Pilot Study, a Neglected Part of Qualitative and Quantitative Research Process: Evidence from Selected PhD Thesis and Dissertations
Juliet Njeri Muasya,
Peter Kyalo Mulwa
Volume 8, Issue 4, August 2023
12 June 2023
28 June 2023
6 July 2023
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Abstract: Conducting a pilot study is an important step in both qualitative and quantitative research process. Pilot study enable researchers to evaluate research methods and in particular research instruments with the aim of enhancing reliability and validity of data to be collected from the main study. Pilot study help researchers to detect flaws which lead to adequate and appropriate adjustments of the research instruments. Findings presented in this paper are drawn from an in-depth analysis using a documentary guide of randomly selected PhD thesis and dissertations from one public university in Kenya. The aim of this desk study was to examine ways in which PhD students/graduates use findings from pilot studies and in particular for purposes of improving the validity and reliability of research instruments. The study revealed that PhD students/graduates ignore pilot studies or give it minimal attention. Out of the seven students/graduates only 2 discussed pilot study in a stand-alone section, while others integrated it in the sub-sections of reliability and validity. Although two of the students/graduates mentioned the purpose of pilot study, they however, were not specific on the research instruments being piloted. Four of the students/graduates did not report how they analyzed data from the pilot study, while two indicated that they analyzed data but details on how it was done are missing. This study concludes that PhD students/graduates neglect or give general information about pilot studies in their thesis and dissertations. The students/graduates do not show how data analyzed from the pilot studies was used to revise, review or improve the research methodology and in particular research instruments. Findings from this study confirms that pilot study is a ‘neglected part of the research process’. The study recommends that researchers especially post graduate students should be sensitized on the importance of taking pilot studies seriously. In addition, supervisors should provide effective and adequate guidance to their PhD and Masters students on how to conduct, and appropriately use findings from the pilot study.
Abstract: Conducting a pilot study is an important step in both qualitative and quantitative research process. Pilot study enable researchers to evaluate research methods and in particular research instruments with the aim of enhancing reliability and validity of data to be collected from the main study. Pilot study help researchers to detect flaws which lea...
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The Trend of Research on Learner Autonomy in the Past Two Decades: A Bibliometric Study from the Scopus Database
Nguyen Truong Son,
Trinh Thanh Hai
Volume 8, Issue 4, August 2023
21 June 2023
8 July 2023
20 July 2023
Abstract: Learner autonomy has become a significant focus in education and research. Various methods have been experimented with to promote learner autonomy in language education and second language acquisition, and different theoretical approaches have been proposed. This article uses bibliometric analysis of publications extracted from the Scopus database to provide a comprehensive overview of research publications on learner autonomy. One thousand nine hundred seventy relevant publications were collected and analyzed from 2003 to 2022. Using Biblioshiny and VOSViewer software, the author carried out different scientometrics analysis techniques to extract information about a set of publications: General information about the collection and annual publication quantity, the country with the most publications, information about the most influential authors, the most cited articles. The author also performs keyword analysis in the papers to point out research trends in this field. The results of the analysis indicate that the number of publications has seen a significant increase in recent years; authors tend to publish in small groups with limited research collaboration; the three most influential countries in this research topic are China, the United States, and the United Kingdom; the most influential authors in this research direction are Reinders, H., Little, D., Chik, A., Benson, P., and Miller, L.; the three main research trends in this field include learner autonomy linked to English as a second language teaching methods, autonomous learning associated with teaching methods, and autonomy in teaching and learning.
Abstract: Learner autonomy has become a significant focus in education and research. Various methods have been experimented with to promote learner autonomy in language education and second language acquisition, and different theoretical approaches have been proposed. This article uses bibliometric analysis of publications extracted from the Scopus database ...
