Pattern Primitive Library Construction and Feature Analysis of Kirgiz Textile Pattern
Juan Qian,
Aimin Xiao,
Xiaoyu Xin,
Mingjie He
Volume 7, Issue 6, November 2019
23 October 2019
19 November 2019
2 December 2019
Downloads: 242
Views: 1079
Abstract: Textile patterns in each minority which contain cultural, historical, artistical, and reginal features are precious because of its unique aesthetic characteristics. More than 78 typical classical patterns of Kirgiz Yormac which is a kind of Kirgiz home-made textile are collected through field investigation, and digitalized by CorelDraw based on the concept of pattern primitives. Three methods for obtaining the pattern primitive units are proposed, and a pattern primitive library is established. It is found that the most popular Yormac pattern items are the ram horn, the flying eagles, and geometric figures, with a symmetrical configuration and structure. Red is the most epidemic color with the proportion over 70% of the pattern collected. By statistically and literature analysis, it can be concluded that Kirgiz textile pattern comes from life, being used in life. The custom, implication, spirit of Kirgiz shown in pattern come down in one continuous line with national pattern, and are highly in conformity with the culture and tradition of Chinese nation. The feature analysis of Yormac pattern, and construction of pattern primitive library is done for better comprehension of Kirgiz culture, and thus protecting and inheriting the Kirgiz intangible culture heritage.
Abstract: Textile patterns in each minority which contain cultural, historical, artistical, and reginal features are precious because of its unique aesthetic characteristics. More than 78 typical classical patterns of Kirgiz Yormac which is a kind of Kirgiz home-made textile are collected through field investigation, and digitalized by CorelDraw based on the...
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Church Ethical Values in Good Governance and Entrepreneurship in Nigeria
Volume 7, Issue 6, November 2019
15 October 2019
19 November 2019
4 December 2019
Downloads: 237
Views: 1099
Abstract: This research explores the impact of the Church ethical values on the governance and the development of entrepreneurship in the context of Nigeria nation. Entrepreneurship has been identified as a major source of employment, economic growth and innovation. As a result, entrepreneurship has captured the attention of increasing number of scholars in various fields including the Church. The Bible is concerned with the economics of the poor and their well-being. A possible way for Christian to represent the God’s plan for earth is to be entrepreneurial, starting business organization rooted in the desire to see the gospel transform the society. For example, Proverbs 6:9 challenges the poor by asking them to awake and go to work. Frost, the director General of the British Chamber of commerce indicated that “Thriving successful business are the lifeblood of prosperous communities. It has never been more important to support the next generation of wealth creating entrepreneurs particularly in these challenging economic times”. The church needs entrepreneurs, people who hate the status quo by challenging the norm, people whose greatest fear is the feeding of being stuck right where they are for the rest of their lives. Challenging the status quo is where entrepreneurship begins. The church in Nigeria realized that, the government cannot run the race alone, hence she (the church) becomes partners in progress in running a good governance with advancing entrepreneurship in developing Nigeria. It is against this backdrop that the study seeks to examine the cooperation of the government, the church and entrepreneurship in Nigeria. The study applied analytical methods for its findings.
Abstract: This research explores the impact of the Church ethical values on the governance and the development of entrepreneurship in the context of Nigeria nation. Entrepreneurship has been identified as a major source of employment, economic growth and innovation. As a result, entrepreneurship has captured the attention of increasing number of scholars in ...
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Research on Development of the Practical Teaching of Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Colleges and Universities Since the Reform and Opening Up
Volume 7, Issue 6, November 2019
1 November 2019
29 November 2019
6 December 2019
Downloads: 195
Views: 1047
Abstract: Since the Reform and Opening Up, our party and country attach great importance to the construction of Ideological and political theory courses in Colleges and universities, especially the setting of practical practice teaching part. As an extension part of the theoretical teaching of Ideological and political courses in Colleges and universities, it has played an important role in promoting the effectiveness of Ideological and political education in Colleges and universities and enhancing the sense of acquisition of College Students' Marxist theory learning. Reviewing the development of the practical teaching of Ideological and political theory course in Colleges and universities since the reform and opening up, strengthening the understanding of the connotation of the practical teaching of Ideological and political course in Colleges and universities, so as to better grasp the present situation of its development and Reform. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to guide the practical work and improve the quality of Ideological and political education in Colleges and universities.
