Mass, Momentum, Force and Energy of Photon and Subatomic Particles, and Mechanism of Constant Light Speed Based on Yangton & Yington Theory
Volume 5, Issue 4, July 2016
18 April 2016
27 April 2016
7 June 2016
Downloads: 238
Views: 6531
Abstract: The meanings of Mass, Momentum, Force and Energy of a substance are clearly defined. Their relationships to each others are discussed. The reasons that a Photon has energy E = hν and momentum P = h/λ are explained. Light travels in vacuum at a constant speed C = 3 x 108 m/sec while converting from Wu’s Particle through the separation and ejection processes from its parent substance is discussed in details based on Yangton and Yington theory. In Black Body radiation, a Photon emitted at high temperature having smaller size, higher frequency and higher energy is also explained.
Abstract: The meanings of Mass, Momentum, Force and Energy of a substance are clearly defined. Their relationships to each others are discussed. The reasons that a Photon has energy E = hν and momentum P = h/λ are explained. Light travels in vacuum at a constant speed C = 3 x 108 m/sec while converting from Wu’s Particle through the separation and ejection p...
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Measurements of Indoor Radon Levels and Dose Estimation and Lung Cancer Risk Determination for Workers in Health Centres of Some Towns in the Sudan
Volume 5, Issue 4, July 2016
10 March 2016
12 March 2016
29 June 2016
Downloads: 240
Views: 5651
Abstract: The indoor radon concentration level and radon effective dose rate were carried out in the health centers of Khartoum, Behri(Khartoum North), Medani and Kassala towns – Sudan, in 222 measurements, using passive integrated solid-state nuclear track devices containing allyl diglycol carbonate plastic detectors. The radon concentration in the corresponding health centers was found to vary from 60 ± 12 Bq.m-3, in Kassala town health centers, and 34 ± 9 Bq.m-3 in Wad Medani town health centers, while Khartoum and Behri (Khartoum North) health centers are recording an average values of 49 ± 12 Bq.m-3 to 46 ± 11 Bq.m-3, respectively. The overall average of radon concentration for health centers in our study was found to be 47 ± 11 Bq.m-3. These values are noticed to be far below than the radon action level 200- 600 Bq.m-3 as recommended by ICRP. Assuming an indoor occupancy factor of 0.8 and 0.4 for the equilibrium factor of radon indoors, we found that the annual effective dose rate from radon was estimated to be 1.19 ± 0.28 mSv.y-1, and the relative lung cancer risk for radon exposure was found to be 1.042%. From our study, it is clear that the annual effective dose rate is lower than both the “normal” back ground level as quoted by UNSCEAR and the recommended action level of ICRP, and less than the maximum permissible dose defined by the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Abstract: The indoor radon concentration level and radon effective dose rate were carried out in the health centers of Khartoum, Behri(Khartoum North), Medani and Kassala towns – Sudan, in 222 measurements, using passive integrated solid-state nuclear track devices containing allyl diglycol carbonate plastic detectors. The radon concentration in the correspo...
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Time, Space, Gravity and Spacetime Based on Yangton & Yington Theory, and Spacetime Shrinkage Versus Universe Expansion
Volume 5, Issue 4, July 2016
12 May 2016
30 May 2016
13 July 2016
Downloads: 179
Views: 5958
Abstract: Wu’s Particle is proposed as the building block of all Matters, therefore Time and Length can be measured by the Period and Size of the circulation of Wu’s Particle. For a local event, object and process, the Time, Length and Velocity measured by the Period and Size of Wu’s Particle have equal values as that of the identical events, objects and processes occurred at different locations measured by the corresponding Periods and Sizes of Wu’s Particles. However, for a remote event, object and process, the Time, Length and Velocity change with the Period and Size of Wu’s Particle at observation. For an event, object and process occurred in a large Gravitational Field and an ancient Universe, Time runs slower, Length gets longer and Velocity is smaller observed on Earth. As a result, light travels at lower speed with lower frequency and larger wavelength from a large Gravitational Field known as Gravitational Red Shift; also from a star of a few millions light years away known as Cosmological Red Shift. Spacetime is a four dimensional system based on the Period and Size of Wu’s Particle. Since the Period and Size of Wu’s Particle change with Gravitational Field and Concentration of Higgs Bosons, Spacetime is a function of Gravitational Field and Concentration of Higgs Bosons. In Wu’s Particle, Time is proportional to 3/2 power of Length which is named as “Wu’s Spacetime Theory”. Furthermore, instead of “Universe Accelerating Expansion Theory” which is based on the non-existing Dark Energy, “Spacetime Accelerating Shrinkage Theory” is proposed to explain the accelerating expansion of the Universe.
Abstract: Wu’s Particle is proposed as the building block of all Matters, therefore Time and Length can be measured by the Period and Size of the circulation of Wu’s Particle. For a local event, object and process, the Time, Length and Velocity measured by the Period and Size of Wu’s Particle have equal values as that of the identical events, objects and pro...
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Perturbations in Conduction in Liquids by Plasma Generated by a Pulsed Laser
Daniela Bertuccelli,
Héctor Francisco Ranea-Sandoval
Volume 5, Issue 4, July 2016
9 June 2016
24 June 2016
18 July 2016
Downloads: 180
Views: 5241
Abstract: The objective of this work is to present the results of measuring the changes in temperature, T, oxidation/reduction potential, ORP, normal electrode potential, NEP, and pH of conducting aqueous mixtures in cells in three situations: with two Copper electrodes, with only one electrode and with none. The situation of two conductors is treated with an external potential and with no applied potential. In all these situations, two identically constructed cells were used. One of them was irradiated with a pulsed high-power laser to produce a plasma. The other cell was not irradiated. Our results are thus presented as difference of the two situations. The results confirm that the plasma produces an increase in the production rate of H. It was also obtained some information on the differential precipitation of Cu into the solution. The yield of Cu dilution and the evolution of the other mentioned parameters confirm previous results and is an indirect proof of an increase of H production.
Abstract: The objective of this work is to present the results of measuring the changes in temperature, T, oxidation/reduction potential, ORP, normal electrode potential, NEP, and pH of conducting aqueous mixtures in cells in three situations: with two Copper electrodes, with only one electrode and with none. The situation of two conductors is treated with a...
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