American Journal of Modern Physics

Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2013

  • Effect of Nitrogen Gas Pressure and Hollow Cathode Geometry on the Luminous Intensity Emitted from Glow Discharge Plasma

    Shamoo K. Awsi

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2013
    Pages: 276-281
    Received: 25 August 2013
    Published: 30 September 2013
    Downloads: 308
    Views: 4649
    Abstract: The paper investigates the luminous intensity emitted from dc hollow cathode glow discharge plasma (HCGD) .The experiments were conducted at different nitrogen gas pressures ranged from (0.015 to 0.75Torr) and constant discharge current (Id=1.88 mA).The influence of both pressure and hollow cathode geometry such as diameter and depth of hollow cath... Show More
  • Physical Simulation of Space Objects’ Spectral Characteristics for Solving the Reverse Problem of their Photometry

    Andrey K. Murtazov

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2013
    Pages: 282-286
    Received: 29 August 2013
    Published: 20 October 2013
    Downloads: 204
    Views: 4472
    Abstract: The reverse problem of the Solar system atmosphereless body and satellite photometry is the determination of their shapes, dimensions, and reflective properties based on the observed light curves. In general, the solution of the problem is not unambiguous. To disambiguate it, the author used the physical simulation method for obtaining satellite su... Show More
  • Numerical Study of the Electron Lateral Distribution in Atmospheric Showers of High Energy Cosmic Rays

    Georgios Atreidis, Anastasios Liolios

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2013
    Pages: 287-291
    Received: 10 September 2013
    Published: 20 October 2013
    Downloads: 238
    Views: 4100
    Abstract: The study of the lateral distribution of electrons in an atmospheric cascade can lead to useful conclusions on the mass and energy of the primary cosmic particle. In this work we compare the results we get from simulations by the CORSIKA program, with the theoretical NKG function expressing the lateral distribution of electrons. We then modify the ... Show More
  • Unified Field Theory

    Zhiliang Cao, Henry Gu Cao

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2013
    Pages: 292-298
    Received: 25 September 2013
    Published: 30 October 2013
    Downloads: 366
    Views: 5205
    Abstract: The paper "SR Equations without Constant One-Way Speed of Light" [1] brings us a century back by discussing contradictory Relativity postulates. Instead of dealing with the aether theory, this paper proposes the Unified Field Theory (UFT) that replaces both the Theory of Relativity and Theory of Aether. In this new theory, the universe exists in fo... Show More
  • Physics of Hypercumulative Plasma Jet Formation by Ablatively-Driven Implosion of Hollow Cones

    Vladilen F. Minin, Igor V. Minin, Oleg V. Minin

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2013
    Pages: 299-302
    Received: 27 September 2013
    Published: 30 October 2013
    Downloads: 162
    Abstract: In this letter we suggest a new approach to the physical principles for hypercumulative plasma jet formation. This new approach leads to several new results which are of fundamental importance. The simulation results of hypercumulative plasma jet are discussed. It has been shown that the increase of the plasma jet speed in the suggested configurati... Show More
  • Interpretation of the Evolution of Universe through the Consciousness Model

    Dhananjay Pal

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2013
    Pages: 303-313
    Received: 29 September 2013
    Published: 10 November 2013
    Abstract: We showed the evolution of universe from void through our consciousness model incorporating Thought-carrying particle (TCP), Thought-retaining particle (TRP) and Thought Force (TF) in order to develop a general theory for the unification of physics which would be freely applicable to the more general situations involving both the inanimate and anim... Show More
  • Sense of Time and Interpretation of the Evolution of Time

    Dhananjay Pal

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2013
    Pages: 314-321
    Received: 1 October 2013
    Published: 10 November 2013
    Abstract: Our consciousness model involving thought-carrying particle (TCP), thought retaining particle (TRP) and thought force (TF) signifies the existence of universal consciousness that exists along with the universe. This universal consciousness is a functional state of the universal mind. This universal mind (UM) is evolved at the Big Bang from void. Th... Show More
  • Possible Bridging the Classical Physics and Quantum Physics through Consciousness

    Dhananjay Pal

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2013
    Pages: 322-329
    Received: 1 October 2013
    Published: 10 November 2013
    Abstract: Scientists have arrived at a simple but decisive conclusion that consciousness is very much a part of the universe, like other objects. Our consciousness model involving thought-carrying particle (TCP), thought retaining particle (TRP) and thought force (TF) signifies the existence of universal consciousness that exists along with the universe. Thi... Show More
  • Developing an Equation to Compute the Wavelength (λg) and Quantized Energy (Eg) of Elusive Graviton

    Dhananjay Pal

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2013
    Pages: 330-333
    Received: 1 October 2013
    Published: 10 November 2013
    Abstract: Graviton, the carrier of gravitational force, has remained as ever elusive to the physicists till today. But the graviton has a relation with theεT, the quantized energy of thought-carrying particle. This εT can be correlated with the Planck system of units like Ep (Planck energy), mp (Planck mass), λp (Planck length) andτp (Planck time). The same... Show More
  • Magnetic Interactions in the Energy Operator Matrix of Configurations with s and i Electrons in External Shells

    Galina Pavlovna Anisimova, Olga Aleksandrovna Dolmatova, Anna Petrovna Gorbenko, Martin Tchoffo

