Review of Individual Tacit Knowledge Measurement
Zeng Zhi,
Shen Junlong,
Chen Xingzi,
Xiang Gaoyue
Volume 4, Issue 6, November 2016
13 October 2016
13 October 2016
Downloads: 279
Views: 4274
Abstract: People have recognized that the vast majority of the human beings’ knowledge (accounting for 90% of the total amount of knowledge) is tacit knowledge that it is difficult to express, difficult to code, in addition to the explicit knowledge which can be expressed and encoded, since Polanyi proposed and constructed “tacit knowledge” theory. As a result, the measurement of tacit knowledge has become one of the key objects in the research of knowledge management. The related achievement from different countries’ scholars during the past 30 years will become an important asset for further research in the field, since Sternberg R.J., a famous American psychologist, initially discussed the measurement of tacit knowledge in 1987.
Abstract: People have recognized that the vast majority of the human beings’ knowledge (accounting for 90% of the total amount of knowledge) is tacit knowledge that it is difficult to express, difficult to code, in addition to the explicit knowledge which can be expressed and encoded, since Polanyi proposed and constructed “tacit knowledge” theory. As a resu...
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Gender Difference in the Roles Performed by Project Stakeholders in Poverty Reduction Projects in Baringo North Sub- County
Volume 4, Issue 6, November 2016
13 September 2016
23 September 2016
27 October 2016
Downloads: 162
Views: 3858
Abstract: Poverty has become and continuous to be a key word in many developing countries and it is central to International Development Policy. A huge amount of money is spent on projects in the quest for poverty reduction and lots of expertise continues to be offered to try and address poverty, yet there is nothing much to show for it. This study intended to establish gender difference in the roles performed by project stakeholders in poverty reduction projects in Baringo North Sub- County. The Study was carried out in Kipsaraman and Bartabwa administrative Wards and focused on projects that have been set up by the Government of Kenya and Non-Governmental Organizations whose objective is to address issues of poverty. It was established in this study that the level of participation in the projects by women is significantly low compared to that of males which is nearly one-half times that of the females. The study recommends that all community members irrespective of gender be allowed equal opportunity to be actively involved poverty reduction project. The study suggests that a similar study could be replicated in other counties to be able to unpack challenges in project.
Abstract: Poverty has become and continuous to be a key word in many developing countries and it is central to International Development Policy. A huge amount of money is spent on projects in the quest for poverty reduction and lots of expertise continues to be offered to try and address poverty, yet there is nothing much to show for it. This study intended ...
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Requirements for Young Teachers in the Transition Period of Local Colleges and Universities in China
Li Dawei,
Liu Hong,
Wang Li
Volume 4, Issue 6, November 2016
9 November 2016
10 November 2016
Downloads: 165
Views: 4127
Abstract: It was a strategic decision, made by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, to guide the transition and development of some local colleges and universities in China. As the main force of university teaching staffs, it is an issue worthy of attention that young teachers how to play their own characteristics, the trend of transition of local colleges and universities in the rapidly changing roles, and constantly improve themselves, for the transition and development to contribute their ability and cleverness. In this paper, the requirements of local colleges and universities in transition period to the teaching staffs as the breakthrough point, combined with the characteristics of young teachers, some requirements to young teachers in transition period are analyzed. Some requirements are put forward for young teachers at last in transition period.
Abstract: It was a strategic decision, made by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, to guide the transition and development of some local colleges and universities in China. As the main force of university teaching staffs, it is an issue worthy of attention that young teachers how to p...
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Public Perception of Probity (Luke 3:12-14) in Public Service and Its Impact on Sustainable Development in Benue State
Volume 4, Issue 6, November 2016
19 September 2016
2 October 2016
14 November 2016
Abstract: Probity as an obligation to public servants is a tenet that must be adhered to for a sustainable development to ensue. Apparently, unlike the private sector, the public sector is bound to be accountable to the public and subject to audit and political scrutiny. Therefore, standards of acceptable conduct cannot be compromised; and as such, public service needs to demonstrate probity in all its endeavors. The study examined the public perception of probity (Luke 3:12-14) in Public Service and its impact on Sustainable Development in Benue State. The study adopted the descriptive survey design. The target population of study was Civil Servants who constitute bulk of the Public Service in Benue State. Sample size of 378 from the population was drawn using sample size table; and Random sampling technique was used in selecting the subjects for the study. Mean and standard deviation will be used in achieving the research objectives for the study and Chi-Square in testing the hypotheses formulated at 0.05 significance level. The study discovered that the public perceived probity to be complete honesty, truthfulness, reliability, good, honest, moral excellence, integrity, rectitude, uprightness and conscientiousness of public servants, which has positive impact on sustainable development. It was therefore, recommended that governments and stakeholders should encourage public servants to avoid corrupt practices that demonstrate lack of probity in public service. Moreover, it was also recommended that the church should do more in sermonizing its members who are mostly public servants on scriptures such as Luke 3:12-14 and other similar scriptures to enforce probity in public service in Benue State.
