Life Oral History as a Strategy to Humanize the Relationship Between Caregivers and the Eldery: A Brazilian Experience
Carla Souza Mota de Melo,
Dante Marcello Claramonte Gallian,
Valdir Reginato
Volume 2, Issue 6, December 2016
22 August 2016
29 October 2016
20 January 2017
Downloads: 127
Views: 3254
Abstract: In view of the increasing population aging, the present qualitative descriptive study aimed to assess the applicability of the Oral History of Life to bring caregivers and the elderly closer together. The study sample included seven participants. A total of 12 interviews were recorded and transcribed according to the methodology selected. As a result, a personal book was designed and given to each of these participants in recognition for their scientific collaboration. Every individual had the unique opportunity to express themselves freely, when the essence of what needs to be said in every dialogue matters, from the perspective of participants. Some families reported that they were unaware of such specific details about their close family members. It was observed that the Oral History of Life is not only responsible for recalling facts that had been forgotten, but also for bringing back their dignity, thus valuing their role in society. This simple instrument reminds us that health care quality is not associated with modern protocols and technology exclusively, as it brings to light the humanization of care. Emphasizing the objective of health care through personalization, the Oral History of Life enables elderly individuals to be fully seen and respected with all their characteristics.
Abstract: In view of the increasing population aging, the present qualitative descriptive study aimed to assess the applicability of the Oral History of Life to bring caregivers and the elderly closer together. The study sample included seven participants. A total of 12 interviews were recorded and transcribed according to the methodology selected. As a resu...
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Illicit Content in the Nigerian Hip-Hop: A Probe into the Credibility of Music Censorship in Nigeria
Floribert Patrick Calvain
Volume 2, Issue 6, December 2016
22 September 2016
8 October 2016
18 October 2017
Downloads: 245
Views: 3351
Abstract: Most Nigerian popular musicians have made sex and sexuality dominant themes of their musical production and veritable “baits” used to attract an ever growing prurient public of fans. Despite the presence of various forms of censorship mechanisms in the country, obscenity - as a form of language and artistic/esthetic expression in both lyrical text and pop video - is now perceived as a functional trend and a “tradition” in music composition and performance. The prevalence of obscenity in music production irrefutably brings to the fore the question of the effectiveness of music censorship in Nigeria. Based on a desk research approach and a textual analysis of some hip-hop songs, this paper explores the pervasive use of pornography in Nigerian music production and goes further to interrogate the credibility of music censorship in Nigeria. This, it does through revisiting the various music regulatory organs/forces and assessing their effective functioning. It argues that the radical cultural changes in the Nigerian society - provoked by globalization and western cultural imperialism – warrant the rethinking and (re)definition of the obscene and thus, the rethinking of strategies to censor music. It advocates more radical and dissuasive measures (sanctions) – approaches other than banning songs from radio/TV broadcast – in order to effectively combat prurience in the musical production. These radical sanctions may include the severe repression of the distribution of sex explicit musical content in the whole country as well as the repression of the performance and promotion of such music in contexts where children are present.
Abstract: Most Nigerian popular musicians have made sex and sexuality dominant themes of their musical production and veritable “baits” used to attract an ever growing prurient public of fans. Despite the presence of various forms of censorship mechanisms in the country, obscenity - as a form of language and artistic/esthetic expression in both lyrical text ...
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Social Media: An Ideal Tool for Public Participation to Promote Deliberative Democracy —— The Case of Public Participation in Refugee Crisis
Volume 2, Issue 6, December 2016
5 September 2016
16 November 2016
18 October 2017
Downloads: 280
Views: 3046
Abstract: On social media, the images of a drowned child on the beach continue to spark public’s sympathy toward refugees and evoke international outcry over the governments’ inability to adequately address the refugee crisis. These photos and refugee crisis can be seen as catalysts that have promoted the chain of political events. It has promoted civic engagement and inspired people to participate in this event. By analyzing this case, we can see the relationships between social media, public participation and deliberative democracy quite clearly; analyze why social media is an ideal tool for public participation; discover how powerful voluntary participation is; explore how the level of citizen participation varied during this process; and understand how public participation promote deliberative democracy by social media comprehensively.
Abstract: On social media, the images of a drowned child on the beach continue to spark public’s sympathy toward refugees and evoke international outcry over the governments’ inability to adequately address the refugee crisis. These photos and refugee crisis can be seen as catalysts that have promoted the chain of political events. It has promoted civic enga...
