Limit of Low Temperatures, Freeze Decay, Dissipation of Matter, Harvest of Cold Energy
Volume 4, Issue 5, September 2015
6 July 2015
21 July 2015
30 July 2015
Downloads: 158
Views: 5773
Abstract: Background: The gas laws assert that at “absolute zero” or 0 K, the gaseousness of the gases ends. Experimentally, gases become liquid or solid at 0 K. However, (i) 0 K is not the lowest limit of temperature; and (ii) at 0 K, the value of entropy is not zero. Activity continues at 0 K. There is (a) “Zero-point” energy; (b) the principle of “indeterminacy” holds; (c) 0 K is not the lower limit of “critical points” of the fluids and solids phases; (d) the structures of atoms comport in “clusters”; (e) electronic energy “mismatch” in superconductivity; and other phenomena stand against zero entropy at 0K. Purpose: Dissipation of matter means dissipation of energy. It may be possible to harvest the dissipating energy at below 0 K temperature for the use of human beings. Method: A number of statistical equations anchor at zero entropy at 0K. This anchor is arbitrary. At 0 K, gas stays as liquid, solid or plasma. Argumentatively, much below that temperature there is liquid–limit–temperature (LLT) where all liquids become solids or plasma. Below LLT, there is solid–limit-temperature (SLT) where freeze decay of matter sets in. At SLT, the articles and sub-particles constituting an atom dance away in to space. Result: Matter exists in the range between very cold temperature and very hot temperature. When matter dissipates then energy disperses with the dissipating matter. Conclusion: Laboratories need to reach the SLT temperature empirically and find means to harvest the dissipating energy.
Abstract: Background: The gas laws assert that at “absolute zero” or 0 K, the gaseousness of the gases ends. Experimentally, gases become liquid or solid at 0 K. However, (i) 0 K is not the lowest limit of temperature; and (ii) at 0 K, the value of entropy is not zero. Activity continues at 0 K. There is (a) “Zero-point” energy; (b) the principle of “indeter...
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Quantum Mechanics in Space and Time
Volume 4, Issue 5, September 2015
1 August 2015
17 August 2015
29 August 2015
Downloads: 166
Views: 5586
Abstract: The possibility that quantum mechanics is foundationally the same as classical theories in explaining phenomena in space and time is postulated. Such a view is motivated by interpreting the experimental violation of Bell inequalities as resulting from questions of geometry and algebraic representation of variables, and thereby the structure of space, rather than realism or locality. While time remains Euclidean in the proposed new structure, space is described by Projective geometry. A dual geometry facilitates description of a physically real quantum particle trajectory. Implications for the physical basis of Bohmian mechanics is briefly examined, and found that the hidden variables pilot-wave model is local. Conceptually, the consequence of this proposal is that quantum mechanics has common ground with relativity as ultimately geometrical. This permits the derivation of physically meaningful quantum Lorentz transformations. Departure from classical notions of measurability is discussed.
Abstract: The possibility that quantum mechanics is foundationally the same as classical theories in explaining phenomena in space and time is postulated. Such a view is motivated by interpreting the experimental violation of Bell inequalities as resulting from questions of geometry and algebraic representation of variables, and thereby the structure of spac...
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Characterization of Neutron Field in a Spherical Irradiation Facility
M. Tohamy,
M. Fayez-Hassan,
S. Abd El-Ghany,
S. M. El-Minyawi,
M. M. Abd El-Khalik,
M. N. H. Comsan
Volume 4, Issue 5, September 2015
1 August 2015
15 August 2015
29 August 2015
Downloads: 193
Views: 5483
Abstract: A small-sized dual-hemisphere irradiation facility designed and constructed for using Am-Be isotopic neutron source to study and characterize the neutron field around sample irradiation position for obtaining maximum thermal neutron flux. The foil activation method based on 115In and 197Au was used for monitoring the thermal neutron flux. For field characterization, several combinations of moderation media have been tested (air, sand and water) aiming at the identification of the best combinational setups for sample irradiations using thermal neutrons. To account for epithermal contribution, reaction rates and flux calculations were corrected using tabulated values of Westcott g-factors and resonance integrals for these media. The optimal position for sample irradiation using thermal neutron for both water-water and water-sand setups, inside the irradiation channel, was found at about 6.9 to 10.9 cm from the center of the neutron source.
Abstract: A small-sized dual-hemisphere irradiation facility designed and constructed for using Am-Be isotopic neutron source to study and characterize the neutron field around sample irradiation position for obtaining maximum thermal neutron flux. The foil activation method based on 115In and 197Au was used for monitoring the thermal neutron flux. For field...
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Interpretation of the Exact Intrinsic Meaning of Hibernation Through the Consciousness Model
Volume 4, Issue 5, September 2015
17 July 2015
30 July 2015
9 September 2015
Abstract: The hibernation and the ‘Vital Living Force’ (~= Prâna) that, in turn, is responsible for maintaining the "life function" can be explained through the developed consciousness model involving thought-carrying particles (TCP), thought retaining particles (TRP) and thought force (TF). Our consciousness model signifies the existence of universal consciousness that exists along with the universe. The universal consciousness is a functional state of the universal mind (UM). The thought force (TF) is an expression of the universal consciousness. The quantized energy (εT) of the TCP is found to cause the universal consciousness as well as the cosmic microwave background radiation temperature. The UM as well as the individual mind is constituted by these TCP and TRP. It has already been expressed that TCP and TRP are the ultimate constituents of any matter as well as the mind, a constituent of the universal mind (UM) in the inherent presence of thought force (TF). The thought force (TF) being the primary field is the origin of all the existing fields. This TF is the primordial quantum field that exerts its functions both in vitro and in vivo. The same (εT) is equally responsible to create and control the individual consciousness through the quantum mechanical activities of these TCP and TRP in the presence of the thought force (TF) in vitro and thought force (TF) in vivo. It is shown here that the hibernation and the ‘Vital Living Force’ (~= Prâna) can be explained through the TCP, TRP and thought force (TF) in vivo and thought force (TF) in vivo.
Abstract: The hibernation and the ‘Vital Living Force’ (~= Prâna) that, in turn, is responsible for maintaining the "life function" can be explained through the developed consciousness model involving thought-carrying particles (TCP), thought retaining particles (TRP) and thought force (TF). Our consciousness model signifies the existence of universal consci...
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Gravitational Propulsion by Help of Vacuum Holes
Volume 4, Issue 5, September 2015
1 May 2015
4 May 2015
14 September 2015
Abstract: A new concept, the gravitational propulsion, or "Hole Levitation", is proposed which propels vehicle by using the artificial gravity (vacuum holes). Such gravitational propulsion is similar to gravitational slingshot but without the need for large masses like planets and complicate maneuvers. The source of artificial gravitation accelerates the vehicle in one direction and the surrounding medium in the opposite direction. Therefore, it is not a reactionless drive: momentum is taken from the surrounding stars and planets and conferred on the vehicle and thus is conserved overall. The artificial gravity generator can damp or neutralize inertial forces due to the levitating vehicle is able to move with large acceleration, which is not acceptable for other means of transport.
Abstract: A new concept, the gravitational propulsion, or "Hole Levitation", is proposed which propels vehicle by using the artificial gravity (vacuum holes). Such gravitational propulsion is similar to gravitational slingshot but without the need for large masses like planets and complicate maneuvers. The source of artificial gravitation accelerates the veh...
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