Benjamin Fondane – True Meditations from a False Aesthetic Discourse
Volume 5, Issue 6, December 2019
5 October 2019
14 November 2019
19 December 2019
Downloads: 166
Views: 906
Abstract: For an author like B. Fundoianu, who thought and wrote on the edge of two centuries, aesthetics was about to change its canon. Morality and metaphysics were already into a stalemate position, and the aesthetician Fundoianu was trying a private deconstruction of the poetic language in his essay A False Treatise on Aesthetics (1938). With the preface of Images and Books from France (1923), the chronicler was emphasizing the fact that creation is subordinated to the grid of differentiation, and not to that of similarity, while attachment for tradition does not mean imitation, but innovation. “The aesthetic man” comes alive, we believe, in the text headed Peter’s Denial (1918), where Fundoianu advocates the case of pure art. The issue that always imposes itself to aesthetic reflection is the crisis of reality generated by the lyrical creator’s autarky in relation to the existential texture and, even more, to the contradictory dialogue between Reason and Faith. The current essay also attempts to offer an assessment of the final Fundoianu, the philosophical testament pertaining to the text entitled Existential Monday and the Sunday of History (1945), a work where history and morality form a strange binomial.
Abstract: For an author like B. Fundoianu, who thought and wrote on the edge of two centuries, aesthetics was about to change its canon. Morality and metaphysics were already into a stalemate position, and the aesthetician Fundoianu was trying a private deconstruction of the poetic language in his essay A False Treatise on Aesthetics (1938). With the preface...
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Body Communication (Phenomenology Study of Gay Individuals in Maurice-Merleau Ponty's Perspective)
Volume 5, Issue 6, December 2019
30 January 2019
18 December 2019
24 December 2019
Downloads: 193
Views: 1018
Abstract: The unique phenomenon that is present in every human life but not necessarily recognized by the social world. Present in social life is one of sexual orientation that is often heard with the term gay. Coming out is a term used in gay individuals who declare themselves open and can be present in social life, so as to be able to make their existence and self-actualization. The issue of existence and self-actualization tends to refer to people's views because of the lives of gays who are in Indonesia, a country with strong traditions, legal legality and religion. Seeing the rules that apply in Indonesia both in terms of religion and culture, certainly not necessarily able to make gays diminished or even disappear, but the problem when these rules become a wall is the existence and creativity that exists in gay people have become very limited therefore many of these gays are still difficult to make their existence and self-actualization. It is this world attraction of minorities that is interesting to know and trace through the life experiences of gay individuals, thus this can present new information from the gay environment, and can explain why and how gay individuals develop communication patterns and forms of communication to communicate with fellow gay individuals. It is these questions that bring researchers to look and explore in greater depth and at the same time answer how gay people live their lives with existing social pressures. This study uses a qualitative research approach using theories, methodologies, and traditions in communication science that is phenomenology, the perspective of the theory that the author uses in this study from Maurice Ponty, about the body and perception, which in this study the author produces body communication in the form of communication patterns and added a new concept to Maurice Ponty's theory, Beyoud Perception.
Abstract: The unique phenomenon that is present in every human life but not necessarily recognized by the social world. Present in social life is one of sexual orientation that is often heard with the term gay. Coming out is a term used in gay individuals who declare themselves open and can be present in social life, so as to be able to make their existence ...
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Encounter Facebook: An Appraisal on the Making and Unmaking of Ethiopian University Students’ Socio-politics
Shimellis Hailu Dessie,
Haleluja Adane
Volume 5, Issue 6, December 2019
6 July 2019
26 July 2019
24 December 2019
Downloads: 183
Views: 1101
Abstract: The general objective of this research is to assess the effects of Face book on the making and unmaking of University students socio-political activities. To achieve the objective, both primary and secondary sources of data were collected and interpreted using mixed research approach. As far as primary sources of data were concerned, first hand information collected from 500 University students via questionnaires, interviews and focus group discussions. Furthermore, the primary data were substantiated by secondary sources. Using the data the researchers reached upon the following conclusions; the general assessment of facebook usage among Ethiopian public University students is in perspectives. The effects of facebook usage on Ethiopian university students’ academic performances, is in perspective. Majority of the university students explain the positive contribution of facebook on students’ academic performance while some others tudents are explain as facebook usage affects their academic performances negatively. In similar manner, facebook usage has both positive and negative effects on University students’ social interactions. Facebook helps students to deliver message accurately at all time, contact with relatives and friends at distance with less cost and easily while it deteriorated social gathering and discussion, and promote individualism. However, in relation to facebook usage and political activism, the finding shows that majority of Ethiopian University students are passive in overtly participating in online political activism. Generally, it is possible to conclude that facebook has both positive and negative effects on Ethiopian university students’ socio-politics, which seek attention to create awareness among university students in order to exploit the fruits of facebook absolutely and reduce its negative impacts.
Abstract: The general objective of this research is to assess the effects of Face book on the making and unmaking of University students socio-political activities. To achieve the objective, both primary and secondary sources of data were collected and interpreted using mixed research approach. As far as primary sources of data were concerned, first hand inf...
