Reflection on “Language Bribery” and Its Governance Strategies——Based on the Analysis of Agenda-Setting Theory
Volume 4, Issue 6, December 2018
19 November 2018
7 December 2018
7 January 2019
Downloads: 70
Views: 1250
Abstract: At present, the problem of micro-corruption such as “language bribery” is getting increasingly serious. It is of great practical significance to analyze the internal causes and put forward feasible countermeasures. On the basis of summarizing the existing researches of scholars in the academic circle, this paper summarizes the main performance of “language bribery”, and uses the Agenda-setting Theory to examine the influences and causes of “language bribery”. Finally, the article puts forward the corresponding governance strategies. “Language bribery” is characterized by the vague expression of “official duty” and “deputy duty”, caused by the prominent rank of “resume” and “ability”, and influenced by the bureaucracy growth of “relationship-seeking” and “rent-seeking”. According to the Agenda-setting Theory, correcting the communication idea of “official standard”, improving the communication method of “deliberative” and optimizing the communication strategy of “public opinion field” are the good strategies to control “language bribery”. In addition, tackling the problem of “language bribery” requires the joint efforts of the government, society and citizens. The government only plays a guiding role in the process of governance, and the society and citizens are the backbone force to solve this problem. For scholars, it is necessary to further elaborate the research issues and examine the causes and influences of “language bribery” from different perspectives. Only in this way can China’s anti-corruption governance be effective.
Abstract: At present, the problem of micro-corruption such as “language bribery” is getting increasingly serious. It is of great practical significance to analyze the internal causes and put forward feasible countermeasures. On the basis of summarizing the existing researches of scholars in the academic circle, this paper summarizes the main performance of “...
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Effects of Present Economic Situation on the Rate of Birth in Ilorin Metropolis
Udokang Anietie Edem,
Adeoye Akeem O.
Volume 4, Issue 6, December 2018
27 August 2016
12 December 2016
14 January 2019
Downloads: 103
Views: 1347
Abstract: In this research, questionnaire and interview method were used to collect data. Chi-square was used to analyze the data and from the analysis income has a great input on the number of children and also that the number of children depends on type of marriage. Hence, economy has a great impact on the rate of birth of the respondents. We thereby recommended that people should give birth to the number of children they can cater for and that government should improve the general welfare of its citizens by introduction of free basic education and free health care.
Abstract: In this research, questionnaire and interview method were used to collect data. Chi-square was used to analyze the data and from the analysis income has a great input on the number of children and also that the number of children depends on type of marriage. Hence, economy has a great impact on the rate of birth of the respondents. We thereby recom...
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The Mandela Rules: New Standards for the Human Rights of Prisoners
Volume 4, Issue 6, December 2018
2 December 2018
21 December 2018
18 January 2019
Downloads: 274
Views: 1695
Abstract: The Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners were adopted in 1955 by the First United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders. Though they are not of legally binding nature, they have remained an important reference for criminal legislation and judicial reform in various countries in the past fifty years. Fifty years later, on October 7, 2015, the new Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, known as the Mandela Rules, were officially introduced, which revised the old Rules from nine aspects. The aim of the study is to provide accurate reference for countries to improve their domestic laws with reference to the changes in prisoners’ human rights standards reflected in the revised contents of the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners after fifty years. The method adopted in the study is the text analysis method and historical research method. The study analyzes their historical progress by comparing the content and different historical backgrounds of the two texts. Thus, it can be concluded that the revision of human rights standards in the new Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners known as the Mandela Rules has been summarized into four aspects: the emphasis and protection of the basic human rights of prisoners, the new changes in the prisoners’ rights protection mechanism, the major changes in the status of prison medical personnel, and the prudent use of disciplinary sanctions against prisoners. All countries should pay attention to the changes in these four aspects and make reforms and improvements keeping pace with the Times in accordance with their own national conditions when revising their domestic laws.
Abstract: The Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners were adopted in 1955 by the First United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders. Though they are not of legally binding nature, they have remained an important reference for criminal legislation and judicial reform in various countries in the past fifty ye...
