axiology have developed along with the progress of the times. In the present era, axiology is increasingly being developed to study various contemporary issues related ...
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Review on Adoption of Irrigation and Its Impact on Household Livelihood in Ethiopia
Volume 7, Issue 3, September 2021
27 July 2021
12 August 2021
23 August 2021
Abstract: Agriculture remains the mainstay of the Ethiopian economy. However, in the country, traditional rain fed smallholder farmers dominates the agricultural sector. Thus, Ethiopia has a huge potential of water resources. Nevertheless, there is a vast gap between the irrigated area (only about 10% of the total cultivated land) and irrigation potential in the country. In Ethiopia, still about 97% of food crops are produced by traditional rain-fed agriculture. Thus, the agricultural production activity is highly depends on seasonally rain-fed farming practice. Moreover, the adoption of irrigation and its impact on household livelihood which can be used as the major policy issue have not been well reviewed earlier. Therefore, the objective of this review is to identify the factors affecting the adoption of irrigation, and its impact on household livelihoods. The review indicated that age of household head, sex of household head, total livestock unit, land size, education level, family size, market distance from the farmer’s residence, access to a water source and off farm job participation are significant determinants of adoption of irrigation. Institutional factors like credit service, participation in community leadership, access to agricultural input and extension service are also significant determinant factors. Since the adoption of irrigation practice has significant impact in improving household livelihoods, actions should be taken by the farmer’s, extension agents, stakeholders and generally by the Ethiopian government to make a huge improvement on the irrigation farming in the country.
Abstract: Agriculture remains the mainstay of the Ethiopian economy. However, in the country, traditional rain fed smallholder farmers dominates the agricultural sector. Thus, Ethiopia has a huge potential of water resources. Nevertheless, there is a vast gap between the irrigated area (only about 10% of the total cultivated land) and irrigation potential in...
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Institutionalization of Democratic Institutions, Challenges, and Prospects Post-1991 Ethiopia: The Electoral Process of Ethiopia
Volume 7, Issue 3, September 2021
1 July 2021
30 July 2021
23 August 2021
Abstract: The electoral process is understood as a continuous process often divided into three periods: the pre-election, Election and post-election period. The harmonies run of this course of action can support the democratic system. Currently, it has become an essential component of democratic development too. Due to this, countries in the world have started to look critically about election management for supporting the electoral process, Ethiopia is no exception. Since the adoption of multiparty politics in 1991 the electoral process and its practice become challenge in Ethiopia. So this paper aimed at assessing the challenges and prospects of institutionalizing the electoral process of Ethiopia since 1991. To this end, a descriptive case study design and qualitative approach were employed to gather data from both primary and secondary sources. Primary data were collected using in-depth interviews, key-informants, and FGD methods from purposively selected individuals. Again secondary data such as Books, a chapter in a book, a journal article, other research works, and webpages were used. It also employed the grounded theory analysis method, the data obtained from data collection was followed by creating themes, identification of topics, and sub-topics that are organized and rearranged logically by the investigator to make the analysis more convenient. The finding of the study shows that the Electoral process faces a continuous challenge from both the side of NEBE which exhibited sluggish institutional development with influenced and unprofessional electoral official made trouble on the issue of integrality in the conduct election. Outside of the board insecurity, Electoral conflict, and inactive Media and NGOs, inequitable representation and incompetent parties were the challenges of the electoral process. Conversely, there were practical attempts on the quality of conducting a free and fair election. However, it was not sufficient for institutionalizing the electoral process. The study revealed that the government could play a role as advocator, initiator, and implementer of reform agendas in cooperation with opposition political parties. Medias and NGOs can undertake civic and voter educations, both are ‘Watchdogs’ and can monitor the election process. Finally, the technical or material support given as a form of Electoral assistance is significant to the electoral process. Accordingly, the prospects were the opening of political space, reforms, and experience of the board, reforms on other mutual democratic institutions, and the flourishing of various independent Media. Further, the confidence of the board can initiate external electoral support and assistance, including Diasporas.
