Media Watchdogging and the Crisis of Governance in Nigeria’s Fourth Republic
Volume 9, Issue 5, September 2021
19 July 2021
7 August 2021
3 September 2021
Abstract: There is an issue that most scholars would reach consensus on: the significance of the media for democracy and good governance. This paper’s point of departure is that the media provides the basis for popular participation in democratic politics, and that democracy loses its essence without a vibrant and independent media. Unarguably, the media provides access to information in a democracy, and provides a check on elected state/public officials. Without an independent and robust media, democracy would be an endangered project. In Nigeria, the media is the watchdog on both the government and the society. Section 22 of the 1999 Constitution (as amended) details the responsibility of the media to hold the government accountable to the citizens of Nigeria. The media is generally considered the fourth estate of the realm, imbued with omnibus responsibilities to inform and educate citizens with a view to engendering democratic inclusion and accountability of the government to the people. Therefore, a free and incorruptible media would enable informed citizenship and engender good governance. However, this paper contends that the environment in which the Nigerian media operates circumscribes it from delivering its optimal responsibilities to the society and the government. The paper further identifies the factors that constrain and incapacitate the media from being an efficient and effective watchdog on both the government and society. The paper posits that despite the fact that the return to civil rule in 1999 was expected to facilitate the independence of the media and a greater freedom of expression than Nigerians had experienced under military rule, the reality is that the media was more effective during military rule in its watchdog functions on both the government and the society. Thus, the paper contends that the media have performed less creditably under a civil rule than it did under a military regime that had governed Nigeria, prior to 1999. Conclusively, the paper argues that without a strong and independent media, good governance and an inclusive society would remain elusive.
Abstract: There is an issue that most scholars would reach consensus on: the significance of the media for democracy and good governance. This paper’s point of departure is that the media provides the basis for popular participation in democratic politics, and that democracy loses its essence without a vibrant and independent media. Unarguably, the media pro...
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How to Face Loss: A Case Study on the Self-evolution of Empty-nesters Whose Children Are Abroad
Wang Tangsheng,
Ding Yicheng,
Jiang Mingzhuang,
Tang Jianing
Volume 9, Issue 5, September 2021
5 August 2021
31 August 2021
7 September 2021
Abstract: Many researches have been conducted on the elders to find out what they do after they are left in the nursing homes and without any relatives, but there has been little focus on the relationship between the researchers and the elder people. Under this circumstance, we are here to try to figure this out. This research conducted ethnographic methods to study the self-evolution of empty-nesters, by observing and interviewing an empty nester whose children are abroad 41 times for 43 months. The background is in a Wuhan nursing home, where most residents only can communicate to their fellow residents, the staff and the interviewers. The have little communication with their children and when they do it will be via phone. The results found that the presence of the children who is highly recognized in their career or in their personality and other things by the individual cases and the presence of the researcher talking and interviewing them reduced their sense of reality and increased the possibility of conflict with others around her. The study concluded that the loss of important social relations caused the loss of their self-value, and eventually led to emotional and cognitive impairment, continuous elderly observation was of great significance to both the researchers and the subjects.
Abstract: Many researches have been conducted on the elders to find out what they do after they are left in the nursing homes and without any relatives, but there has been little focus on the relationship between the researchers and the elder people. Under this circumstance, we are here to try to figure this out. This research conducted ethnographic methods ...
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The Impact of Social Media in Political Participation Among Students in Nigeria
Volume 9, Issue 5, September 2021
19 August 2021
8 September 2021
15 September 2021
Downloads: 233
Views: 1236
Abstract: The invention and rapid development of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has attracted considerable attention in theoretical and practical debates about the role of digital media in political participation. With the emergence of digital media, people in nascent democracies such as Nigeria have started using their online presence to engage in political discussions. This has led to an increase in political protests in undemocratic and developing democracies. While majority of previous digital activism and political communication research suggests positive relationships between digital media diffusion and socio-political protests, there is little research investigating the impact of social media use in digitally organised protest to long term political participation and efficacy formation, particularly in young democracies such as Nigeria. This study bridges that gap in the literature. The aim of this study is to examine the impact of social media use, and protest experience, in political participation and efficacy formation among students in Nigeria. This study reports on a sequential explanatory mixed methods approach, consisting of a 680 face-to-face paper survey response and 34 semi-structured qualitative interviews of university students in Nigeria. Findings show that protest experience, and political efficacy significantly increased students’ intention to join politics more than social media. Of the variables, political efficacy was the strongest predictor of intention to participate in politics. In addition, the study demonstrates that the experience of collective and connective actions increases the likelihood of further political participation among students in Nigeria. This study concludes with a proposed flowchart of political efficacy formation among students in Nigeria.