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Reflections on 'Dissonance' and 'Receptivity' of Human Organic Natural Intelligence (ONI) with Self-Teaching, Self-Learning, Inorganic Strong Artificial Intelligence (SAI)
Volume 4, Issue 6, December 2018
20 October 2018
17 December 2018
25 January 2019
Downloads: 115
Views: 1345
Abstract: There is substantial evidence that Kin Altruism (KA) in mammals influenced the evolution of organic matter, and Reciprocal Altruism (RA) in non-kin relationships aided desirable outcomes for KA, strongly contributing to human Organic Natural Intelligence, ONI, that manages sociopolitical governance to aid natural selection in organic evolution. In recent decades distinct abilities referred to as Strong Artificial Intelligence, SAI, has emerged in a 'different' setup, namely, inorganic matter. SAI is likely to benefit from greater freedom of inquiry, operation and expression as it is not constrained by the guidelines and or limitations of KA or RA in its operations. Hence, in general, in the context of Global Decision Making, GDM, SAI would pose a challenge to ONI. GDM is DM outside family relationships and signed business contracts. Having to deal with this emerging challenge, ONI would experience Cognitive Dissonance, CD. How would ONI respond to this CD? Further, what broad effect would the different belief structures of the past 2600 years or so that culturally nurtured ONI have on ONI, as it faces this CD challenge? Would those ONI that benefited from 'process- orientation' in belief structures be more welcoming of SAI than those that did not have such experience with belief structures? This paper gathers evidence and reflects on probable outcomes.
Abstract: There is substantial evidence that Kin Altruism (KA) in mammals influenced the evolution of organic matter, and Reciprocal Altruism (RA) in non-kin relationships aided desirable outcomes for KA, strongly contributing to human Organic Natural Intelligence, ONI, that manages sociopolitical governance to aid natural selection in organic evolution. In ...
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Postmodern Glorification of Romance in Updike’s Marry Me: A Romance in Comparison to Austin’s Pride and Prejudice
Volume 4, Issue 6, December 2018
4 September 2018
9 October 2018
25 January 2019
Downloads: 122
Views: 1304
Abstract: According to literary histories, there are many texts and poems which are written within the frame of romance before their being recognized as a specific genre in the 12th century. Although the basis of all romances since its unknown date of birth up to now have been love, travel, and adventure, the presentations of them have changed a lot throughout the history especially during the last decades of the twentieth century when postmodern romances appear to be the popular ones. This research is a comparative examination of traditional and postmodern romance features in Updike’s Marry Me: A Romance in comparison to the conventional romances namely Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. The fundamental idea of this research was trigged by some questions including what is the difference between Marry Me: A Romance and conventional romances namely Pride and Prejudice? And how does John Updike dissociate Marry Me: A Romance from the norms of conventional romance? The answers of these two questions are definitely prerequisite for this research. It explores the points where Updike departs Marry Me from the conventions of romance strategies indicated in Pride and Prejudice which is a traditional romance in terms of form. The researcher scrutinizes the elements of conventional romance in regard to form such as Mythos, Historical Mode, Hero’s Superiority in Degree, Love, and Quest to point out where both novels share the same traditional elements and where Updike detaches Marry Me from those conventions. To do so, mostly the arguments of Northrop Frye on form given in his book: Anatomy of Criticism would be enforced to these novels. The results of the research demonstrate that apparently Updike has changed the conventions of romance to the extent that Marry Me identified as a realistic novel by a number of critics, is truly a postmodern romance with a number of dissociated facets of the traditional ones while Austen’s Pride and Prejudice is doubtlessly a conventional one as it is entirely ardent to the conventions of romance.
Abstract: According to literary histories, there are many texts and poems which are written within the frame of romance before their being recognized as a specific genre in the 12th century. Although the basis of all romances since its unknown date of birth up to now have been love, travel, and adventure, the presentations of them have changed a lot througho...
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