Abstract: The electoral process is understood as a continuous process often divided into three periods: the pre-election, Election and post-election period. The harmonies run of this course of action can support the democratic system. Currently, it has become an essential component of democratic development too. Due to this, countries in the world have start...
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Non-random Distribution of Geographical Locations in Iran Where the Name Fairy Exists and a Look at the Poem "Fairy" Shamloo
Volume 7, Issue 3, September 2021
11 June 2021
3 August 2021
27 August 2021
Abstract: Fairy has a special place in Iranian popular literature, whether it is a remnant of the pre-Aryan goddess or a beautiful and well-liked character of the Iranians against the Indian deities. In Indian mythology, ostriches are depicted as Fairies living in springs or seas, and in the arid land of Iran, a fairy with water is seen in the names of places and springs. The Fairy is considered to be opposite to the demon, but there are hints that classify the two as one and distinguish them on the basis of sex, or good and evil, and recognize fairies as the identical source of the demon and the Fairy, and at least, He knows the fairy comes out of the air and water. This descriptive-analytical study has examined the reflection of the word Fairy in Iranian geographical letters and Persian poetry and proverbs, and has identified three attitudes: the confrontation of a Fairy with a male demon, the kindness and guidance of a Fairy, and its continuity. With water and fertility, while honoring Indo-Iranian ideas and dissimilarity to Zoroastrian thought, it has reflected the collective unconscious need of Iranians to increase fertility in their agricultural life; Witchcraft, intimidation, and other misdeeds of Fairies are also associated with the beliefs of Zoroastrian Iranians, who despise pre-Zoroastrian ideas and portray Fairies as enchanting, enchanting, ugly, and unholy. The beauty of Fairy in the Islamic period, while honoring the ideas of Madaistan Perikani, is based on the humiliation of Zoroastrian ideas. Findings show that these three approaches are seen in Iranian literature and culture and the second approach in the poem "Fairy" includes, and the approach of sanctity of fairies and their connection with water in non-random registrations of places. The multiplicity of the name Peri in Azerbaijan, Kurdistan and Lorestan indicates the protection of the ancient pre-Zoroastrian rituals, the struggle against drought and the idea of honoring agriculture, water and development.
Abstract: Fairy has a special place in Iranian popular literature, whether it is a remnant of the pre-Aryan goddess or a beautiful and well-liked character of the Iranians against the Indian deities. In Indian mythology, ostriches are depicted as Fairies living in springs or seas, and in the arid land of Iran, a fairy with water is seen in the names of place...
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Death as a Condition of Life: On the Question of Individual Immortality of Man
Vladimir Alexandrovich Rybin
Volume 7, Issue 3, September 2021
15 May 2021
4 June 2021
8 September 2021
Abstract: Nowadays, a paradoxical situation arises: scientific and technological progress is an undoubted good, but at the same time it creates a threat to the continued existence of wildlife and the human race. To overcome this contradiction, it is necessary to develop a fundamentally new and more concrete understanding of the phenomenon of life. All existing approaches to the study of life are one-sided, since they do not pay due attention to the phenomenon of death. Science connects death with an increase in entropy. Philosophy focuses on ascending evolution and puts the problem of death on the back burner. As a result, death is seen as something completely opposite to life. Such an approach naturally creates a passive attitude to death in all spheres of culture, including medicine. To overcome this situation, it is necessary to realize the fact that the existence of living organisms involves a combination of opposite processes. This is synthesis and decay, renewal and degradation, complication and simplification. Life and death form an indissoluble unity. This leads to a number of general conclusions. Death is a condition of life. The main property of living beings is the ability to die. A person is a unique being who is able to die in a special way, namely, for an extremely long time, in the process of aging. In modern medicine, this circumstance is not taken into account. Therefore, all technologies for extending a person's life are applied only to the late, final stages of the life process. A new medical doctrine is needed. Medicine should delay death at earlier stages of the life of a human individual. This means that modern diseases of civilization (cardiovascular diseases and oncology) should not be treated, but prevented by shifting them to a later date. Such an approach opens up the prospect of unlimited prolongation of the life of both an individual and the whole of humanity already beyond the limits of natural nature, that is, at the super-natural level of human culture.