Abstract: Since the Reform and Opening Up, our party and country attach great importance to the construction of Ideological and political theory courses in Colleges and universities, especially the setting of practical practice teaching part. As an extension part of the theoretical teaching of Ideological and political courses in Colleges and universities, i...
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Foundations of Value Disorientation in Africa: Example of the Nigerian Education System
Volume 7, Issue 6, November 2019
31 August 2019
15 October 2019
25 December 2019
Abstract: Human personality is a product of cultural ideologies transmitted via institutions of socialisation – family, schools, religion, and the mass media. The school system is responsible for secondary socialisation of citizens after the family. The major obligation is the purposeful creation and strengthening of personality, to give the citizens proper formation so that they can integrate socially and take up responsibilities in the various facts of the society. The success or otherwise of this obligation depends on the values that dominate the learning environment of the citizens. Using the tenets of Skinner’s learning theory of personality, this study seeks to establish a relationship between the prevalent environment of learning and the high rate of value disorientation in Nigeria. The paper combines ethnographic observation and conceptual review methods. Some of the factors of value disorientation identified include, discordant religious doctrines in schools, marketing of schools with examination fraud, and environment of injustice and human rights abuse. The study recommends that government should separate religious education from formal education so that Nigerian schools will no longer be used as avenues of inculcating discordant religious beliefs and doctrines; and that the national and state houses of assembly should make legislations that will empower students to demand for justice when their rights are violated.
Abstract: Human personality is a product of cultural ideologies transmitted via institutions of socialisation – family, schools, religion, and the mass media. The school system is responsible for secondary socialisation of citizens after the family. The major obligation is the purposeful creation and strengthening of personality, to give the citizens proper ...
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Digital Media and Cultural Globalisation: The Fate of African Value System
Balarabe Maikaba,
Aondover Eric Msughter
Volume 7, Issue 6, November 2019
11 June 2019
22 October 2019
31 December 2019
Abstract: The study set to examine digital media and globalisation in order to determine the fate of African value system. Digital media can be used to change social practices as well as societal-level transformation. If countries all over the world use the same technology, then they will gradually converge as the technologies shape them and they slowly lose their distinctiveness. Globalization on the other hand is a continuation and expansion of western imperialism. It is a fresh phase of recolonization of African societies which attempts to continue the promotion of western linguistic heritage and literacy canons at the expense of African indigenous languages and literature. Globalization tends to diminish the value of cultural practices of Africa. The culture of the developed economy has obviously taken over the local culture. African societies are directly or indirectly forced to accept uniform moral principles of what is right and wrong within global cultures. In order to achieve the objective of the study, qualitative research method is adopted whereby relevant literature, documents and records are consulted and analysed in order to underscore digital media or globalisation and the fate of African value system. To locate the study within the context of theoretical framework, Media Imperialism Theory is employed. The findings of the study revealed that digital media and globalisation are exerting significant influence on the production and consumption of media products and acculturation. The study concludes that the challenges digital media and globalization pose to Africa are nothing more than challenges for Africans to adopt development policies that are rooted in their cultural value systems. The study recommends that Africans should imbibe the positive tenets that come with technology and neglect the negative aspects. Again, there is need for researchers to develop interest in this area so as to expand the body of literature and knowledge.
Abstract: The study set to examine digital media and globalisation in order to determine the fate of African value system. Digital media can be used to change social practices as well as societal-level transformation. If countries all over the world use the same technology, then they will gradually converge as the technologies shape them and they slowly lose...
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