Importance of Professionalization in Haitian Universities
Volume 8, Issue 3, September 2022
29 May 2022
1 July 2022
28 July 2022
Downloads: 35
Views: 547
Abstract: The University is the best place to promote scientific knowledge and research as well as service to the community. In Haiti, due to the weakness of state institutions, we are witnessing a trivialization of these institutions. To date, despite the official figure available showing 138 recognized universities, and without counting hundreds of others who are not yet accredited, some wonder how important professionalization is in these “university institutions”. In addition, the majority of these institutions do not have enough qualified staff to teach. It is very common to see cases where professors barely hold a bachelor’s degree. At best, the classes as they are offered do not generally reflect the Haitian reality, since the teaching materials used by most teachers are imported from Europe or North America. Thus, they do not always reflect the reality of Haitian students who are not always able, after having completed a cycle of studies, to put their skills at the service of society. Inspired by existing work on the issue as well as our experiences, we have presented in this article the importance of professionalization in Haitian universities. Because most of these universities put too much emphasis on theories and they are not always competitive.
Abstract: The University is the best place to promote scientific knowledge and research as well as service to the community. In Haiti, due to the weakness of state institutions, we are witnessing a trivialization of these institutions. To date, despite the official figure available showing 138 recognized universities, and without counting hundreds of others ...
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COVID-19 and Business Leadership: Opportunities and Challenges in Developing Countries
Volume 8, Issue 3, September 2022
26 July 2022
23 August 2022
31 August 2022
Downloads: 38
Views: 311
Abstract: The consequences of COVID-19 are significant, and as the emergency unfolds, numerous businesses are attempting to obtain it, respond to it, and learn lessons from rapidly unfolding events. COVID-19 poses a global existential threat. Business organizations, like public organizations, are facing significant challenges as a result of the severe health crisis. Those in developing countries are found to be more vulnerable than their counterparts in developed countries. Vulnerability is associated with a shaky business foundation. To mitigate the virus's impact, leaders must employ flexible and adaptive leadership-crisis leadership that allows businesses to breathe and continue to exist. For a flexible and adaptive leader, systems thinking, confidence, deliberative calm, emotional intelligence, communication skill, and all stakeholder interaction are essential. The COVID-19 provides opportunities for developing-country business organizations. Because traditional business transactions are still prevalent, it opens the door for online business ventures. Another lesson for leaders is to be prepared for unexpected risks. As a result of physical separation, curfews, and limited mobility of people, the virus made it difficult to conduct business in the pre-corona era. Furthermore, outdated technologies, insufficient capital, and inadequate infrastructures such as internet and transportation exacerbate the virus's impact on business. Business leader qualities and skills, as well as government actions such as policy changes deemed necessary to allow digitalization of commerce in order for businesses to survive post-corona.
Abstract: The consequences of COVID-19 are significant, and as the emergency unfolds, numerous businesses are attempting to obtain it, respond to it, and learn lessons from rapidly unfolding events. COVID-19 poses a global existential threat. Business organizations, like public organizations, are facing significant challenges as a result of the severe health...
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Artificial Intelligence for the Sustainability of Climate Change
Abeer Mohamed Abd El Razek Youssef
Volume 8, Issue 3, September 2022
21 August 2022
3 September 2022
29 September 2022
Downloads: 71
Views: 444
Abstract: The environmental challenge may be the most serious and urgent, given the significant pollution of air, water, and soil, which are the three main components of the ecosystem, with the increase in global warming and climate change that the world is witnessing, which threatens the very existence of man on this earth. AI has the potential to accelerate global efforts to protect the environment and conserve resources by monitoring air pollution and energy emissions, helping develop transportation networks, monitoring deforestation, and forecasting extreme weather. Hence the importance of using the latest technology to combat environmental pollution, leading to the environmental sustainability that countries seek to achieve. As such, the use of AI offers an opportunity to make meaningful change in this critical moment, whether through mitigation, adaptation, and resilience or by supporting the fundamentals of overall climate efforts. As for consumers, they will benefit from AI in the form of improving services, providing recommendations and quality more efficiently, as well as bringing about fundamental and tangible changes in industries such as health care, transportation, and pharmaceuticals in a safer manner. Of course, people's lives will change for the better from the presence of self-driving cars and the expansion of this technology to other means of transportation such as trains, ships, and planes. It is expected that companies will reduce a lot of expenses thanks to artificial intelligence and its applications, which are increasing day after day, as well as the accompanying innovations and new inventions that will strongly affect daily life.
Abstract: The environmental challenge may be the most serious and urgent, given the significant pollution of air, water, and soil, which are the three main components of the ecosystem, with the increase in global warming and climate change that the world is witnessing, which threatens the very existence of man on this earth. AI has the potential to accelerat...
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