Disables’ Accessibility Problems on the Public Facilities within the Context of Surabaya, Indonesia
Arina Hayati,
Muhammad Faqih
Volume 1, Issue 3, November 2013
3 September 2013
20 October 2013
Downloads: 299
Views: 3602
Abstract: Even though the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has been signed by all states and by regional integration organization on 2007, in developing countries, providing barrier free environment is still questionable. Indonesia for example, the ratification of this convention has been signed by Indonesian Government on 2011 and the implementation process is ongoing. Surabaya for instance, for the last few years has improved public facilities (such as pedestrian ways and open space) to be more accessible for citizens. Yet those improvements are still misleading and failed to provide friendly environment especially for disabled people and elderly. The aim of this paper is to investigate the realization of accessible design in some public facilities in Surabaya especially in pedestrian ways and public open space (recreational facilities). Observation in field study is conducted as research methods and description analysis is used. This research is also conducted by disabled researcher who has physical impairment and has experienced everyday living in disabling environment of Surabaya. The result shows that even though accessible design in public facilities has been supported by Indonesian law and local government, its implementations are failed and the process of planning and design has not included the participation of disabled people and well informed. Therefore, disabled people are still struggle to do their activities and needs in public facilities.
Abstract: Even though the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has been signed by all states and by regional integration organization on 2007, in developing countries, providing barrier free environment is still questionable. Indonesia for example, the ratification of this convention has been signed by Indonesian Government on 2011 and the i...
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From Amateurism to Professionalism: Sport’s Transformations by the Brazilian Olympic Athletes’ Lenses
Volume 1, Issue 3, November 2013
10 October 2013
30 October 2013
Downloads: 490
Views: 3944
Abstract: Among the various marks that Olympic sports went through along the last century, the transformation of amateurism into professionalism was one of them. Seen, in the beginning, as one of the main Olympic movement´s pillars, amateurism was overcome by the contemporary sport´s dynamics. It became professional, changing not just the sport´s institutions but also the athletes´ careers, athletes who are the sporting spectacle´s protagonists and also the Olympic Games´ reason to be. The current work aims to present how Brazilian Olympic Athletes´ career professionalization process happened, as well as how it took place in sport´s by the end of last century. Thus, life histories narratives were used as methodology. It is observed, in such narratives, that throughout amateurism, searching for a new career was a normal condition to all athletes. Yet, professionalization did not happen as a national sport´s policy, what meant the development of some modalities, but not the development of sports as a whole.
Abstract: Among the various marks that Olympic sports went through along the last century, the transformation of amateurism into professionalism was one of them. Seen, in the beginning, as one of the main Olympic movement´s pillars, amateurism was overcome by the contemporary sport´s dynamics. It became professional, changing not just the sport´s institution...
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A View of Jamaica’s Murder Victims, Perpetrators & the Impact of the 2010 Incursion
Volume 1, Issue 3, November 2013
24 November 2013
10 December 2013
Downloads: 201
Views: 3591
Abstract: In this manuscript we investigate homicides in Jamaica for the period 2007-2012. Several views of the available data are presented in an attempt to highlight statistically significant changes in murder rates as well as to indicate areas where there has been virtually no change in frequencies or patterns. As we begin to better understand the dynamics behind the victims and perpetrators of murder through statistical analyses, those initiatives that target crime and homicide reduction should become more efficient and effective. Some commentary is included in order to provide background and support for the statistical tools used.
Abstract: In this manuscript we investigate homicides in Jamaica for the period 2007-2012. Several views of the available data are presented in an attempt to highlight statistically significant changes in murder rates as well as to indicate areas where there has been virtually no change in frequencies or patterns. As we begin to better understand the dynamic...
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On Philipson’s Early-Start and the Maximum-Exposure Fallacies: A Case Study of Selected 100 Level Students of the University of Ibadan
Volume 1, Issue 3, November 2013
3 September 2013
10 December 2013
Downloads: 334
Views: 3725
Abstract: The English language is undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with in the polity called Nigeria. In fact, as shall be soon made clearer in this paper, the language has been accorded so much power that it has relegated many of the country’s indigenous languages to the background; a linguistic situation that is commonly and generally referred to as linguistic imperialism(see Philipson 1992). Many parents are under the false assumption that the acquisiton of the language is the main (and most times the only) means of measuring a child’s intelligence and how well a child is positioned to face future challenges in the country. Such parents, mostly the educated ones, therefore would desist from communicating with their children in their local languages, and sometimes frown at the efforts of such children to mumble some words of their local languages, for fear that its knowledge might affect their acquisition of the English language, hence their poor performance in the language as a subject in school. It is therefore not surprising to see such parents exposing their children to the language from day one after birth at the expense of their local languages. This work gives insights to the performance of children from English-oriented homes vis-a-vis their counterparts from indigeneous language-oriented homes in the English language, as it concludes that there is no significant difference in the performance of these two categories of children in the administered English language test. It therefore renders invalid the early start and the maximum exposure tenets in line with the position of Philipson (1992).
Abstract: The English language is undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with in the polity called Nigeria. In fact, as shall be soon made clearer in this paper, the language has been accorded so much power that it has relegated many of the country’s indigenous languages to the background; a linguistic situation that is commonly and generally referred to as ling...
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Analytical Performance of Administrations in Charge of Ageing Program in Iran
Reza Safdari,
Maryam Mohamadiazar
Volume 1, Issue 3, November 2013
15 November 2013
Downloads: 189
Views: 3454
Abstract: Population aging in most of developed countries should be subjective to more attention regarding health issues of aging group. First proceeding aiming to improve elderly life quality in Iran goes back to 1985 by initiating Shahid Rajai Program. By then different organizations and institutes have launched several programs related to elderly center. This paper compares performance of different programmes of active organizations in the field of elderly care in Iran.
Abstract: Population aging in most of developed countries should be subjective to more attention regarding health issues of aging group. First proceeding aiming to improve elderly life quality in Iran goes back to 1985 by initiating Shahid Rajai Program. By then different organizations and institutes have launched several programs related to elderly center. ...
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Civilization of New Citizen in the Process of Urbanization in China
Volume 1, Issue 3, November 2013
11 December 2013
30 January 2014
Downloads: 149
Views: 3638
Abstract: Nowadays, China has entered into a high-speed urbanization stage, and a great deal of population especially rural population has immigrated to cities and become new citizens in cities. Meanwhile, the urbanization has got a high-speed development in hardware such as city scale, population and infrastructure, but software constructions with the core of civilization are seriously lagged behind. As a result, this has restricted the inner quality of urban development seriously. The author found that two important aspects should be considered in the process of urbanization. Firstly, new citizens should have citizen identity and right in law and reality. Secondly, kinds of education methods should be adopted to establish civil personality in new citizens.
Abstract: Nowadays, China has entered into a high-speed urbanization stage, and a great deal of population especially rural population has immigrated to cities and become new citizens in cities. Meanwhile, the urbanization has got a high-speed development in hardware such as city scale, population and infrastructure, but software constructions with the core ...
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