Large-Scale Bose-Einstein Condensation in an Atomic Gas by Applying an Electric Field
Volume 7, Issue 4, July 2018
29 May 2018
21 June 2018
13 July 2018
Downloads: 179
Views: 2959
Abstract: Large-scale Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of cesium atoms has been observed (T=343K). The technical bottleneck of BEC is very small trapping volume (10-8cm3), which made the number of condensed atoms still stagnant (less than 107), much smaller than normal condensation (more than 1013), large-scale BEC has never been observed. In BEC experiment, scientists have applied magnetic field (used to trap atoms) and laser (used to cool atoms), but never considered applying electric field, because they think that all kinds of atoms are non-polar atoms. The breakthrough of the bottleneck lies in the application of electric field. In theory, despite 6s and 6p states of cesium are not degenerate, but Cs may be polar atom doesn't conflict with quantum mechanics because it is hydrogen-like atom. When an electric field was applied, Cs atoms become dipoles, therefore large-scale BEC can be observed. BEC experiment of cesium has been redone. From the entropy S=0, critical voltage Vc=78V. When V < Vc, S > 0; when V > Vc, S<0, phase transition occurred. When V=370V, condensates contained up to 2.71×1017 atoms, a forty percent improvement over previous results. This BEC is a second-order phase transition because entropy doesn't show discontinuity, from Wikipedia. It is also equivalent to a quantum phase transition. The permanent dipole moment (PDM) of Cs atom has been accurately measured: dCs=[1.84±0.15(stat) ±0.11 (syst)] ×10-8 The PDM doesn't arise from the nuclear spin but arises from asymmetrical charge distribution, and it doesn't violate both time reversal and parity symmetry. The maximum induced dipole moment is dind ≤ 2.12 ×, which can be ignored. BEC has three main features: BEC is macroscopic occupation of the ground state of the system; BEC is condensation in momentum space; Bose gas would undergo a phase transition. Our experiment is an ideal BEC because it conforms to the three features. BEC belongs to the condensation of quantum gas, when V > Vc, almost all Cs atoms (bosons) are in exactly the same state,according to Feynman, “the quantum physics is the same thing as the classical physics”, so our classical theory can explain BEC experiment satisfactorily. Ultra-low temperature is to make Bose gas phase transition, we used critical voltage to achieve phase transition, ultra-low temperature is no longer necessary. Five innovative formulas were first reported in the history of physics, the publication of this article marking mankind will enter a new era of polar atoms.
Abstract: Large-scale Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of cesium atoms has been observed (T=343K). The technical bottleneck of BEC is very small trapping volume (10-8cm3), which made the number of condensed atoms still stagnant (less than 107), much smaller than normal condensation (more than 1013), large-scale BEC has never been observed. In BEC experiment,...
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Quantization Principles Based on the Shielding Effect and Planck’s Constant in Gravitational Fields
Volume 7, Issue 4, July 2018
2 July 2018
11 July 2018
2 August 2018
Downloads: 253
Views: 4009
Abstract: To reveal the physical nature of Planck’s constant, an analytic expression of Planck's constant is presented, and based on this expression, the De Broglie’s relation and the expression of momentum operator are derived. To calculate Planck’s constant, the shielding effect of the fundamental interaction is introduced, and found that Planck’s constant can be calculated for the fundamental interaction fields with shielding effects, thus have obtained the general quantization principle: the systems with shielding effects can be quantized. As a result, the representation of Planck's constant in the gravitational field is derived, indicating that although the gravitational field can’t be quantified, which has effects on quantum phenomena through expressing Planck’s constant based on the curvature of space-time. This work is of significance for deepening the understanding of quantum mechanics, and for exploring the quantum mechanism in the cosmic celestial bodies.
Abstract: To reveal the physical nature of Planck’s constant, an analytic expression of Planck's constant is presented, and based on this expression, the De Broglie’s relation and the expression of momentum operator are derived. To calculate Planck’s constant, the shielding effect of the fundamental interaction is introduced, and found that Planck’s constant...
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Modeling and Characterization of Inconsistent Behavior of Gate Leakage Current with Threshold Voltage for Nano MOSFETs
Volume 7, Issue 4, July 2018
13 July 2018
19 August 2018
15 September 2018
Abstract: A strange relationship of gate leakage current and threshold voltage variation for nano MOSFETs is analyzed using factual strategy and subsequently a physical model is proffered. The gate leakage current increments with the threshold voltage before it diminishes at higher threshold voltage in nanoscale devices. This inconsistent behavior of gate leakage current with threshold voltage variations is precisely clarified in the manuscript through the concept of accord between two contrary operations: threshold voltage roll-off impact and gate leakage current reliance on surface potential. The tunneling gate leakage current density diminishes with threshold voltage over surface potential. However, the threshold voltage roll-off impact causes higher threshold voltage for larger channel length devices. The net gate leakage current is adjusted by these two contrary functions of threshold voltage. In addition, the rate of accretion of the gate leakage current with threshold voltage variation is also analyzed. The impact of the increase in the power supply voltage on the rate of accretion of the gate leakage current vs. threshold voltage curve is also explored. Thorough methodical TCAD simulations are accomplished to validate the proffered models. Both the experimental outcomes, TCAD simulations and physics based models are implemented to uncover and clarify the threshold voltage gate leakage relationship, particularly for nano MOSFETs. The proposed notion is not currently captured in conventional gate leakage nano device models, hence the proffered physical models may be utilized in progression of reliable and trustworthy TCAD simulation tools for nano devices.
Abstract: A strange relationship of gate leakage current and threshold voltage variation for nano MOSFETs is analyzed using factual strategy and subsequently a physical model is proffered. The gate leakage current increments with the threshold voltage before it diminishes at higher threshold voltage in nanoscale devices. This inconsistent behavior of gate le...
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