Research Article
The Practice of Project-Based Learning in a Management Information Systems Course for Graduate Students
Bo Shen*
Volume 9, Issue 6, December 2024
29 September 2024
21 October 2024
12 November 2024
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Views: 120
Abstract: The Project-Based Learning (PBL) is a contextualized learning method based on constructivist theory, enabling students to learn knowledge by applying knowledge and conducting experiments. Most researcher in PBL focused on the K-12 and undergraude students, less focused on graduate students. This article integrates PBL into the teaching practice activities of a management information systems (MIS) course for graduate students and constructs a PBL process consisting of four stages: startup period, middle period, presentation period, and closing period. It aims to address the practical application of relevant theories of MIS and the application of emerging information technologies in solving practical problems, so as to improve students' active construction ability of course knowledge and effectively enhance their team collaboration ability.
Abstract: The Project-Based Learning (PBL) is a contextualized learning method based on constructivist theory, enabling students to learn knowledge by applying knowledge and conducting experiments. Most researcher in PBL focused on the K-12 and undergraude students, less focused on graduate students. This article integrates PBL into the teaching practice act...
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Research Article
Internationalization of Higher Education: Critical Examination of Virtual Intercultural Exchange Models at Moroccan Universities
Rania Boustar*
Volume 9, Issue 6, December 2024
10 August 2024
29 September 2024
13 November 2024
Abstract: This article explores an intercultural and international teaching approach for higher education through the implementation of Collaborative Online Intercultural Learning (COIL) models to bolster cross-cultural communication competence among Moroccan EFL students. In particular, the integration of virtual exchange models aims to internationalize teaching practices and simultaneously equipping undergraduate students with critical skills such as intercultural awareness, intercultural competence, empathy, and global citizenship. These skills are essential for effective communication in diverse cultural contexts. The article underscores the importance of developing students' ability to critically engage with cultural differences, reflect on their own cultural assumptions, and navigate the complexities of intercultural interactions in a globalized world. The COIL approach fosters not only language proficiency but also an ethical understanding of the cultural 'other,' thus preparing students to become active participants in a multicultural and interconnected world. To pursue this endeavor, the study adopted a qualitative research method in order to investigate the role of tele-collaborative projects in Moroccan higher education. The article presents a case study of involving students and teachers from Morocco and the United States, highlighting how the COIL model enhances cross-cultural awareness, promotes dialogue, and deepens understanding of diverse cultures. The findings reveal that incorporating COIL was key to both internationalizing teaching methods and fostering students' intercultural competence, making it a valuable tool in preparing students for global engagement.
Abstract: This article explores an intercultural and international teaching approach for higher education through the implementation of Collaborative Online Intercultural Learning (COIL) models to bolster cross-cultural communication competence among Moroccan EFL students. In particular, the integration of virtual exchange models aims to internationalize tea...
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Research Article
Privatisation of Higher Education: A Study on Students’ Perspective
Zaibun Nisa*
Volume 9, Issue 6, December 2024
29 March 2024
8 October 2024
13 November 2024
Abstract: Education is globally considered as an important investment in building human capital. Human capital is the means of all technical innovation and economic growth. Providing education to all is considered as primary duty of the government. The government has shifted its focus from higher to primary education, while opening the door for the private sector to participate in higher education, a development known as the privatization of higher education. This has sparked a growing trend of educational privatization across the country. At the same time, the demand for higher education in India is rising rapidly. The government of India realized that public budgets cannot adequately fund higher education need of vast population. So, the government has taken measures such as, hike in student fees, student loans and privatization; in justification of availability and mobilization of resources to expand higher education. These measures have made higher education a lucrative business for industrialists. A large number of private institutions are encouraged to enter in education sector. On the one hand privatization of higher education made education assessable to the masses; on the other hand, it brings fee hike, poor quality, exploitation of professionals etc. There are views for and against privatization of higher education in India. Though some have been criticizing the concept even before it has come to be defined and taken off the ground, others consider it very useful and need of the hour. As students are the most important stakeholders of education system. The present study is an attempt to analyses the attitude of students of higher educational institutions towards privatization of higher education.