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Implementation of Character Education Management in Producing Quality Graduates: Study at the Instituto Superior Cristal Dili Timor Leste
Zaqueu Antonio Freitas,
Bambang Budi Wiyono
Volume 8, Issue 4, August 2023
12 December 2022
15 February 2023
24 July 2023
Abstract: The purpose of this study is how to analyze and find a model of implementing character education management in producing quality graduates developed by the Instituto Superior Cristal (ISC) Dili Timor Leste, the research method used is a research method with a qualitative approach and a case study type. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study type. Data collection techniques were carried out by interviews, participant observation, and documentation to answer the problems studied, with: (1) naturalistic qualitative research presenting a holistic (overall) form in analyzing a phenomenon; (2) this type of research is easier to obtain descriptive qualitative information. Based on the findings that were observed, it was found that the researchers understood in depth the problems of phenomena, events or symptoms studied which were increasingly complex where they focused more on a complete picture of the phenomena being studied in order to obtain an in-depth understanding of these phenomena, starting from the process of planning, organizing, implementing to evaluating the implementation of character education management in producing quality graduates at ISC, in this case the researcher conducted research with the results of conducting a comparison of the implementation of education management applied at each Institute and University based on the resulting outcomes. Thus, the findings obtained with the results of the study indicate that: the concept of quality education with character is: quality education with religious, cultural and academic characters where the values through a preventive system approach are the principles of truth, religious principles and the principle of love which can contribute to the country based on hope, satisfaction, pride and trust of society in general.
Abstract: The purpose of this study is how to analyze and find a model of implementing character education management in producing quality graduates developed by the Instituto Superior Cristal (ISC) Dili Timor Leste, the research method used is a research method with a qualitative approach and a case study type. This research uses a qualitative approach with...
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The Principle of Legal Reservation and the Protection of College Students' Rights in Ideological Education of College Students
Volume 8, Issue 4, August 2023
30 June 2023
19 July 2023
31 July 2023
Abstract: Colleges and universities have formulated their own "Regulations on Punishment of Students Violation of Discipline" in accordance with the Education Law, the Higher Education Law, the Regulations on the Management of Students in Ordinary Colleges and Universities and other laws and regulations, forming the right of punishment of students in colleges and universities. The power of university student management has legal basis. However, due to various problems in the basis, procedure, content and implementation of the "Regulations on Punishment of Students for Violation of Discipline", it has had a negative impact on the legitimate rights and interests of college students, especially the right to education. At the same time, when the same behavior is both illegal and disciplinary, colleges and universities often punish students according to the university's student management regulations, ignoring the law and reducing the dignity of the law. The article quotes the principle of legal reservation, distinguishes the management of college students from the three dimensions of the principle of absolute legal reservation, the principle of relative legal reservation and the principle of no legal reservation, and clarifies the context of college students' punishment right from the system and mechanism of disciplinary punishment of college students, which is of great significance to maintain the dignity of law, respect students' right to know and privacy, and protect students' right to education.
Abstract: Colleges and universities have formulated their own "Regulations on Punishment of Students Violation of Discipline" in accordance with the Education Law, the Higher Education Law, the Regulations on the Management of Students in Ordinary Colleges and Universities and other laws and regulations, forming the right of punishment of students in college...
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The Problems and Optimization Countermeasures of the Disposal of State owned Assets in Universities
Haiying Zhao,
Xiao Hou,
Liyun Liu
Volume 8, Issue 4, August 2023
3 July 2023
24 July 2023
31 July 2023
Abstract: Asset disposal is an indispensable link in asset management, and it is of great significance to strengthen the management of administrative state-owned assets. Standardizing the disposal of state-owned assets in colleges and universities can continuously improve the use efficiency and management efficiency of state-owned assets, and play an important role in promoting the preservation and appreciation of state-owned assets. Asset disposal is a coordinated and targeted work, and some problems need to be studied and standardized. This paper tries to combine the daily asset disposal work, aiming at some common problems that need to be solved, analyze the existing problems and causes of state-owned asset management in universities from three aspects of disposal methods, disposal conditions and disposal procedures, and put forward corresponding optimization countermeasures in order to enrich the theoretical research of asset management and provide reference for future practice. In the final "export" of assets - disposal process, the innovation of disposal methods, the standardization of disposal conditions, and the optimization of disposal processes are essentially to ensure the safety, integrity and efficiency of state-owned assets in colleges and universities. Strengthening the disposal of state-owned assets in colleges and universities is the concrete embodiment of the principle of "unified ownership of state-owned assets by the state and possession and use by schools".
