Ideology as a False Pretence of Universality
Volume 8, Issue 2, June 2022
9 December 2021
6 January 2022
14 April 2022
Downloads: 39
Views: 233
Abstract: The article treats to show how the ideology can be understand how a false pretense of universality or how a case on a fallacy of abusive generalization. For this propose it begin whit the theories of Marx, Engels, Adorno, Habermas, Perelman and Ricoeur. It is intended to recover a critical sense of the concept of ideology that is useful for the critical analysis of discourse, in the broadest sense. The article aims to return to a critical concept of ideology, which is useful for critical discourse studies, and in this sense, opposes the neutral use of the same concept that has been proposed by discourse analysts such as Teun van Dijk and by economists such as Thomas Piketty, among many others. To achieve this purpose, concepts from the analytical philosophy of language (G. Frege), the theory of speech acts (Austin and Searle), the critical theory of the Frankfort School (Adorno), the theory of argumentation or New rhetoric (Perelman-Olbrechts) and the theory of communicative action (Habermas, are used. Likewise, the classic notion of the fallacy of abusive generalization, present from Aristotle to the current theories of formal and informal logic, is used.
Abstract: The article treats to show how the ideology can be understand how a false pretense of universality or how a case on a fallacy of abusive generalization. For this propose it begin whit the theories of Marx, Engels, Adorno, Habermas, Perelman and Ricoeur. It is intended to recover a critical sense of the concept of ideology that is useful for the cri...
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The Speech as a Mark of Identify and Social Representation
Guilherme Pastana Fonseca de Oliveira
Volume 8, Issue 2, June 2022
17 November 2021
24 December 2021
20 April 2022
Downloads: 32
Views: 269
Abstract: This article is a bibliographical research, which resulted from discussions held in the discipline: Advanced Topics, offered by the Graduate Program in Communication, Language and Culture - GPCLC, the University of Amazonia - UNAMA, in which I asked myself the following question: Is it possible to see the discourse as a mark of identity and social representation? In view of this question, this paper proposes to verify how the discourse, more specifically, the linguistic variation of the use of pronouns (I / ME) in sentences that begin with verbs in the infinitive can be seen as a mark of identity and social representation at the same time. Therefore, this paper presents an analysis of the three categories: discourse, identity, and social representation based on the theoretical background of: Vasconcellos and Caetano (2014); Resende and Ramalho (2006) and Andrade (1995). Taking as sample, the use of the variation in question within two contexts. The first, in a news item in a local newspaper and the second, in a virtual environment (Facebook and Whatsapp). Thus, it is concluded that discourse can be seen not only as a mark of identity, but also as a social representation. But, both categories, since the discourse is influenced by the social environment in which the individual is inserted, making each individual possess a unique discourse.
Abstract: This article is a bibliographical research, which resulted from discussions held in the discipline: Advanced Topics, offered by the Graduate Program in Communication, Language and Culture - GPCLC, the University of Amazonia - UNAMA, in which I asked myself the following question: Is it possible to see the discourse as a mark of identity and social ...
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On the Lutheran Tradition in Estonia - In Particular on the Social-ethical Suggestions of Alexander von Oettingen
Volume 8, Issue 2, June 2022
7 April 2022
3 May 2022
24 May 2022
Downloads: 27
Views: 355
Abstract: This paper reviews Alexander von Oettingen, a Lutheran theologian from what is now Estonia, and his work, which was widely recognized in the 19th century, and his approach that is still influential today. In the background there is the tension between the religious and the secular sphere in the Christian tradition and the resistance of Martin Luther and the Reformation against the medieval unconvincing overcoming of this tension by the consolidation of the papacy and its claim to power. Since the 16th century, the Lutheran profile has had a formative role in Estonia, both politically and ecclesiastically. And even when Estonia fell politically to the predominantly orthodox tsarist Russia, the orientation towards Luther's theology remained - especially at the University of Dorpat (Tartu), which was important for the tsarist empire and where von Oettingen taught. But in the 19th century, in the German culture that stretched as far as Estonia, Martin Luther and Lutheran theology were considered outdated. In the modern world, many felt they could ignore religion. However, this did not prevent von Oettingen from intensively dealing with the modern secular instrument of statistics based on his Lutheran thinking. As a result, he developed the modern tools of statistical social analysis and presented a much-noticed "moral statistic". In this context, he not only founded the modern discipline of social ethics, but is also regarded as a pioneer of the sociology of religion and empirical social research. Furthermore, the insights gained according to his approach, for example about abortions or suicides, can provide information about the mental or religious orientation of a people. In this respect, his method is still important today, not only for politics and society, but also for the church.
Abstract: This paper reviews Alexander von Oettingen, a Lutheran theologian from what is now Estonia, and his work, which was widely recognized in the 19th century, and his approach that is still influential today. In the background there is the tension between the religious and the secular sphere in the Christian tradition and the resistance of Martin Luthe...
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A Review on the Book of Prosodic Studies: Challenges and Prospects
Volume 8, Issue 2, June 2022
30 March 2022
28 April 2022
31 May 2022
Downloads: 31
Views: 292
Abstract: Prosody is one of the core components of language and communication wouldn’t be effective without prosody. In the past few decades, a substantial literature on prosody has emerged, but the precise nature of prosody continues to be unclear and many basic questions concerned remain to be unresolved. The focus of this new book edited by Hongming Zhang and Youyong Qian is to offer a comprehensive and thoughtful examination of a wide range of topics related to prosody. It brings together the most recent research in prosody and also charts influence on some diverse fields such as multimedia communication and language acquisition. The chapters of the book are well organized: the first part discusses the prosodic hierarchy and prosodic units; the second part focuses on prosodic patterns; the third part addresses the interface issues between prosody and morphosyntax; the last part deals with prosody both in first and second language acquisition, which is arranged from ontological research on prosody to applied research on prosody. In this book review, the content of each chapter in this book will be introduced in turn and the points that need further discussion will be examined in detail combined with the relevant linguistic theory or related language phenomenon.
Abstract: Prosody is one of the core components of language and communication wouldn’t be effective without prosody. In the past few decades, a substantial literature on prosody has emerged, but the precise nature of prosody continues to be unclear and many basic questions concerned remain to be unresolved. The focus of this new book edited by Hongming Zhang...
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