Does Practice Improve Writing Performance: A Case Study in Taiwan
Volume 2, Issue 2, April 2017
23 December 2016
10 January 2017
20 February 2017
Downloads: 109
Views: 3573
Abstract: Modern society is highly globalized, making English extraordinarily important in almost all aspects. Taiwan is inevitably affected by this trend because the use of English has been deeply involved in many activities such as economic transactions, textbook translations, development of new techniques, and exchanges of agricultural commodities. The study aims to explore whether students improve their writing skills from the class taught and from intensive practices. To achieve this goal, this study develops a multivariate regression model to evaluate the potential influences of important factors on writing performance. The result could be useful to faculty in class teaching and recruiting process of companies because the influences of crucial factors are quantitatively measured. The data is randomly selected from the university records and the result shows that the data fits the model well. The results indicate that student coming from northern Taiwan do not perform as well as students coming from other regions. However, their improvement in writing skills is much better. Male students perform worse than female students because their strengths in logic is outweighed by the weakness in organization and structuring skills.
Abstract: Modern society is highly globalized, making English extraordinarily important in almost all aspects. Taiwan is inevitably affected by this trend because the use of English has been deeply involved in many activities such as economic transactions, textbook translations, development of new techniques, and exchanges of agricultural commodities. The st...
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Identify Factors That Negatively Influence: Non-English Major Students’ Speaking Skills
Volume 2, Issue 2, April 2017
9 January 2017
20 January 2017
21 February 2017
Downloads: 430
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to explore five main factors related to teachers, learners, content, teaching methods, and learning environment that negatively affect the speaking skills of students under Vietnamese higher educational context. The participants were 108 non-English major students at Hanoi University of Technology, at different level of English proficiency. The research instruments employed to collect data were questionnaire and classroom observation. The study generated ten major findings: (1) Teachers let students use much Vietnamese to express the ideas; (2) Teachers do not emphasise English as the medium of instruction; (3) Students’ background knowledge of English is low; (4) Students are shy and afraid of making mistakes and speaking in public; (5) Students lack motivation to speak English; (6) The curriculum and textbooks do not contain sufficient amount of exercise for speaking skills; (7) Students are not given enough time for speaking practice; (8) Teachers do not frequently organize communicative task to enhance students’ speaking skills like role-plays, discussion, debates; (9) The environment in speaking class is not really exciting and motivating; and (10) The large class size impede the efficacy of students’ speaking performance. Based on such findings, pedagogical implications are presented for both teachers and students.
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to explore five main factors related to teachers, learners, content, teaching methods, and learning environment that negatively affect the speaking skills of students under Vietnamese higher educational context. The participants were 108 non-English major students at Hanoi University of Technology, at different level of...
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The Application and Assessment of Problem-Based Learning Methods in Biochemistry Classes
Volume 2, Issue 2, April 2017
16 January 2017
25 January 2017
22 February 2017
Downloads: 237
Abstract: Problem-based learning (PBL) approach which has been widely applied in pedagogy for decades to brings challenges, interest, motivation and enjoyment into the class environment. In this study, PBL was undertaken for the first time in Biochemistry classes in our institute. According to the teaching effectiveness of classes and the statistic results in questionnaire, it is showed that almost all of the PBL students could accept this teaching method and students in the advanced class felt easier to adjust to this method than those in common class. However, some minor problems should be solved in the further popularization.
Abstract: Problem-based learning (PBL) approach which has been widely applied in pedagogy for decades to brings challenges, interest, motivation and enjoyment into the class environment. In this study, PBL was undertaken for the first time in Biochemistry classes in our institute. According to the teaching effectiveness of classes and the statistic results i...
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Correlation and Prediction for Preparatory Year Math and Discrete Structure in University of Hail
Volume 2, Issue 2, April 2017
16 January 2017
10 February 2017
2 March 2017
Abstract: This paper aim to investigate the correlation between preparatory Mathematics and Discrete Structure course studied in the Faculty of computer sciences after passing Prep-MATH. a linear regression equation was used as a model for early prediction of the performance of the student in Discrete Structure, Prep-MATH was considered as independent variable (predictor), while Discrete MATH was considered as the dependent variable (respondent). This study is carried out on student’s results data which consisted of 78 students, finished successfully their studies in Prep-Year on 2012, and enrolled in the Faculty of Computer Sciences. The results, which are verified by using paired t-test and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, indicated that Prep-Year Math courses and Discrete Structure) are significantly correlated. Prediction of the performance of the students in Discrete Structure was obtained in base of their performance in Prep-Year MATH through linear regression.