Abstract: Nowadays, a paradoxical situation arises: scientific and technological progress is an undoubted good, but at the same time it creates a threat to the continued existence of wildlife and the human race. To overcome this contradiction, it is necessary to develop a fundamentally new and more concrete understanding of the phenomenon of life. All existi...
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The Policy of the Functioning of States in the Conditions of the Eighth Technological Order
Valery Vladimirovich Glushchenko
Volume 7, Issue 3, September 2021
6 August 2021
4 September 2021
23 September 2021
Abstract: The subject of the article is the policy of functioning of states in the conditions of the eighth technological order; the object of the article is the state in the eighth technological order; the purpose of the work is to increase the efficiency of the processes of adaptation of the state in the eighth technological order; to achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved: the geopolitical and socio-economic roles and the results of the influence of the eighth technological order (mode) on the geopolitical status and processes of functioning of the state are studied; a systematic analysis of the sequence of technological orders is carried out; the image of the future of the eighth technological order is described; the tasks of the state functioning policy in the eighth technological order are considered; criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the state functioning policy in the eighth technological order are proposed; the scientific methods of this article are: the theory of hierarchical systems; historical, systemic, comparative and logical analysis; political science, heuristic synthesis, system approach, heuristic design, expert assessments, the theory of efficiency; The scientific novelty of the work is determined by the formation of the image of the future of the eighth technological order, the development of a policy for the transition of the state to the eighth technological order, the formation of a system, indicators of the effectiveness of the state's entry into the eighth technological order.
Abstract: The subject of the article is the policy of functioning of states in the conditions of the eighth technological order; the object of the article is the state in the eighth technological order; the purpose of the work is to increase the efficiency of the processes of adaptation of the state in the eighth technological order; to achieve this goal, th...
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Challenges, Coping Mechanisms and the Support Accorded to Student-mothers in Academic Pursuit: A Case Study of Egerton University, Nakuru County
Kiburi Racheal Kanana,
Josephine Obonyo,
Charles Kamau Wambu
Volume 7, Issue 3, September 2021
18 August 2021
31 August 2021
23 September 2021
Abstract: Education is an important aspect in development as it strengthens nations and empowers people thus making it critical to Kenya’s attainment of Vision 2030. Education benefits society, communities, and individuals across the globe. Today, there is a high number of student mothers in institutions of higher learning whereby the demands in academic pursuit conflicts with motherhood responsibilities thus affecting their academic performance. Despite the existence of guidelines and policies on return to school, student mothers continue to face challenges in pursuit for education. The aim of this study was to examine determinants of schooling challenges, coping mechanisms and the support accorded to student mothers in their pursuit for higher education. The study adopted role conflict theory. A cross-sectional survey research design was used for this study. The study population was 360 student mothers. Simple random sampling procedure was used to obtain a sample size of 101 respondents. The data was collected using interview schedules and semi structured questionnaires. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. From the study findings, 80% of the respondents reported that economic challenge was a hindrance to academic performance. The findings indicated that 92% of the respondents had time management hurdle with respect to lecture attendance, co- curricular activities, childcare responsibilities, and domestic chores, academic trips, taking the child to clinic, assignments submission, academic group discussions and academic trainings. About 96% of respondents agreed that they received family support to meet day to day expenses while learning. From the study findings this study proposes the loan award criteria by HELB should be revised to incorporate student mothers as special group of loan applicants. Greater institutional and family support should be encouraged in order to strengthen positive coping mechanisms by student mothers in dealing with unavailability of adequate financial and family support.
Abstract: Education is an important aspect in development as it strengthens nations and empowers people thus making it critical to Kenya’s attainment of Vision 2030. Education benefits society, communities, and individuals across the globe. Today, there is a high number of student mothers in institutions of higher learning whereby the demands in academic pur...
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