American Journal of Modern Physics

Volume 5, Issue 6, November 2016

  • Calculations of Triple Differential Cross-Sections for the Ionization of H (3S) by Electron Impact

    Tania Noor, Farhana Shirin Chowdhury

    Issue: Volume 5, Issue 6, November 2016
    Pages: 162-171
    Received: 16 September 2016
    Accepted: 26 September 2016
    Published: 15 October 2016
    Downloads: 220
    Views: 5902
    Abstract: In the present study we have calculated the Triple Differential Cross-Sections (TDCS) for the ionization of metastable 3S-state hydrogen atoms at 250 eV incidence electron energy for various kinematic conditions in the asymmetric coplanar geometry. A final state wave function of multiple scattering theory [11] has been used in the present study. Th... Show More
  • Biofield Energy Signals, Energy Transmission and Neutrinos

    Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, T. R. Rama Mohan

    Issue: Volume 5, Issue 6, November 2016
    Pages: 172-176
    Received: 28 September 2016
    Accepted: 11 October 2016
    Published: 1 November 2016
    Abstract: There has been significant data published in peer-reviewed scientific journals about Mr. Mahendra Kumar Trivedi exercising the biofield energy to change the behaviour and characteristics of living organisms including soil, seeds, plants, trees, animals, microbes, and humans, along with non-living materials including metals, ceramics, polymers, chem... Show More
  • An Advanced Physics of Superfluidity and Superconductivity

    Gilbert A. Ibitola, Olanrewaju Ajanaku, Lawrence O. Imafidon

    Issue: Volume 5, Issue 6, November 2016
    Pages: 177-183
    Received: 24 October 2016
    Accepted: 7 November 2016
    Published: 5 December 2016
    Downloads: 179
    Views: 4870
    Abstract: This paper presents an advanced Physics of superfluidity and superconductivity. We know from Quantum Mechanics that there are two types of particles, bosons and fermions. Single states can be occupied by any number of bosons while for fermions a single state can be occupied at most by one fermion. The charged boson system is found to exhibit superf... Show More
  • On Atom and Electron Based on Protons (p) and Neutrons (n) Pairs

    Bai Zhiyong

    Issue: Volume 5, Issue 6, November 2016
    Pages: 184-187
    Received: 18 June 2016
    Accepted: 21 July 2016
    Published: 6 January 2017
    Abstract: The nuclear particles are formed by p(protons) -n(neutrons) and n(neutrons) -p(protons) pairs. The nuclear particles move in accordance with the law of nuclear particle tracks arrangement and the sub layer arrangement regular, which determines the distribution and movement of electron, and the nature of elements. The energy of electromagnetic, pres... Show More