Review Article
Addressing Soil Acidity Challenges: Promoting Tea Production as Alternative Crop in Ethiopia -- Review
Mohammedsani Zakir Shehasen*
Volume 5, Issue 3, September 2024
31 July 2024
24 August 2024
6 September 2024
Abstract: The prevalence of acidic soils in Ethiopia presents a significant obstacle to improving agricultural productivity and restricts the implementation of sustainable farming practices that could enhance food security. Acidic soils are typically defined by their high concentration of hydrogen ions and a lack of essential nutrients, which collectively create an environment that is less conducive to the growth of many vital staple crops. Consequently, farmers faced with these conditions often struggle to achieve optimal yields, which exacerbates food scarcity and undermines economic stability. To effectively combat the issues posed by acidic soils, it is imperative to adopt targeted soil management strategies that are specifically designed to address these challenges. This may include the implementation of soil reclamation techniques that aim to neutralize soil acidity and restore nutrient balance. Additionally, comprehensive initiatives must be undertaken to promote agricultural resilience, which could involve the cultivation of alternative crops that are better suited to thrive in acidic conditions, such as tea. This paper aims to provide a thorough examination of several key aspects related to the development and management of acidic soils in Ethiopia. It will investigate into the processes that contribute to the formation of acid soils, as well as the various types of acid soil present in the country, explore the distribution of acidic soils throughout Ethiopia, highlighting areas that are particularly affected and the implications for local farming practices. Furthermore, the analysis will address the specific impact of soil acidity on crop growth, yield, and quality. It will investigate how soil acidity influences the availability of essential nutrients for plants, thereby affecting the overall health and productivity of crops grown in these conditions. The promotion of tea production in Ethiopia is another critical topic that tea cultivation not only offers a viable alternative crop but also presents opportunities for economic development and diversification in agricultural systems. The mechanisms that confer aluminum resistance in tea plants will be discussed, as well as the ways in which aluminum can stimulate growth in these crops, thereby illustrating the unique resilience of tea plants in acidic environments. By addressing these complex issues holistically, the paper seeks to contribute valuable insights and foster a deeper understanding of how to navigate the challenges posed by acidic soils in the Ethiopian agricultural landscape.
Abstract: The prevalence of acidic soils in Ethiopia presents a significant obstacle to improving agricultural productivity and restricts the implementation of sustainable farming practices that could enhance food security. Acidic soils are typically defined by their high concentration of hydrogen ions and a lack of essential nutrients, which collectively cr...
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Research Article
Critical Pedagogy in Addressing Social Inequality and Promoting Social Justice in Education
Hiranya Lal Lamsal*
Volume 5, Issue 3, September 2024
15 August 2024
4 September 2024
20 September 2024
Downloads: 196
Views: 984
Abstract: How can critical pedagogy contribute in addressing social inequality and promoting social justice in education? In what ways McLaren, Giroux and Apple conceptualize the role of teacher and student, and the issue of power and domination in education? How do critical consciousness, critical thinking and critical action address in education along with implications for teaching and learning practices? These questions are the main concerns to be discussed through this paper. Critical pedagogy is the philosophy of education that develops the learners to critique regarding the structures of power and oppression and it also shows the social movement that combines education with critical theory. Similarly, it is a theory of education that focuses on the relationship between power, knowledge and social justice. This review paper attempts to explore the contribution of critical pedagogy in addressing social inequality and promoting social justice in education. It is qualitative in nature. It adopts the analysis of documents from books and journal articles related to the critical pedagogy. This review paper concludes that critical pedagogy as a revolutionary approach to education to combat various diverse types of oppression. Through critical analysis and questioning of social inequalities, the development of a sense of agency, and participation in transformational action for a more just and equitable society are all goals of critical pedagogy.
Abstract: How can critical pedagogy contribute in addressing social inequality and promoting social justice in education? In what ways McLaren, Giroux and Apple conceptualize the role of teacher and student, and the issue of power and domination in education? How do critical consciousness, critical thinking and critical action address in education along with...
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Research Article
Lightweight Encryption Model for IOT Security and Privacy Protection
Iqra Naz*,
Rehmat Illahi,
Neelam Shahzadi,
Hafiz Gulfam Umer Ahmad
Volume 5, Issue 3, September 2024
17 July 2023
4 August 2023
29 September 2024
Abstract: We are witnessing the era of Internet of Things (IoT), where its applications such as smart cities and smart homes catch sensitive data gathered mostly by IoT surveillance cameras among other sensors or devices. Therefore, security and privacy protection is a key concern during transmitting such sensitive data across the IoT network to be processed and stored on Cloud. In this paper, we proposed a lightweight encryption model that complies with the limited resources of IoT devices in terms of process and memory. Also, the encryption model also provides a high level of security for the transmitted data through a constant change of the key used for encrypting of transmitted IoT data. In addition, the key size used to encrypt transmitted data in the proposed model is large enough which makes it hard to break by the attackers. The experimental results show outstanding results with an average of 150.5 ms of encryption time for a key size 80 bits where the key size is relatively large and with an average PSNR of 7.13 compared to other algorithms.
Abstract: We are witnessing the era of Internet of Things (IoT), where its applications such as smart cities and smart homes catch sensitive data gathered mostly by IoT surveillance cameras among other sensors or devices. Therefore, security and privacy protection is a key concern during transmitting such sensitive data across the IoT network to be processed...
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