Abstract: The invention and rapid development of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has attracted considerable attention in theoretical and practical debates about the role of digital media in political participation. With the emergence of digital media, people in nascent democracies such as Nigeria have started using their online presence to ...
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Cost and Margin Analysis of Processed Agroindustry Product Marketing In Mataram City
Putu Karismawan,
Eka Agustiani
Volume 9, Issue 5, September 2021
6 August 2021
21 August 2021
26 September 2021
Abstract: This study aims to determine the marketing pattern of processed agro-industry products, examine the margins of each marketing agency, the profit of the institution and marketing channels, and the level of marketing efficiency in each marketing channel of processed agro-industry products in the city of Mataram. The type of research used is descriptive using quantitative and qualitative data. Data was collected through interviews with the help of questionnaires. The data analysis used is qualitative and quantitative analysis by calculating marketing margins, profits and efficiency in each marketing agency and marketing channel. The results obtained are the marketing system of processed agro-industrial products in the city of Mataram consisting of three marketing channels, namely from producers => collectors => retailers => final consumers. In my marketing channel, the leather cracker collectors have a margin of Rp. 15,000/Kg, while in the marketing channel that has the highest margin in this channel is the retailer, which is Rp. 20,000/Kg. Bread processed products with a marketing margin of IDR 250 / pack at retailers, then salted peanut products have a marketing margin of IDR 15,000 / kg in marketing channels I and II, Tofu and tempeh products have a marketing margin of IDR 250 / fruit (retailers) and IDR 750 /pack tempe for collectors and Rp 500/pack for retailers. Salted egg processed products have a marketing margin of Rp. 1000/egg in channel I and Rp. 500/egg in channel II. Marketing efficiency can be seen from the total marketing margin and farmer's share, where in Marketing Channels 1, 2, and 3, it can be seen that all marketing channels for processed agro-industry products are included in the efficient marketing level. The three marketing channels are efficient based on the acquisition of farmer's share which is above 50 percent. The costs incurred in each marketing channel consist of transportation costs, labor costs, and packaging costs. The cheaper the costs incurred, the more efficient the marketing channel and this is in the second marketing channel (the average marketing efficiency is 2.1%).
Abstract: This study aims to determine the marketing pattern of processed agro-industry products, examine the margins of each marketing agency, the profit of the institution and marketing channels, and the level of marketing efficiency in each marketing channel of processed agro-industry products in the city of Mataram. The type of research used is descripti...
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Features and Causes of Oromo and Somali Conflicts: The Case of Miesso District of Oromia and Mullu District of Somali Regional States, Ethiopia
Abdurahman Ousman Dansa,
Abadir Youya Musa
Volume 9, Issue 5, September 2021
5 September 2021
24 September 2021
29 September 2021
Abstract: This article aimed to investigate features and causes of the conflicts between Oromo and Somali Pastoral and agro-pastoral (PAP) groups in the study area. Hence, 160 PAP households were randomly selected to facilitate primary data collection by using household survey. Qualitative data were collected by using key informant interviewees (KIIs) and Focal group discussions (FGDs). Field observation, informal discussion and review of secondary data were also supported data collection process of the study. Descriptive research design; descriptive and inferential statistics were employed. The proportion of sample households composed of 49% Oromo and 51% Somali groups. The result of findings showed recurrent drought, rangeland degradation, conflicting land use between the contending groups, hostile relationships, enmity stereotype and incitement, instability due to increasing frequency and magnitude of violent conflicts, firearms and weapons proliferation and weak capacity of customary institutions were ranked as the main features of conflicts in the study area. High frequency of prevalence violent conflicts was seen in the past two decades (2000-2020) with increasing trends of conflicts, as 83% of households responded. The Scarcity of range resources, lack of property rights to communal grazing resource, weak capacity of customary institutions and government system to ensure rule of law were found the main causes that often prompt contending groups towards violent conflicts, significant differences, at p<0.01, 0.05 and 0.1, between the two groups. In the light of findings this paper concludes that the two PAP groups are significantly different in all factors that prompt contending groups to embark on conflicts due to their differences in socio-economic, cultural, political and resource-related factors.
Abstract: This article aimed to investigate features and causes of the conflicts between Oromo and Somali Pastoral and agro-pastoral (PAP) groups in the study area. Hence, 160 PAP households were randomly selected to facilitate primary data collection by using household survey. Qualitative data were collected by using key informant interviewees (KIIs) and Fo...
