The Pro and Counter Narratives of Anoole Memorial Monument in the Ethiopian Polity
Volume 3, Issue 5, October 2017
21 February 2017
8 March 2017
18 October 2017
Downloads: 273
Views: 3154
Abstract: Monuments play great role to transfer history from one generation to next generation. In Ethiopia, several memorial monuments have been constructed based on internal and external war histories. Historians usually wrote external war histories in which one country fought with another country or external power more or less in similar ways. On the histories of civil war, however, historians sometimes wrote either supporting or opposing, its good or bad side of the civil war. The narratives of civil war histories have been also reproduced by the victim and perpetrator side at different focal points. Accordingly, Anoole memorial monument was constructed based on civil war history happened during the monarchical regime in Ethiopia. The purpose of this study is to examine the Pro and Counter narratives of Anoole memorial monument in the Ethiopian polity. In-depth interview and document analysis are employed as means to generate data. The in-depth interview is held with professionals who have an opposite argument on the narratives of Anoole monument from academic arena (History, Political Science and Fine Art), and political sphere (Blue party, AEUP and OPDO). Three from Academics and three from political sphere in general six professionals are interviewed. Besides, four nongovernment magazines (Konjo, Addis Guday, Jano and Lomi) which gave high coverage for the issue of Anoole monument, and document of Oromia Culture and Tourism Bureau which take the initiation of Anoole memorial monument construction are selected for analysis. The collected data are analyzed qualitatively and the result of the study reveals that the main pro and counter narratives of Anoole memorial monument emphasize on its history that related to power and the design of Anoole statue. The study makes suggestions as to how these contradictory narratives about Anoole monument could be reconciled and the way statues based civil war histories as a commemorative text might be constructed in way that might reduce tensions among different groups.
Abstract: Monuments play great role to transfer history from one generation to next generation. In Ethiopia, several memorial monuments have been constructed based on internal and external war histories. Historians usually wrote external war histories in which one country fought with another country or external power more or less in similar ways. On the hist...
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A Journey of Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Structural Impact of GST on the Growth of GDP in India
Volume 3, Issue 5, October 2017
3 June 2017
16 June 2017
18 October 2017
Downloads: 313
Views: 2807
Abstract: In Developing countries like India, the taxation system is very crucial role in the development of revenues of the country. But India tax system is difficult to understand and in fact for calculation too in case of both direct tax as well as indirect tax. In order to overcome the problems of the government of India tries to simply the direct tax as well as indirect tax, the government made the proposal of introducing GST (goods and services tax) instead of all indirect taxes and DTC (direct tax code) instead of direct tax. But fortunately GST won the first place in the purview of implementation. The government of India is committed to replace all the indirect taxes levied on the services and goods by state and central government in the month of April 2017. This paper made an attempt to explain the level of impact of this GST (goods and services tax) on the growth of the economy, and benefits for the business and government and for the consumers.
Abstract: In Developing countries like India, the taxation system is very crucial role in the development of revenues of the country. But India tax system is difficult to understand and in fact for calculation too in case of both direct tax as well as indirect tax. In order to overcome the problems of the government of India tries to simply the direct tax as...
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Utilization of Internet Resources/Services by Academic Staff of National Water Resources Institute and Federal College of Forestry Mechanization, Kaduna, Kaduna State
Ikegwuiro Patience Uloaku
Volume 3, Issue 5, October 2017
3 June 2017
26 June 2017
23 October 2017
Downloads: 293
Views: 2593
Abstract: The study was undertaken to assess the Internet utilization by researchers in two selected special libraries in Kaduna state. The objectives of the study were to ascertain the type of Internet services that is provided in the special libraries; to know the purpose of using the internet by the researchers; to ascertain the particular Internet search engines researchers prefer to use to locate information on the Internet; to ascertain the degree of satisfaction with the use of Internet services by the researchers; to identify the challenges encountered while using the Internet by the researchers. Survey method of research was adopted. A total number of 102 copies of structured questionnaire were administered, out of which 88 were retrieved. Descriptive statistical tools such as simple percentages and tables were used to analyze the data. Findings of the study revealed that the Internet services mostly used by academic staff is e-mail services because it is important for every researcher to communicate their ideas or thoughts among them, and can send digital file to others as attachment. The study also revealed that the researcher use internet to search and obtain data for research and publication, access e-journals, sending and receiving e-mails etc. though some challenges were discovered to be a hindrance for effective utilization of the Internet by the researchers which include: slow internet service; internet connection failure; inadequate number of connected system. The study recommends that Efforts should be made to increase the speed of the Internet access and shorten the time it takes to view and download web pages by providing more bandwidths; Management of the institution should install internet services that will connect all the offices of the academic staff to enable them have access to internet facilities; More recent models computers should be provided and be connected to internet facilities in the libraries for patrons use; A maintenance programme should be put in place for regular maintenance, up-grading and repairs.
