On Cohen’s Critique of Technology and Social Justice
Volume 5, Issue 2, April 2019
6 December 2018
10 January 2019
12 April 2019
Downloads: 139
Views: 1175
Abstract: It is supposed that to be just in society is the intrinsic pursuit of Marxist theory in Marx’s original text. While as the result of historical context, according to Marx, the just society can be realized in a far future. Cohen holds materialism standpoint to illustrate historical materialism creatively by functional explanation in the modern history context. In a new time with much more advanced science and technology, he is keeping going with the route of Marxism for overcoming the technique alienation and argues that in order to realize freedom, equality and justice, appealing to empirical critique of technology and exploration of social theory is essential. The demonstration of that freedom, equality and justice are compatible, which is a cornerstone of practical just social theory. As Cohen is in the analytical tradition, his creative functional explanation presents obvious empiricism and analytical character. He digs out the key of resolving problem of development in moral dimension apart from the materialism, and conducts the argument to attack the political designs, which separates free distribution in market, quality in society, and just spirit from each other. This essay is intended to figure out Cohen’s argument that is based on the traditional Marxism and stand, while points out a new way to help people reach the just society at the much more near future.
Abstract: It is supposed that to be just in society is the intrinsic pursuit of Marxist theory in Marx’s original text. While as the result of historical context, according to Marx, the just society can be realized in a far future. Cohen holds materialism standpoint to illustrate historical materialism creatively by functional explanation in the modern histo...
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The Existence of Same-Sex Marriage in the Perspective of Human Right and Legal in Indonesia
I. Made Suwitra,
I. Wayan Wesna Astara,
I. Ketut Kasta Arya Wijaya,
I. Made Minggu Widyantara,
Putu Sawitri Nandari
Volume 5, Issue 2, April 2019
16 January 2019
22 March 2019
18 April 2019
Downloads: 162
Views: 1351
Abstract: Marriage Problems in Indonesia before The issuance of Act No. 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage as a State law was regulated in the customary law of each customary law community. Regarding the terms and validity of the marriage submitted to their respective religious law. Therefore, whether such marriage is permitted or not is determined by the laws of each religion. After the issuance of Act No. 1 of 1974, same-sex marriage has not been regulated, but their existence as citizens is not differentiated from other citizens, such as the right to life, the right to work, the right to use the right on politic, the right on education, the right on economy. Therefore the research problem that needs to be studied is how the marriage is seen from the perspective of Human Rights and from the perspective of State Law? The research method used is in the form of normative legal research and empirical legal research with statute approaches, analytical approaches, case approaches, and legal anthropology approaches. Data is then analyzed using hermeneutic and qualitative techniques. Marriage in customary law and state law can only be done between men and women in Balinese customary law are known as purusa and predana, with the main goal of continuing a generation which according to Balinese customary law is called suputra. Marriage is having the aspect of religious, sociological, and juridical. While the tendency shows, same-sex marriage is done by falsifying documents of self-identity so that it is against the state law and customary law which include religious laws. Therefore, those who are only interested in the same sex must make gender choices as part of human rights when they are married to a single status as a male and the other party has the status of a woman who can be legally represented by various documents, as well as sociologically reflected as husband and wife and can be accepted in the community where they are resided.
Abstract: Marriage Problems in Indonesia before The issuance of Act No. 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage as a State law was regulated in the customary law of each customary law community. Regarding the terms and validity of the marriage submitted to their respective religious law. Therefore, whether such marriage is permitted or not is determined by the laws of...
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The Role of Religion in James Joyce`s Dubliners: Cultural Materialism Reading
Maryam Jafari,
Mahnaz Soqandi,
Shiva Zaheri Birgani
Volume 5, Issue 2, April 2019
19 March 2019
23 May 2019
13 June 2019
Downloads: 168
Views: 1379
Abstract: Language, Social identity and Religion are three major concerns of cultural studies. Language in literary texts plays a major role in constructing meaning and reflecting the author`s intention. Likewise religion as a cultural politics is a dominant factor in shaping mind as well in affecting the framework of literary text. Religion is one of the emerging issues in the modern era and forms the backbone of most literary works. Religion as a theme is seen to influence the operation of those who believe in it. It forms the functional framework that predetermines ones actions and behavior. Furthermore, social identity decides on the status of the social class and their material life situation. Social identity relates to how we identify ourselves in relation to others according to what we have in common. All these issues are interrelated since they all cooperate and construct a social and cultural materiality. Proper cultural and social materials and issues such as religious matters. His major short story collection, Dubliners, revolves around the lifestyle of the Irish middle-class in Dublin around the late 1800s and early 1900s. This collection is decorated with violated norms and ritualistic behavior that are part of social constructs. Addressing social, religious and cultural issues, cultural This study aims to clarify how James Joyce`s Dubliners reflects the notions of language, social identity and religion as cultural practices and how they construct social and cultural products within the framework of cultural materialism to show how James Joyce criticizes Irish culture at the beginning of the Twentieth century.
Abstract: Language, Social identity and Religion are three major concerns of cultural studies. Language in literary texts plays a major role in constructing meaning and reflecting the author`s intention. Likewise religion as a cultural politics is a dominant factor in shaping mind as well in affecting the framework of literary text. Religion is one of the em...
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Analysis and Suggestions on the Factors of Income Gap
Volume 5, Issue 2, April 2019
5 May 2019
12 June 2019
25 June 2019
Downloads: 130
Views: 1121
Abstract: Income gap reflects the imbalance of economic development in a region. Excessive income gap will affect social instability, aggravate social contradictions and conflicts, thus hindering social progress and development. Reasonable narrowing of income gap is conducive to optimizing the allocation of resources and improving social production efficiency. Guangdong Province has a high per capita income level in China. With the further development of Guangdong's economy, the income gap has changed to a certain extent, and this issue still attracts much attention. By consulting the basic data obtained from the Guangdong Yearbook in 2018, the Gini coefficient of Guangdong Province in 2018 is 0.335, which is basically reasonable, but it has not reached a relatively average level. The gap between GDP and per capita GDP of the four regions in Guangdong Province (Pearl River Delta, East Wing, West Wing, East Guangdong, West Guangdong, North Guangdong) is still large. By analyzing the factors of natural conditions, calculating the proportion of three industries and other factors, this paper explores the reasons for the formation of income gap, and puts forward some suggestions to narrow the gap from the aspects of optimizing industrial structure, adjusting income distribution and differentiating taxation, and finally draws a conclusion.
Abstract: Income gap reflects the imbalance of economic development in a region. Excessive income gap will affect social instability, aggravate social contradictions and conflicts, thus hindering social progress and development. Reasonable narrowing of income gap is conducive to optimizing the allocation of resources and improving social production efficienc...
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