Abstract: Positive epistemology represents processes as happenings, random as the case may be. Yet process proceeds rather than happens, which implies a drive (potentiation) under it. Potentiation cannot be random but is created by work (effort), either on the thing or by the thing on itself, making it a living thing. Life drive is an ectropic effort whereas death drive is entropic. Life carries with it a lot of dead mass, thereby the regularities of death drive are not entirely alien to it, but mitigated and eventually surmounted through evolution. ‘Pragmatic’ existential philosophy as well as ‘pragmatic’ epistemology confuses life drive with death drive which is scarcely pragmatic.Abstract: Positive epistemology represents processes as happenings, random as the case may be. Yet process proceeds rather than happens, which implies a drive (potentiation) under it. Potentiation cannot be random but is created by work (effort), either on the thing or by the thing on itself, making it a living thing. Life drive is an ectropic effort whereas...Show More