Abstract: This paper aim to investigate the correlation between preparatory Mathematics and Discrete Structure course studied in the Faculty of computer sciences after passing Prep-MATH. a linear regression equation was used as a model for early prediction of the performance of the student in Discrete Structure, Prep-MATH was considered as independent variab...
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Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) as Catalyst for Entrepreneurial Development of Students in Polytechnics: A Case Study of Accra Polytechnic, Ghana
Lipsey Samuel Appiah Kwapong,
Hannah Benedicta Taylor-Abdulai,
Cynthia Oduro Nyarko,
Christine Ampofo-Ansa,
Emma Donkor,
Emelia Ohene Afriyie
Volume 2, Issue 2, April 2017
25 January 2017
10 February 2017
3 March 2017
Abstract: This study looks at the current curriculum of two programmes run in Accra Polytechnic: namely Secretaryship and Management Studies on one hand and Fashion Design and Textiles on the other and students’ readiness towards venturing into entrepreneurial ventures. The former programme is geared towards the acquisition of skills to serve industries and businesses whilst the latter is basically the acquisition of skills geared towards entrepreneurial ventures. Since its inception, the Polytechnics have sought to train large number of graduates who have been able to be absorbed in industries and businesses whilst some have founded their businesses. Is the large number of students graduating from our Polytechnics able to set-up their own businesses? What are we doing right and what need to be improved to be able to curb the large number of unemployed youth in Ghana? This study used descriptive study design and a survey method was used to collect data using stratified sampling technique based on the population of each programme. The findings suggest that lack of entrepreneurial skill and start-up capital are the two major challenges facing students in Technical, Vocational, Education and Training (TVET) institutions. These have implications for policy makers who need to come up with relevant strategies to make TVET institutions relevant in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 1, 4, 8, 9, 10 and 12.
Abstract: This study looks at the current curriculum of two programmes run in Accra Polytechnic: namely Secretaryship and Management Studies on one hand and Fashion Design and Textiles on the other and students’ readiness towards venturing into entrepreneurial ventures. The former programme is geared towards the acquisition of skills to serve industries and ...
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Investigating the Relationship Between Intergenerational Income Mobility and Higher Education: Comparison Among Urban, Rural and Migrants Groups in Contemporary China
Volume 2, Issue 2, April 2017
4 February 2017
20 February 2017
3 March 2017
Abstract: Intergenerational income equality involves in the intergenerational mobility. Moreover, higher education is always considered as key elements to stimulate intergenerational mobility. Thus, the ultimate goal of this study is to examine the relationship between intergenerational income mobility and higher education for three major groups, including urban residents, rural residents, and rural-urban migrants from a political economic perspective. Theoretically speaking, interactive autonomy-based Political Economic Theory has been utilized to elaborate the rationales of social and education stratification and solidification that implicitly impact the intergenerational income mobility for rural, urban and migrants’ families in contemporary China. Moreover, the findings from this study suggested that urban higher income group and rural higher income groups are significantly influenced by children’s length of education. In addition, father’s income has significantly impact on children’s income for urban higher income group, urban low-income group, rural high-income group, and rural low-income group. Moreover, father’s length of education has directly impact on children’s length of education for most of groups. Furthermore, father’s length of education has significant impact on father’s income for all groups. Additionally, based on the results from this study, relevant policy recommendations and suggestions have been provided to eliminate the gaps between intergenerational mobility and inequality of education access.
Abstract: Intergenerational income equality involves in the intergenerational mobility. Moreover, higher education is always considered as key elements to stimulate intergenerational mobility. Thus, the ultimate goal of this study is to examine the relationship between intergenerational income mobility and higher education for three major groups, including u...
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