Abstract: Asset disposal is an indispensable link in asset management, and it is of great significance to strengthen the management of administrative state-owned assets. Standardizing the disposal of state-owned assets in colleges and universities can continuously improve the use efficiency and management efficiency of state-owned assets, and play an importa...
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Research on the Practical Teaching of Financial Mathematics Based on the Achievement-Oriented Education
Volume 8, Issue 4, August 2023
6 July 2023
27 July 2023
31 July 2023
Abstract: Practical teaching has been paid more and more attention in the process of cultivating applied undergraduate talents, but practical teaching is still an auxiliary teaching method of theoretical teaching in practical teaching. At the same time, the traditional practical teaching system lacks integrity, coherence, coordination and systematisms, and it is difficult to improve the comprehensive skills of students' employment. Therefore, it is necessary to effectively design the practical curriculum system and practical teaching level. Based on the results-oriented education (OBE), this paper follows the principle of reverse design. The practical teaching of financial mathematics includes professional skills and professional comprehensive quality. The practical teaching system of financial mathematics is divided into four ability modules according to the ability level and structure: financial perception ability, financial data ability, financial modeling ability and financial innovation ability. According to the above ability requirements, the support matrix table of the practical ability training system of financial mathematics specialty and the progressive practical teaching system of professional ability are constructed, and the corresponding ability training has the corresponding curriculum group, which can ensure the realization of the goal achievement. It provides a new idea for the teaching reform of financial mathematics practice course, and provides a scientific basis for the improvement of teaching system and evaluation mechanism.
Abstract: Practical teaching has been paid more and more attention in the process of cultivating applied undergraduate talents, but practical teaching is still an auxiliary teaching method of theoretical teaching in practical teaching. At the same time, the traditional practical teaching system lacks integrity, coherence, coordination and systematisms, and i...
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Combination of Course Teaching and Scientific Research for Particle Physics at Guizhou Minzu University
Volume 8, Issue 4, August 2023
15 July 2023
7 August 2023
17 August 2023
Abstract: Particle physics as an important branch of modern physics, its important research object is the microcosmic elementary particles and their interactions. The fundamentals of the particle physics course provide students with the necessary tools to explore particle physics research in depth. By studying particle physics courses, students can better understand the nature of particle physics theory and the design and results of related experiments, and communicate with the international physics community more smoothly. Today's particle science research is devoted to the exploration of higher energy particles and deeper physical phenomena. Combining particle physics courses with particle physics science research can help students gain an in-depth understanding of the current frontiers of physics research and cultivate their innovative ability in this field. At the same time, it helps students to deeply understand and participate in the forefront of particle physics research. Through such learning, students can not only master basic physics knowledge and experimental skills but also develop the ability of thinking, innovation, and teamwork. The deep integration of the two can enhance students' innovative consciousness and teamwork ability. Through course design and practical activities, students will be exposed to the latest scientific developments and cutting-edge technologies, and cultivate their scientific research interests and innovative thinking. Based on this, this paper systematically sorts out the objectives, key difficulties, and theoretical framework of particle physics courses, and introduces the basic situation of the research team of particle physics at Guizhou Minzu University and some recent research progress of myself. Combining the course of particle physics with some current scientific research, this paper puts forward some suggestions for improving course teaching for readers' reference.
Abstract: Particle physics as an important branch of modern physics, its important research object is the microcosmic elementary particles and their interactions. The fundamentals of the particle physics course provide students with the necessary tools to explore particle physics research in depth. By studying particle physics courses, students can better un...
