Recommendations of Ads Text (Writing and Visual) that Can Break the Myth: A Lot of Luck of Having Many Children in Indonesia: The Combination Between Semiotic and Sociological Analysis
Volume 3, Issue 2, March 2015
4 January 2015
29 January 2015
13 February 2015
Downloads: 296
Views: 4242
Abstract: The Purpose of this study was to design the advertisement consists of the counter myth: A lot of Luck of having only two children (Hanya Mempunyai Dua Anak, Banyak Rejeki) that able to break the “Myth”: A lot of luck of having many children (Banyak anak, banyak rejeki) in Indonesia. Moreover, this ads must contain the counter myth: A lot of luck of having two children (Dua Anak, Banyak Rejeki). Afterwards, the myth was transformed into writing and view text using the concept of new poetry, and figure of speech (comparison, and confirmation). Also, the myth was treated into the visual text using the semiotic theory of Roland Barthes, combined with other theoretical frameworks such as The Concreteness of Signifier and Signified, Camera Movement (Arthur Asa Berger), Barker (Color Theories), Darmaprawira and Mas Dian (Local Color Theories), and Mark L. Knapp (Nonverbal Communication). Moreover, There are two kinds of findings at this applied research: the first finding is about the new poetry for the writing ad text, composed by the several figure of speeches, such as: Hyperbole, Anthropomorphism, Personification, Metonymy, and Repetition, and the thought from C. Wright Mills of The Sociological Imagination. Then, the poetry will be equipped with the sixteen scenes (including the recommended duration of time) of visual texts, equipped with the semiotic theory of Roland Barthes, and (again) the Sociological Imagination of C. Wright Mills.
Abstract: The Purpose of this study was to design the advertisement consists of the counter myth: A lot of Luck of having only two children (Hanya Mempunyai Dua Anak, Banyak Rejeki) that able to break the “Myth”: A lot of luck of having many children (Banyak anak, banyak rejeki) in Indonesia. Moreover, this ads must contain the counter myth: A lot of luck of...
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An Assessment of Ramp Designs as Barrier-Free Accesses in Public Buildings in Abuja, Nigeria
Anunobi Anthony Ikechukwu,
Adedayo Olatunde Folaranmi,
Ayuba Philip,
Oyetola Stephen Ayodele,
Otijele Godwin Omachoko
Volume 3, Issue 2, March 2015
3 February 2015
19 February 2015
2 March 2015
Abstract: Increasingly, concerns about the need to improve the level of accessibility of buildings for the aged and the physically challenged in the built environment especially in public buildings have been raised. This study is aimed at assessing the effectiveness of ramp designs in the Federal Capital Territory Area of Abuja, Nigeria. An adaptive survey was deployed to selected public buildings to generate recommendations for change and improvement. The findings indicate that there are several shortcomings associated with ramp characteristics, landing and handrail provisions in the public buildings studied. The study recommends redesigning of existing ramps to achieve desired standards, and the adherence of prospective designs to desired needs of users to ensure ease of accessibility within the built environment. When implemented, it will eventually allow the elderly and physically challenged move easily, safely and enjoy the great variety of opportunities and experiences existing in the City.
Abstract: Increasingly, concerns about the need to improve the level of accessibility of buildings for the aged and the physically challenged in the built environment especially in public buildings have been raised. This study is aimed at assessing the effectiveness of ramp designs in the Federal Capital Territory Area of Abuja, Nigeria. An adaptive survey w...
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Human Rights in Ethiopia: An Assessment on the Law and Practice of Women’s Rights
Volume 3, Issue 2, March 2015
12 February 2015
25 February 2015
2 March 2015
Abstract: Historically, women had been subjected to serious marginalization in the male dominated patriarchal society. Discriminatory and stereotyped cultural practices accompanied by weak legal frameworks had a significant place in the women’s suffer. The current regime of Ethiopia has been aggressively working in the revision and enactment of several laws and policies so as to ensure the protection of the rights of women. Nevertheless, the change brought has not been satisfactory. The deeply rooted stereotype perception and bad cultural practices remained to pose challenges in the protection and promotion of women’s rights. Besides, lack of uniformity among family laws of the country continues to contribute for the domination of women. Moreover, lack of capacity of women’s institutional machineries has also contributed to the prevailing problems. Thus, though the laws of the country are informed by the principle of gender equality women are still subject to serious violations of their rights. The study, therefore, calls for strong commitment of the government in the practical implementation of women’s rights, to modify such bad culture to be friendly with women’s rights and to build the capacity of women’s institutional machineries.
Abstract: Historically, women had been subjected to serious marginalization in the male dominated patriarchal society. Discriminatory and stereotyped cultural practices accompanied by weak legal frameworks had a significant place in the women’s suffer. The current regime of Ethiopia has been aggressively working in the revision and enactment of several laws ...
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On Bridging the Gap in the Sexual Behavior of the Sexes: The Mediating Role of Culture/Environment
Adedeji Julius Ogunleye,
Tosin Tunrayo Olonisakin,
Sulaiman Olanrewaju Adebayo
Volume 3, Issue 2, March 2015
7 February 2015
24 February 2015
4 March 2015
Abstract: Sexuality is an important component of human life given its implication for sexual satisfaction, reproduction, egalitarianism and the continuity of the human race. The purpose of this paper is to present a review of the literature on cultural sex-role prescriptions for male control and female deference particularly in the Nigerian literature, and to demonstrate the implication of such for relationship satisfaction, sexually transmitted infections and egalitarianism, and the building of a virile society. In this article, we emphasize the socio-cultural specifics of the Nigerian society and its role in perpetuating power imbalance, sexual inequality and sexual in-expression between men and women.
Abstract: Sexuality is an important component of human life given its implication for sexual satisfaction, reproduction, egalitarianism and the continuity of the human race. The purpose of this paper is to present a review of the literature on cultural sex-role prescriptions for male control and female deference particularly in the Nigerian literature, and t...
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The Ethio-Eritrean Post-War Stalemate: An Assessment on the Causes and Prospects
Kidanu Atinafu,
Endalcachew Bayeh
Volume 3, Issue 2, March 2015
16 February 2015
3 March 2015
13 March 2015
Abstract: The people of Eritrea declared their formal independence from Ethiopia after majority of its populations voted in favor of separation in the 1993 referendum. Since the secession, governments of the two countries forged cordial relations and concluded different agreements to regulate their bilateral relations. However, the alliances formed and agreements signed were far from promising and short lived. The various divergences observed in socio-economic and political fields bedeviled their relations which later led for an all-out war of the 1998-2000. Though the war was ended with signing of the Algiers Agreement in 2000, the relations between the two countries for the last fourteen years remained hostile and at the core of the two countries’ hostility is border issue that moved the two countries into different infringes. This piece of paper attempts to uncover the factors accompanying the Ethio-Eritrean post-war impasses and the future prospects.
Abstract: The people of Eritrea declared their formal independence from Ethiopia after majority of its populations voted in favor of separation in the 1993 referendum. Since the secession, governments of the two countries forged cordial relations and concluded different agreements to regulate their bilateral relations. However, the alliances formed and agree...
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