Political Economy of Work and Employability Educational Challenges and Boundaryless Careers of Youth
Volume 5, Issue 6, November 2017
14 September 2017
19 October 2017
29 November 2017
Downloads: 163
Views: 2792
Abstract: The convergence of an aging society, knowledge economy, and professional labor mobility introduces issues for education. Societies are approaching a norm of social politics organized around flexible labor markets and structural exclusion which alters the access to social inclusion through education and employment. The analysis of national education and employment policy is important in the context of a contemporary crisis of capital. The local communities, Taiwan accommodates global capital by deregulating and opening up its markets, takes active interest in the competition for the best brains, and develops a cosmopolitan outlook. The author addresses the rescaling processes affecting Taiwan in which youth are settling. The aim of this paper is to examine some key aspects of social change in Taiwan, which has undergone significant changes in its occupational structure, labor market, economy, and educational provision since the 1980s. The material of the paper draws on three levels. The first deals with the structural and institutional transformations, and some key aspects in its political economy, labor market and education. The second is concerned with occupational and social mobility patterns and trends, and their association with the changing role of education. Finally, this paper explores the experiences of youth to gain an understanding of the social, political, and cultural factors that impinge on school-to-work and social mobility outcomes.
Abstract: The convergence of an aging society, knowledge economy, and professional labor mobility introduces issues for education. Societies are approaching a norm of social politics organized around flexible labor markets and structural exclusion which alters the access to social inclusion through education and employment. The analysis of national education...
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The Relationship Between War Literature and Certain Specific Social and Political Realities
Niththijanantham Baskaran
Volume 5, Issue 6, November 2017
28 September 2017
19 October 2017
29 November 2017
Downloads: 265
Views: 3277
Abstract: War is one of the social problems that the global society is facing today. War has plagued humanity since time immemorial. Many countries have to go through this experience at some point of the people lives. It can bring immense emotional trauma and suffering to the people left behind by the dead. This paper is committed to explore the ramifications of both inter- state and intra-state wars and its political realities which took place in different continental settings. It revolves around central figures that were lead sometimes by urge for justice and insurmountable circumstances into war and war zones. Main objective of this study is to analyse the comparative perspective on three war-related literary texts. The First, Ivan by Vladimir Bogomolv, is a story of a child who is way ahead of his age based in German. It has rightly been described as the war ensues and the fall of Hitler is imminent, lieutenant finds evidence that Ivan is killed by the Germans. The second novel If I Die in Combat Zone is set in war-torn Vietnam. The protagonist O’Brien is forced to join the war against his wishes. Specially, this second text shows that how the culture of his hamlet requires him to display courage and prove his mettle by fighting for his country. The third one is Tamil Tigress depicts the life of a teenager who joins the LTTE insurgency in Sri Lanka against the discriminatory policies of the Sinhalese government. She is moved by the injustices committed by the state apparatus on the Tamil minority. This paper attempts to engage with political reality as they have been conceptualized by the three novelists in question. Also, a large number of these three novels explore the nature of war, its stages and its effects upon the human soul in the three part of the world. This study has planned to use analytical and comparative methods. The qualitative methodology of the research will be carried out through texts, journal, and articles. Thus, this attempt to analyze, compare and contrast above the three war- related text. Through this study, it is possible to comprehend the motivation and the inspiration that the pioneer researchers and learn the techniques and devices applied in the comparative perspective with literary texts make an interesting study.
Abstract: War is one of the social problems that the global society is facing today. War has plagued humanity since time immemorial. Many countries have to go through this experience at some point of the people lives. It can bring immense emotional trauma and suffering to the people left behind by the dead. This paper is committed to explore the ramification...
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Research on the Configuration of the Medical Facilities for Elderly of Rural Community
Wang Ping,
Zhu Min,
Wang Wen
Volume 5, Issue 6, November 2017
25 September 2017
8 October 2017
30 November 2017
Downloads: 194
Views: 2852
Abstract: The extreme shortage of old-age service facilities in rural areas in China is in sharp contrast with the growing elderly population, which leads to the increasingly conspicuous rural pension problems. To do well the configuration of medical facilities is very important to the improvement of the old-age facilities system. This paper takes the community as the research area of the town of the pavilion in Shaanxi Province, takes the optimal location of the medical facilities space in the rural community as the research object, and uses the GIS method to optimize the location of the medical facilities space layout. The results show that the existing medical facilities in the store community are too concentrated in the central administrative Region, the overall distribution of medical facilities is not balanced, and the resources of medical facilities in the surrounding elderly population are scarce. The results obtained by optimizing site selection can provide scientific reference for the layout of medical facilities in future research area.
Abstract: The extreme shortage of old-age service facilities in rural areas in China is in sharp contrast with the growing elderly population, which leads to the increasingly conspicuous rural pension problems. To do well the configuration of medical facilities is very important to the improvement of the old-age facilities system. This paper takes the commun...
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Study on Resistant Action of Environmental Mass Incidents
Volume 5, Issue 6, November 2017
5 December 2017
6 December 2017
Abstract: Environment and resources have become the obvious problems with the rapid development of China, as a result, the resistant action of the public in environmental events becomes increasingly frequent. The mechanism of public collective action in environmental events is investigated in this paper through the qualitative comparative analysis on 13 public resistances against environmental issues during 2010-2014. The study finds that politics, scientific cognition, rumor, appeal, media, actio and disposal of pointing person are the key factors for the resistant action of environmental mass incidents. The risk perception and scientific cognition of mass against environmental projects are affected by information imbalance, in which rumors may aggravate the development of events and trigger violence among the public. In the Internet era, network public opinion can bring more attention to events, and reports from the central media reflect political "metaphor". It is an effective path to avoid environmental mass incidents for government to share the decision-making power with the public in managing environmental projects based on information dissemination and communication.
Abstract: Environment and resources have become the obvious problems with the rapid development of China, as a result, the resistant action of the public in environmental events becomes increasingly frequent. The mechanism of public collective action in environmental events is investigated in this paper through the qualitative comparative analysis on 13 publ...
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Do Not Close My School: Facebook, Occupations and Demonstrations for Promoting Social Change
Fernando Rezende da Cunha Júnior,
Monica Ferreira Lemos
Volume 5, Issue 6, November 2017
17 October 2017
10 November 2017
15 December 2017
Abstract: This article describes how secondary education students from the state of São Paulo, Brazil, protested against the closure of ninety-four schools of public educational system. The movement named ‘Do not close my school’ was a combination of online protest, using Facebook pages, occupy-type protest, in which students occupied more than 200 schools, and demonstrations, which occurred in different cities of the state. It was a movement organized by the students, with no official support of school managers, and lasted more than two months. We analyse the activities involved in the ‘Do not close my school’ movement under a Cultural-Historical Activity Theory framework, and we discuss how the concept of collaborative agency is important for the development of such a protest. As data, we use the content of pages on Facebook from fifty-six groups related to the school occupation and 111 official pages, also on Facebook, from the schools. We performed a multimodal and network analysis of the data in order to understand how the movement developed which results were obtained by the students. Our findings suggest that by acting collaboratively students were able to reach satisfactory results from their protests. In addition, they expanded the activities in their groups on Facebook to other contexts, like organizing events in their schools or using them for other social movements.
Abstract: This article describes how secondary education students from the state of São Paulo, Brazil, protested against the closure of ninety-four schools of public educational system. The movement named ‘Do not close my school’ was a combination of online protest, using Facebook pages, occupy-type protest, in which students occupied more than 200 schools, ...
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