Abstract: Education is globally considered as an important investment in building human capital. Human capital is the means of all technical innovation and economic growth. Providing education to all is considered as primary duty of the government. The government has shifted its focus from higher to primary education, while opening the door for the private s...
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Research Article
Training Framework of Aesthetic Education Teachers in Liangshan Yi Area of Sichuan Province
Yanjin Li*
Volume 9, Issue 6, December 2024
4 September 2024
4 November 2024
14 November 2024
Abstract: Aesthetic education is a hot spot in China's education, and it is also the most important part of human comprehensive education. As the teachers of aesthetic education, their ability and growth are directly related to the popularization and level of aesthetic education, and affect the vision and cognition of the educated. Therefore, training aesthetic education teachers in southwest minority areas is the primary task to promote the implementation of aesthetic education in the whole region. The article takes natural beauty, social beauty, artistic beauty and subject beauty as the responsibility of aesthetic education teachers, follows the popularity of teacher structure, the continuity of teacher structure, the richness of teacher form and the professionalism of teacher pattern, and forms a primary and secondary structure tree through the graded cultivation of the essence and the end. Layer upon layer of secondary training content, fostering and cultivating people's ability; It focuses on the three aspects of tenacious practical level to conceive and build the training methods and contents of aesthetic education teachers, and focuses on the cultivation of talented teachers, teachers who are tireless in teaching and teachers who are knowledgeable and deep in the ways of clustering, helping and secondary. Thus, a team of aesthetic education teachers with distinct priorities, coherent structure, professional structure and suitable for the development of aesthetic education in the Liangshan Yi area of Sichuan province is bred.
Abstract: Aesthetic education is a hot spot in China's education, and it is also the most important part of human comprehensive education. As the teachers of aesthetic education, their ability and growth are directly related to the popularization and level of aesthetic education, and affect the vision and cognition of the educated. Therefore, training aesthe...
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Research Article
Small Class Discussion-based Teaching: Enhancing the Research Ability and Engineering Thinking of Graduate Students in the Field of Instrumentation
Volume 9, Issue 6, December 2024
22 October 2024
8 November 2024
14 November 2024
Abstract: This study aims to enhance the learning motivation of engineering graduate students, particularly those specializing in Instrument Science and Engineering. It does so by evaluating the impact of a combined teaching approach that integrates multiple innovative methods. A total of 156 master’s students and 44 doctoral students were randomly assigned to either an experimental group or a control group. The experimental group engaged in small-group discussions, personalized online courses, and flipped classrooms, while the control group followed traditional teaching methods. Over a 20-week intervention period, several aspects were measured, including changes in learning motivation, teacher perceptions, satisfaction of basic psychological needs, and academic emotions. The results clearly indicate that the intervention significantly reduced non-regulatory behaviors and led to improvements in students’ self-regulation, decision-making abilities, and overall academic performance. Furthermore, students in the experimental group demonstrated superior outcomes in various critical areas such as research skills, engineering thinking, communication, and cooperation, all of which were reflected in their test scores when compared to the control group. Additionally, achievement test results in the small-group discussion model showed a negative correlation with class size, implying that the effectiveness of this method may vary depending on student personalities and group dynamics. The study concludes that small-group discussions positively influence engineering thinking, enhance goal clarity, and foster both student initiative and motivation. This teaching approach effectively meets the students’ needs for independent problem-solving and substantially enhances learning motivation, thereby supporting the educational goals in graduate studies related to Instrument Science and Engineering.
Abstract: This study aims to enhance the learning motivation of engineering graduate students, particularly those specializing in Instrument Science and Engineering. It does so by evaluating the impact of a combined teaching approach that integrates multiple innovative methods. A total of 156 master’s students and 44 doctoral students were randomly assigned ...