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2013
    Pages: 334-340
    Received: 5 October 2013
    Published: 10 November 2013
    Abstract: In the energy operator matrix of four-level configurations with s and i -electrons in external shells, we take into account the following magnetic interactions: spin-other-orbit, spin-spin, and orbit-orbit interactions. The calculation of matrix elements is done in the uncoupled moments representation with subsequent translation (passage) to the LS... Show More
  • Interpretation of Information Processing and Mode of Perception Through the Consciousness Model Involving Though-Carrying Particle (TCP), Thought Retaining Particle (TRP) and Thought Force (TF) in vitro and Thought Force (TF) in vivo

    Dhananjay Pal

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2013
    Pages: 341-349
    Received: 9 October 2013
    Published: 10 November 2013
    Abstract: A single field emerged at the origin of the universe, already containing within itself the blueprint of the physical universe. The primordial single field triggered the onset of the universe. Most physicists believe that a single super-force dominated the first instants of creation. Scientists have arrived at a simple but decisive conclusion that c... Show More
  • Assumptions of Metric Variable-Type in Bell’s Theorem

    Fosco Ruzzene

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2013
    Pages: 350-356
    Received: 3 October 2013
    Published: 30 November 2013
    Abstract: An analysis of both the original and the CHSH Bell inequalities is presented. Two additional mathematical assumptions are identified in the theorem. These are: all variables in the inequalities have a field algebraic structure, and all variables have measurability as a mathematical property. This means the variables are of metric-type, mathematical... Show More
  • Experimentally Based Theoretical Arguments that Unruh’s Temperature, Hawking’s Vacuum Fluctuation and Rindler’s Wedge Are Physically Real

    Mohamed S. El Naschie

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2013
    Pages: 357-361
    Received: 28 September 2013
    Published: 10 December 2013
    Abstract: The objective of the present paper is to argue that based on the reality of the observed increased rate of cosmic expansion, Unruh’s temperature, Hawking’s negative vacuum energy and Rindler’s wedge must also be a physical reality. We present first a brief derivation of the missing dark energy density of the universe which is in absolute agreement... Show More
  • Theoretical Characteristics of Though-Carrying Particle (TCP) and Thought Retaining Particle (TRP) Are Necessary for Providing Plausible Possible Answers to the Typical Specific Questions Raised by Different Learned Reviewers

    Dhananjay Pal

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2013
    Pages: 362-374
    Received: 14 November 2013
    Published: 20 December 2013
    Abstract: A single field emerged at the origin of the universe, already containing within itself the blueprint of the physical universe. The primordial single field triggered the onset of the universe. Most physicists believe that a single super-force dominated the first instants of creation. Scientists have arrived at a simple but decisive conclusion that c... Show More
  • Special Theory of Relativity Postulated on Homogeneity of Space and Time and on Relativity Principle

    Luigi Maxmilian Caligiuri, Amrit Sorli

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2013
    Pages: 375-382
    Received: 20 November 2013
    Published: 20 December 2013
    Abstract: In Special Theory of Relativity time is considered to be the 4th dimension of space – time as a consequence of Lorentz invariance and Minkowski metric, in turn based on the invariance of light speed . In this paper we’ll show that, starting only from universal postulates as homogeneity of space and time and Principle of Relativity, we can obtain s... Show More
  • Universal Propulsion Harnessing the Global Anisotropy of the Physical Space

    Yuriy Alexeevich Baurov, Lorenzo Albanese, Francesco Meneguzzo, Valeriy Aleksandrovich Menshikov

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2013
    Pages: 383-391
    Received: 4 December 2013
    Published: 20 December 2013
    Abstract: A simple electro-mechanical device is shown to harness the global anisotropy of the physical space in order to generate a traction force having an universal character because it doesn’t involve the exchange of momentum either with any contact surface or conventional medium such as water or air, or any ordinary ejected substance such as exhaust gase... Show More
  • The Mental Impression and the Doctrine of Reincarnation Leading to the Characteristic Hereditary Transmissions through the Consciousness Model

    Dhananjay Pal

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2013
    Pages: 392-401
    Received: 22 November 2013
    Published: 20 December 2013
    Abstract: A single field emerged at the origin of the universe, already containing within itself the blueprint of the physical universe. The primordial single field triggered the onset of the universe. Most physicists believe that a single super-force dominated the first instants of creation. Scientists have arrived at a simple but decisive conclusion that c... Show More
  • The Healing Power of Mind and Theoretical Approach to Develop a So-Called Panacea through the Consciousness Model

    Dhananjay Pal

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2013
    Pages: 402-416
    Received: 23 November 2013
    Published: 20 December 2013
    Abstract: A single field emerged at the origin of the universe, already containing within itself the blueprint of the physical universe. The primordial single field triggered the onset of the universe. Most physicists believe that a single super-force dominated the first instants of creation. Scientists have arrived at a simple but decisive conclusion that c... Show More
  • The Higgs Mechanism and the First Experiments at the Large Hadron Collider

    V. P. Efrosinin

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2013
    Pages: 417-419
    Received: 9 November 2013
    Published: 20 December 2013
    Abstract: The role of the Higgs mechanism in the Standard Model of elementary particles is discussed. The first experiments provided by means of the Large Hadron Collider are discussed as well.