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A Probe into the Legal Interests of the Crime of Infringing on Citizens' Personal Information
Volume 5, Issue 6, December 2019
3 September 2019
8 October 2019
26 December 2019
Downloads: 214
Views: 1244
Abstract: In the debate on the legal interests of the crime of infringing on citizens' personal information, legal interest is the starting point of judging illegality, so we take the specific legal interest protected by this crime as our first research content. In terms of research methods, our project comprehensively uses various legal research methods, such as article analysis method and document analysis method. Starting from article of law, it closely follows criminal justice cases and judicial practice, analyzes practical problems in combination with legal theory, and forms the research level of article of law - judicial practice - legal theory. The theory of the right to self-determination of citizens' information is the most admissive one because of the constitutional basis and realistic background. The right to self-determination of citizens' information is the right to control your personal information according to law and decide whether it is collected and used. But it will lead to the infinite expansion of the criminal law network, and it is difficult to rationalize the statutory punishment of the crime of infringing on citizens' personal information. In order to control the scope of the criminal law legal network, it is necessary to restrict the right to self-determination of citizen information with "identifiable information." The rationality of the statutory penalty for this crime lies in that this crime has the super-individual legal benefit (the information security and order of the society). To conclude, the crime of infringing on citizens' personal information should have both personal and supra personal legal interests.
Abstract: In the debate on the legal interests of the crime of infringing on citizens' personal information, legal interest is the starting point of judging illegality, so we take the specific legal interest protected by this crime as our first research content. In terms of research methods, our project comprehensively uses various legal research methods, su...
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Need Assesment in Cooperative Development in West Java, Indonesia
Gijanto Purbo Suseno
Volume 5, Issue 6, December 2019
22 November 2019
16 December 2019
26 December 2019
Downloads: 94
Views: 1027
Abstract: Based on data from the West Java Provincial Office of Cooperatives and SMEs (2015), out of a total of 25,741 cooperatives in West Java, 8886 (35%) of them were inactive and 16,855 (65%) were active. Whereas in Bandung City the total cooperatives were 2538 cooperatives, 1200 active (47.3%) and 1338 (52.7%) inactive cooperatives. In West Java Province there are 3 education and training institutions that foster cooperatives namely Balatkop, Lapenkop and Puskopdit, which continuously foster cooperatives and SMEs in developing their businesses. The phenomenon of the number of cooperatives that are not active shows that the training programs delivered by the cooperative training institutions have not been optimal. This study aims to measure the process of analyzing the needs of education and training conducted by the three education and training institutions in conducting cooperative training for cooperatives management and members. The research method used is a survey method to cooperatives that have participated in training activities as well as interviews with instructors and leaders of the relevant training and education institutions. The results of the study show that, a) identification of needs (to determine material, prospective participants, resource persons) training and b) identification stages of training material needs have not met the operational standards that should be. Identification of resource persons has fulfilled the requirements of the principal duties and functions of the trainer. There has been no consolidation among the three implementing education and training institutions in the implementation of needs assessment so that it is still possible to overlap training materials. It is necessary to prepare a road map to identify needs to be able to formulate training plans and formulations for the management and members of cooperatives in an integrated manner by the three cooperative training institutions.
Abstract: Based on data from the West Java Provincial Office of Cooperatives and SMEs (2015), out of a total of 25,741 cooperatives in West Java, 8886 (35%) of them were inactive and 16,855 (65%) were active. Whereas in Bandung City the total cooperatives were 2538 cooperatives, 1200 active (47.3%) and 1338 (52.7%) inactive cooperatives. In West Java Provinc...
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Purposive Action Is a Genuinely Sociological Perspective
Volume 5, Issue 6, December 2019
18 October 2019
27 November 2019
6 January 2020
Downloads: 236
Views: 1015
Abstract: In recent years, the theme of actors and agency has made a notable reappearance in the neo-institutionalist literature, in relation in particular to what has been called institutional entrepreneurship and institutional entrepreneurs. Two recent books by M. Granovetter on the one hand, Neil Fligstein and Doug McAdam on the other, can be seen as significant examples of this “return of the actor” in American sociology. The troubling conceptual inconsistencies they contain, however, also document the incomplete integration of an action perspective into what basically remains a neo-institutionalist framework, giving epistemological priority to structure over action. This paper aims to highlight the most important of these inconsistencies and sets out to interpret them as a sign of how sociologists position themselves and their discipline in the wider field of social science, and in particular in relation to economics. It concludes by suggesting that in order to go beyond such methodological and conceptual confusion, we need to get away from a substantialist, decontextualized view of the actors’ identities and rationalities, and replace it with a relational conception of the actors’ identities and rationalities, in which their behavior would be considered to be attributes not of the actors, but of the local relational configurations and the stable patterns of transactions maintained by them.
Abstract: In recent years, the theme of actors and agency has made a notable reappearance in the neo-institutionalist literature, in relation in particular to what has been called institutional entrepreneurship and institutional entrepreneurs. Two recent books by M. Granovetter on the one hand, Neil Fligstein and Doug McAdam on the other, can be seen as sign...
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