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Students’ Social Movements: Expanding Communication Through Social Networking Sites
Fernando Rezende da Cunha Junior,
Monica Ferreira Lemos
Volume 2, Issue 6, December 2016
24 October 2016
8 December 2016
18 October 2017
Downloads: 178
Views: 3004
Abstract: This article describes an exploratory study on how secondary education students, from nine different states in Brazil, used SNS as a form of communication, more specifically Facebook and Facebook fan pages, in order to organize and to publish news, videos and pictures about their Students’ Social Movements. This study is framed under Cultural-Historical Activity Theory, in order to understand how students achieve their objectives acting collaboratively. Data was obtained from 9 pages on Facebook, which coordinates more than 400 pages created by students all over the country. Our findings suggest that collaborative agency plays a central role for the development and expansion of the social movements. By using Facebook as a communicative mediational tool, students were able to report, plan and coordinate online and physical activities.
Abstract: This article describes an exploratory study on how secondary education students, from nine different states in Brazil, used SNS as a form of communication, more specifically Facebook and Facebook fan pages, in order to organize and to publish news, videos and pictures about their Students’ Social Movements. This study is framed under Cultural-Histo...
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Television Directors’ Visual Focus on Sport Games: An Eye-Tracking Study
Volume 2, Issue 6, December 2016
10 August 2016
19 August 2016
20 October 2016
Downloads: 161
Views: 3086
Abstract: With the advent of digital media, live television sports broadcast became an important training for future sports communication professionals. Sports TV directors will usually direct all broadcast sports visual contents, in the training of student (future) sports TV directors, they must first have solid background knowledge of the sports itself, be familiar with sports TV directing and their sports onscreen visual focus should be the most important aspect of all. The current study is an exploratory and pioneering eye-tracking study in sports communication that combined sports TV directing with eye-tracking methodology, examining the visual focus of sport TV directors on volleyball games, with a Cognitive Load theoretical framework. It attempts to fill the gap in the sports communication and education literature, comparing and analyzing the differences between senior and junior students with sports TV directing experiences, examining their visual focus of the Business Enterprise Volleyball Games. Results found that (1) Visual focus differences were found among senior and junior student sport TV directors. The eyes of senior students, with more than two years of sports and games training, scanned at a faster speed than junior students; (2) Visual focus of senior students were more detailed as they focused on sports athletes’ movement and close-up shots; (3) Panoramic shots of sports games allows TV directors to have an overall visual pace and a better interpretation of the game. Application of the cognitive load theory can further explain the differences in visual focus among the senior and junior students. The more sports expertise, familiarity with the players they have in their long term memory, the more onsite performance and observation they would have in handling the complexity of the game. Results of the current study served as a benchmark for future research and contributed to the education and training of sport communicators.
Abstract: With the advent of digital media, live television sports broadcast became an important training for future sports communication professionals. Sports TV directors will usually direct all broadcast sports visual contents, in the training of student (future) sports TV directors, they must first have solid background knowledge of the sports itself, be...
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Language Preference of Student Journalists in Mindanao State University-Marawi, Philippines: Reasons and Attitudes
Riz P. Sunio,
Jerryk C. Alico
Volume 2, Issue 6, December 2016
26 August 2016
12 September 2016
21 October 2016
Downloads: 243
Views: 3893
Abstract: Student journalists are trained to express and translate their outputs into paper. The preferred language medium they use to do so, however, may convey their perception and attitude towards languages. This study aimed to determine the preferred language that student journalists use in their articles, the reason for their preference, and their attitude towards English, Filipino, and their vernacular language. Mixed qualitative and quantitative methods were used as research design. Data were collected through distributing survey questionnaires to 58 student journalists in Mindano State Univeristy-Marawi during academic year 2013-2014 and conducting interviews to a random sample of 12 from those surveyed. Results showed that most of the student journalists prefer English while only a few uses Filipino and none prefer vernacular in writing. English is perceived by the student journalists to be understood by more people, dynamic and rich; formal, an indicator of better proficiency but not an indicator if intelligence and high social status. Comfortability, ability to express better, training, usage in school, and self-efficacy are the reported reasons why they prefer such language. Filipino and vernacular were least preferred due to lack of resources for reference and writing, lack of knowledge, and low self-efficacy on the usage of the medium. They said that if they were given the mastery of the languages, they are willing to write in Filipino and vernacular. Thus, there is a need to instill versatility of the usage of Filipino and vernacular among student journalists through adequate training and equal appreciation towards them.
Abstract: Student journalists are trained to express and translate their outputs into paper. The preferred language medium they use to do so, however, may convey their perception and attitude towards languages. This study aimed to determine the preferred language that student journalists use in their articles, the reason for their preference, and their attit...
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