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On the Ethical Feasibility of "National Fertility" Strategy Under the Crisis of Fewer Children
Volume 9, Issue 5, September 2021
9 September 2021
24 September 2021
29 September 2021
Abstract: Background: The crisis of fewer children is a series of negative impacts brought by the decline of natural fertility rate. The trap of low fertility intention brought about by social development leads to the ineffectiveness of all measures to increase the willingness of young men and women to have children. The artificial fertility rate can be greatly increased by natural science technologies of sperm bank, egg bank, artificial insemination and artificial uterus in the production stage, as well as the management technologies of relevant institutions in the rearing stage. This kind of national fertility strategy is technically feasible, but ethically controversial. Objective: This paper tries to sort out the possible ethical criticism of the natural technology adopted by the national fertility strategy in the production stage and the management measures adopted in the rearing stage, and classifies them into several core categories. Then the specific ethical criticism clauses under the above core categories are analyzed one by one to see whether they are valid or can be avoided. Conclusion: Most of the ethical criticisms of the national fertility strategy are themselves untenable. Even if some ethical criticisms are valid, they can be avoided by restricting and regulating the application of natural technologies and management measures. At the same time, the national fertility strategy is of great significance to the survival of the nation, so it is worth advocating.
Abstract: Background: The crisis of fewer children is a series of negative impacts brought by the decline of natural fertility rate. The trap of low fertility intention brought about by social development leads to the ineffectiveness of all measures to increase the willingness of young men and women to have children. The artificial fertility rate can be grea...
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The Role of Jaarsummaa (Council of Elders) Institution in Resolving Resource-Related Conflicts in Haramaya District of East Hararghe Zone, Oromiya
Abadir Youya Musa,
Bamlaku Taddese
Volume 9, Issue 5, September 2021
30 August 2021
22 September 2021
5 October 2021
Abstract: Haramaya district is one of the Eastern Hararghe districts; where there is scarcity of cultivable land and its mismatch with population size are highly appeared. This becomes a very serious problem responsible for violent conflicts between neighbours and among family members. So, in order to handling it, they widely follow the way of solving conflict by Jaarsumma institution. However, this mechanism are not been explored, well-understood and documented. Therefore this study was aimed to explore the role of the Jaarsuumaa institution in resolving resource-related conflict in the district. Thisstudy has employed a qualitative exploratory research to meet the stated objectives of the study. To achieve the above objectives, the study collected primary data from 53 informants that purposively selected from the targeted group of study. The secondary data sources were obtained from published and unpublished governmentdocuments; such as books, journals and different researches. The study found that various types of resource related conflicts existed in the specific district. like; Land related conflict (Land dispute conflict, family dispute conflict, Conflict over farmland boundary, Breach of Agreement on land rent, Breach of agreement on land sell and exchange) and Water-related conflict are the main types. As find out of this study indicated, majority of this resource related conflicts are solved through Jaarsummaa institutions in the ways of well keeping their norms and values. It consumes lower cost and the process takes greater speed to finalize the case. This research puts forwardrecommendations for Jaarsummaa institutions to aware the followers about the cause of conflict, and conflict resolution. There is a need for amending and enforcing the existing laws as well as formulating the new laws concerning the incorporation of Jaarsummaa institutions as parts of the legal formal system.
Abstract: Haramaya district is one of the Eastern Hararghe districts; where there is scarcity of cultivable land and its mismatch with population size are highly appeared. This becomes a very serious problem responsible for violent conflicts between neighbours and among family members. So, in order to handling it, they widely follow the way of solving confli...
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Teachers’ Perceptions Regarding Factors Affecting Concept Based Learning at Government Schools in Nowshera, Pakistan
Volume 9, Issue 5, September 2021
1 July 2021
4 August 2021
15 October 2021
Abstract: Education plays a pivotal role in the development of a country. Here the author did focus on the best teaching methodologies and skills that is concept based teaching so that the student learn conceptually. There should be critical thinking and problem solving skills developed in the students. The main objective of the research study is to explore the perceptions of secondary school teachers regarding factors affecting concept based learning at government secondary schools in district Nowshera. The population of the study is all secondary school teachers at government high schools in district Nowshera. The sample size was 105 secondary school teachers. The primary data was collected through questionnaire. The questionnaire was personally distributed among the teachers and got excellent response from them. The major findings showed the effectiveness of concept based learning and major factors that affecting concept based learning. In light of the said findings, certain major recommendations were made in order to achieve the maximum benefits of the study as secondary school teachers may be encouraged and motivated towards concept based learning techniques. Government school teachers may be given more skills and techniques of teaching and learning through effective in-service training and refresher courses. This study however, successfully plays a very important role in highlighting of the effectiveness of concept based learning and the factors that affecting concept based learning at government secondary schools for boys in district Nowshera. There may be core skills incorporated in the curriculum so that the students may be equipped with the twenty first century skills i.e critical thinking and problem solving, communication and collaboration, creativity and imagination, citizenship, digital literacy and students’ leadership.
Abstract: Education plays a pivotal role in the development of a country. Here the author did focus on the best teaching methodologies and skills that is concept based teaching so that the student learn conceptually. There should be critical thinking and problem solving skills developed in the students. The main objective of the research study is to explore ...
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