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Research on the Growth Path of Normal Students Majoring in Geography Under the Background of Professional Certification
Volume 8, Issue 4, August 2023
28 November 2022
6 December 2022
22 August 2023
Abstract: Normal students in universities are the main source of school teachers and the key to teaching quality. In order to meet the needs of China's basic education reform and development, as well as the impact of the "New College Entrance Examination" on geography education, the demand has been raised to build China into a strong country with talent and education, and the country has introduced a certification policy for teacher training majors. The training of professional teachers should be the fundamental task of normal university education. The training of normal teachers majoring in geographical science is more professional and needs to be considered as a whole in the process of improvement. Based on the OBE concept and the "student-centered" humanistic learning theory, this paper analyzes the growth of normal students majoring in Geographical Science in Taishan University under the background of professional certification by means of literature and questionnaire, finds out the problems existing in the growth of geography science normal students from four aspects: Teachers' basic literacy, subject teaching ability, class comprehensive education and cooperative innovation development, and puts forward improvement measures for the problems, Promote the practical ability and professional ability of geography normal students, so as to make geography education practitioners more professional progress and make great progress in geography education.
Abstract: Normal students in universities are the main source of school teachers and the key to teaching quality. In order to meet the needs of China's basic education reform and development, as well as the impact of the "New College Entrance Examination" on geography education, the demand has been raised to build China into a strong country with talent and ...
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The Effectiveness of Texting on Enriching Saudi EFL College Students’ Vocabulary Repertoire
Yasamiyan Saleh Alolaywi,
Shatha Ahmed Alkhalaf
Volume 8, Issue 4, August 2023
13 July 2023
3 August 2023
22 August 2023
Abstract: This research study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of texting on Saudi EFL college students' English vocabulary repertoire. The research was conducted on a vocabulary-building class of the intensive course program (ICP) at Qassim University. A total of 80 students participated in the study. The study employed an experimental approach with pre-test/post-test design to measure the effects of texting on the students' English vocabulary knowledge. The class was randomly divided into two groups, the experimental group, and the control group. Both groups were invited to Telegram groups in which they had to respond to a pre-test at the beginning, then a post-test eight weeks later. The experimental group had a daily conversation with the instructor and with each other in their Telegram group. The conversation took place by texting only with sharing photos sparingly. On the other hand, the control group reminded silent in their Telegram group during the whole period. After eight weeks, both groups were asked to participate in a post-test. The findings of the study revealed that the experimental group showed a significant improvement in their English vocabulary knowledge compared to the control group and the difference was statistically significant (p < 0.05). The results of the study showed that texting can be an effective tool to enhance students' English vocabulary knowledge. The results also suggested that texting can be an efficient technique for language teachers to use in their classrooms to improve students' language skills.
Abstract: This research study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of texting on Saudi EFL college students' English vocabulary repertoire. The research was conducted on a vocabulary-building class of the intensive course program (ICP) at Qassim University. A total of 80 students participated in the study. The study employed an experimental approach with p...
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Calculation of Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium in a Signaling Game
Volume 8, Issue 4, August 2023
24 July 2023
21 August 2023
31 August 2023
Abstract: In the teaching of dynamic games with incomplete information, the solution of perfect Bayesian equilibrium is a difficult point. Although there is no general solution to the general dynamic games with incomplete information, there is a general solution method to the signaling games. Most of the existing game theory textbooks do not give clear solving methods and specific calculation steps. This paper analyses how to calculate the perfect Bayesian equilibrium of an extensive-form signaling game through an example. In this paper, Gibbons' definition of perfect Bayesian equilibrium is taken as the definition of perfect Bayesian equilibrium. The definition attaches four requirements to Nash equilibrium. That is, in a dynamic game with incomplete information, the Nash equilibrium satisfying these four requirements is a perfect Bayesian equilibrium. The calculation process is divided into 4 steps. First, the belief hypothesis. Second, analysis of the signal receiver’s strategy and the requirements for the posterior probability. Third, analysis of the signal sender’s behavior according to different belief combinations. Finally, the posterior probabilities are analyzed using the requirements 3 and 4 in the perfect Bayesian equilibrium definition. On the basis of the previous analyses, the perfect Bayesian equilibria of the signaling game can be calculated step by step.
Abstract: In the teaching of dynamic games with incomplete information, the solution of perfect Bayesian equilibrium is a difficult point. Although there is no general solution to the general dynamic games with incomplete information, there is a general solution method to the signaling games. Most of the existing game theory textbooks do not give clear solvi...
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