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Review Article
The Backyard of Modern Education and Training in Ethiopia: Reflection on Socio-Political and Professional Landslides in Policies and Practices
Endalew Fufa Kufi*
Volume 9, Issue 6, December 2024
15 September 2024
6 October 2024
20 November 2024
Abstract: Education, as an instrument of change, needs to be means for economic, social and political progresses at national and international levels. In attempting to use education for social advancement, countries face a lot of challenges both at policy and practice levels. Ethiopian modern education and the consequent social progresses seem to have faced overriding challenges in policy and practice, since internal ideological stringency and external pressure for modernization have risen to give a triggering shape to the education system in curricular and instructional undertakings. This review focused on revisiting challenges of education policy and practices in Ethiopia through parallel explication of professionalization and politicization. Professionalization was explicated from the role of teachers and teaching in nation-building whereas politicization was seen from the point flexibility in governance and pressurizing sphere of change at different epochs. For the materialization of the study, systematic desk-review of policy documents, education sector reviews and proclamations was made on the professional and political landslides of Ethiopian Education. The study is expected to help policy makers and researchers to understand the visibly upcoming balance between political and the professional landscape of Ethiopia, on the basis of serving societal needs through education.
Abstract: Education, as an instrument of change, needs to be means for economic, social and political progresses at national and international levels. In attempting to use education for social advancement, countries face a lot of challenges both at policy and practice levels. Ethiopian modern education and the consequent social progresses seem to have faced ...
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Research Article
Take "Service Management" as an Example to Explore How to Cultivate College Students' Service Innovation Ability Under the Background of New Quality Productivity
Yunxia Shi
Bu Zhang*
Volume 9, Issue 6, December 2024
27 October 2024
13 November 2024
21 November 2024
Abstract: In the era of vigorous development of new quality productive forces, the training of service innovative talents has become the key to enhance the competitiveness of the service industry and promote high-quality economic development. The new quality productive forces is reshaping the economic structure and social form, which puts forward higher requirements for college students' service innovation ability. However, at present, there are some problems in the cultivation of service innovative talents in higher education, such as unclear path and insufficient coordination of environment. Based on this, the paper puts forward specific measures from four aspects: curriculum system reconstruction, teaching method innovation, practice platform construction and evaluation system reform, in order to build a service innovative talent training path that meets the requirements of new quality productive forces. Through reconstructing the curriculum system, integrate the advanced theory; Innovative teaching methods to stimulate students' enthusiasm for independent learning; Build a practice platform to strengthen students' practical ability; Reform the evaluation system to fully reflect the cultivation of students' ability. The research not only provides theoretical support and practical guidance for the teaching reform of service management course, but also provides beneficial exploration and enlightenment for the innovation of college talent training mode, which is of great significance for promoting the integration of education and industry.
Abstract: In the era of vigorous development of new quality productive forces, the training of service innovative talents has become the key to enhance the competitiveness of the service industry and promote high-quality economic development. The new quality productive forces is reshaping the economic structure and social form, which puts forward higher requ...
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Review Article
Armed Forces’ Role in the Higher Education Governance: Quest for Enhancing Human Resources Development in Bangladesh
Helal Uddin*
Md Humaoun Kabir
Volume 9, Issue 6, December 2024
9 November 2024
25 November 2024
10 December 2024
Abstract: The Bangladesh Armed Forces frequently participate in nation-building initiatives, such as infrastructure development, disaster relief, and humanitarian assistance. They strive to introduce innovative technology, medicine, and logistics for wider applications and contribute to advancements in various sectors. They have expanded beyond their traditional defence roles to actively engage in education, establishing public and private universities, medical colleges and affiliated educational and training institutions. This study examines the role of the Bangladesh Armed Forces in higher education governance and its contribution to the national human resources development. It employs a qualitative research approach based on secondary data to explore the Armed Forces' capacity in higher education governance. The study finds how the Armed Forces governed higher education institutions are contributing to enhancing access to quality education, fostering leadership and professional development of the graduates, and stressing their impact on technological, medical, business, and strategic fields. Bangladesh Armed Forces play a pivotal role in promoting innovation, discipline, and academic excellence by ensuring efficiency in the governance of higher education institutions. The study also highlights the Armed Forces' capability to achieve their educational objectives, which align with the national demand for quality human resources and contribute significantly to national development. As an exploratory study, the research provides a foundation for further investigation, with future research recommended to adopt empirical and quantitative approaches to validate and expand upon the findings presented.