Abstract: Probity as an obligation to public servants is a tenet that must be adhered to for a sustainable development to ensue. Apparently, unlike the private sector, the public sector is bound to be accountable to the public and subject to audit and political scrutiny. Therefore, standards of acceptable conduct cannot be compromised; and as such, public se...
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The Development of British Civil Servants Classification System for China's Enlightenment
Volume 4, Issue 6, November 2016
6 December 2016
7 December 2016
Abstract: The classification system of civil servants is of vital to the entire civil service system; the civil service system has a far-reaching impact on the country’s stability and orderly operation. Therefore, the improvement of the civil service classification system has a positive effect on the ability of national governance. Britain is the most representative modern governance country which based on grade. UK’s grade classification system had gradually developed to a classification system of civil servants which combines grade and job classification. Studying the history of the development of grade classification of British civil servants has important implications on the classification system of civil servants in China. The enlightenment indicates the direction of the development of the civil servants. Through comparing, we can sum up some useful aspects of Chinese civil servants classification, and strengthen them. And development direction for the future of China's public servants to make some beneficial exploration.
Abstract: The classification system of civil servants is of vital to the entire civil service system; the civil service system has a far-reaching impact on the country’s stability and orderly operation. Therefore, the improvement of the civil service classification system has a positive effect on the ability of national governance. Britain is the most repres...
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Assessment of Use of Faculty Libraries Resources by Undergraduate Students in Benue State University Library Makurdi, Nigeria
Volume 4, Issue 6, November 2016
18 October 2016
3 November 2016
12 December 2016
Abstract: The study looks at assessment of use of faculty libraries resources by undergraduate students in Benue State University Library, Makurdi, Nigeria. The study adopted the descriptive survey design. The target population of the study was undergraduate students. The sample size of 361 from the population was drawn using Krejcie and Morgan sample size table; and simple random sampling technique was used in selecting the subjects for the study. Mean and standard deviation were used in answering the research questions for the study. It was discovered that lack of internet resources, lack of adequate reference materials, non-availability of reading tables and chairs, lack of necessary skills for internet use and power interruption, inadequate points of access in university faculty libraries and information centers were challenges hindering undergraduate students from using the faculty libraries resources for their learning and research. The study recommended that there should be provision of internet resources, acquisition of adequate reference materials, provision of reading tables and chairs, training of undergraduate students to acquire necessary skills for Internet use, provision of standby generators to manage power interruption and installation and provision of points of access in university faculty libraries and information centers.
Abstract: The study looks at assessment of use of faculty libraries resources by undergraduate students in Benue State University Library, Makurdi, Nigeria. The study adopted the descriptive survey design. The target population of the study was undergraduate students. The sample size of 361 from the population was drawn using Krejcie and Morgan sample size t...
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Basic Social Services for Ethnic Minority Groups in Urban of Vietnam: Current Situation and Solutions
Tran Van Kham,
Nguyen Van Chieu
Volume 4, Issue 6, November 2016
3 November 2016
16 November 2016
16 December 2016
Abstract: At the moment, there is about 13 million of ethnic minorities living in the urban areas of Vietnam, facing difficulties on their daily life. In order to improve the life quality, the narrow the gap between the minorities and majority in Vietnam, this paper aims at identifying the welfare accessibilities by minorities in the urban life in terms of housing, health care services, employment services and public services as well; and proposing the solutions for improving such conditions to have better life of minorities in the urban. Based on the sustainable livelihood framework as the theoretical approach, and the survey with 600 ethnic minorities, at the age of 18 and above, in three provinces of Vietnam, it is found that the ethnic minorities are facing difficulties on accessing the basic social services due to many limitations, from such this paper also suggests the considerations improving the life conditions for ethnic minorities in Vietnam in the urban life from perspective of social welfare and sustainable development.
Abstract: At the moment, there is about 13 million of ethnic minorities living in the urban areas of Vietnam, facing difficulties on their daily life. In order to improve the life quality, the narrow the gap between the minorities and majority in Vietnam, this paper aims at identifying the welfare accessibilities by minorities in the urban life in terms of h...
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The Methods of Learning Law in Russian Educational Institution
Khalmakshinova Svetlana,
Daoyan Fan
Volume 4, Issue 6, November 2016
6 December 2016
30 December 2016
Abstract: The formation of Russian civil society is inseparable from education of modern youth within modern legal thought, viewpoint, and the spirit of the idea of law education. At the same time, the state of legal culture is not as good as society wants. This includes not only the ignorance of the existing law that is the non-recognition of law being social force, the lack of knowledge of the most important legal principles. Educational institution, as one of the main institutions of society, has an important role in forming legal socialization; educational institution must intentionally form members of society, who can make conscious decisions. The process of learning jurisprudence should promote the education of social positive people who can solve social problems. The methods of modern school law include principles such as legal education, coherence, scientificness, accessibility, similarity to life, personal experience of students, interdisciplinary relations, legal certainty and accuracy of legal knowledge.
Abstract: The formation of Russian civil society is inseparable from education of modern youth within modern legal thought, viewpoint, and the spirit of the idea of law education. At the same time, the state of legal culture is not as good as society wants. This includes not only the ignorance of the existing law that is the non-recognition of law being soci...
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