Abstract: The study was undertaken to assess the Internet utilization by researchers in two selected special libraries in Kaduna state. The objectives of the study were to ascertain the type of Internet services that is provided in the special libraries; to know the purpose of using the internet by the researchers; to ascertain the particular Internet search...
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The New Acropolis Museum on Twitter: Seven Years After
Ifigeneia Mylona,
Dimitrios Amanatidis
Volume 3, Issue 5, October 2017
31 December 2016
12 January 2017
24 October 2017
Downloads: 222
Views: 3100
Abstract: Most museums around the world understand the importance of social media in order to promote their services, provide information to their future visitors, enable the communication interaction and create strong relationship with them. In this work we extract all tweets referring to the New Acropolis Museum in Greece. This spans the entire seven year time interval, from the first day that the specific account was created, up to the current day. We analyze the network of tweets and derive valuable information with respect to the engagement of users and discover other structural and conversational patterns that help us gain insight in this dialogue. A simple sentiment analysis reveals that the users hold a positive attitude towards the museum.
Abstract: Most museums around the world understand the importance of social media in order to promote their services, provide information to their future visitors, enable the communication interaction and create strong relationship with them. In this work we extract all tweets referring to the New Acropolis Museum in Greece. This spans the entire seven year ...
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Relationship Between Perceived Stress, Life Satisfaction and Self Esteem Among Females Facing Domestic Violence
Hira Abbas,
Muhammad Waseem Shah
Volume 3, Issue 5, October 2017
10 March 2017
5 April 2017
31 October 2017
Downloads: 325
Views: 3495
Abstract: Domestic violence against females is a very common issue In any culture, religion and ethnicity and several reasons are found to be related with it which probably cause serious health outcomes. The study was undertaken to examine the perceived stress, life satisfaction and self-esteem among females facing domestic violence. It was a correlation research study being conducted in three different centers i.e. Dar-ul-Amaan, Dastak Shelter Homes and Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Human Rights Centre for Women, Lahore Pakistan. Total sample size was 100 subjects who were selected for data collection. Purposive sampling technique was used for data collection, Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) was used for measuring mental stress level [1], Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) and Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (RSE) were used to measure a singular's emotions of self-esteem [2, 3]. The data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 18.0) by keeping 0.05 level of significance. A total of 80 subjects were approached in the study, weak negative relationship between perceived stress and life satisfaction was r (80) = -0.385, p<0.001 and our hypothesis I was accepted; A linear regression analysis revealed that perceived stress was a significant predictor of life satisfaction (β=0.40, p= 0.008) accounting for 16% of the variance in life satisfaction. Concerning the relationship between perceived stress and self-esteem highlights an in-significant relationship was found; r(80)=0.145, p=0.705 thus Hypothesis II was rejected. Also the relationship between life satisfaction and self-esteem was not significant r(80)=0.043, p=0.199 and hypothesis III was rejected. There was considerable negative relationship observed between perceived stress and life satisfaction among females facing domestic violence, an in-significant relationship between life satisfaction and self-esteem and similarly insignificant relationship between perceived stress and self-esteem was found among females facing domestic violence.
Abstract: Domestic violence against females is a very common issue In any culture, religion and ethnicity and several reasons are found to be related with it which probably cause serious health outcomes. The study was undertaken to examine the perceived stress, life satisfaction and self-esteem among females facing domestic violence. It was a correlation res...
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