Abstract: The Bangladesh Armed Forces frequently participate in nation-building initiatives, such as infrastructure development, disaster relief, and humanitarian assistance. They strive to introduce innovative technology, medicine, and logistics for wider applications and contribute to advancements in various sectors. They have expanded beyond their traditi...
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Research Article
Exploring the Application of an Integrated (Blended) Teaching Model in Brewing Engineering Courses at a Local Chinese University
Cong Nie
Haojun Zhang*
Volume 9, Issue 6, December 2024
19 November 2024
29 November 2024
16 December 2024
Abstract: Brewing engineering is a subject that studies the application of biology, chemistry/biochemistry, sensory evaluation, and process engineering in the production of alcoholic beverages on an industrial scale. Like many courses in higher education in the past several years, brewing engineering courses underwent changes of their delivery from in-person to online learning due to the governmental regulations of physical and social distancing. This article explores the application of an integrated teaching model also referred to as blended teaching model in the article to promote the lecturer’s teaching presence and learners’ engagement in online settings to embrace online studies and blended learning. A case study is provided in this article to illustrate learner achievement between the integrated teaching model, 100% in-person, and 100% online teaching methods. The final marks of six student cohorts (n = 453 students) enrolled in the Brewing Engineering course from 2019 to 2023 at a local Chinese university are presented. The results show that the blended teaching model was the most effective one for teaching brewing engineering at the local Chinese university compared to 100% in-person and 100% online with overall class achieving higher grades. 100% in-person delivery showed that learners had slightly higher scores in their final grade, while 100% online delivery showed learners scoring the lowest mean grade overall and the lowest passing rates (i.e. 60% is the passing mark) out of the three delivery methods of learning. Moving forward, it would be beneficial for educators to consider using the integrated teaching model rather than in-person or online for course delivery in higher education.
Abstract: Brewing engineering is a subject that studies the application of biology, chemistry/biochemistry, sensory evaluation, and process engineering in the production of alcoholic beverages on an industrial scale. Like many courses in higher education in the past several years, brewing engineering courses underwent changes of their delivery from in-person...
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Research Article
The Role of Initial Financial Resources in Students’ Time Allocation – An Empirical Analysis for 25 European Countries
Christoph Gwosć*
Volume 9, Issue 6, December 2024
25 October 2024
3 December 2024
25 December 2024
Abstract: Students in higher education spend their time on a plethora of different activities such as taught studies, self-study, employment, volunteering, caring for relatives or leisure activities. Regarding the determinants of students' time allocation, this analysis investigates the rarely asked question whether students’ base income, which is the sum of transfers from the state and the family, has an impact on students’ time allocation for studies (taught studies and personal study time) and gainful employment in Europe. In addition, it is examined how satisfied students are with their time allocation. The theory of rational choice serves as a theoretical framework, whereby Becker's time allocation theory is used as a special form to model the behaviour of students. For the empirical analysis, the data set from the sixth round of the EUROSTUDENT project is used that provides data for up to 25 countries of the European Higher Education Area. Apart from all students, three student groups are in the focus that differ by their dominant source of income, i.e. self-earned income, public support, and support from the family/partner – such an analysis has not yet been conducted. As the data set contains only aggregate data, analysis is limited to descriptive statistics using mean values for various uses of time and income variables. It appears, among other things, that students with own earnings as dominant source of income have the lowest base income and they differ significantly from the other groups in their time allocation: In all countries, students depending on self-earned income have the largest total time budget (consisting of study time and employment time) of all student groups considered. They spend the least time on taught studies and personal study time and by far the most time on employment. They are also the group that most frequently wishes to reduce their working hours and to extend their study-related times for courses and self-study. As part of a concluding normative discourse on justice, it can also be stated that these students are at a disadvantage compared to their peers who depend either on public support or familial support.
Abstract: Students in higher education spend their time on a plethora of different activities such as taught studies, self-study, employment, volunteering, caring for relatives or leisure activities. Regarding the determinants of students' time allocation, this analysis investigates the rarely asked question whether students’ base income, which is the sum of...
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