A First Approach to Distance Education for the Teaching of Business English in the Superior School of Energy and Mining
Volume 4, Issue 2, April 2019
26 March 2019
9 May 2019
4 June 2019
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Views: 1202
Abstract: This paper aims at giving a general overview of the steps followed to implement the distance course for business English teaching in this school. There is an ever-increasing demand for English teaching and learning activities in Cuba as worldwide. The directors, managers, buyers and specialist from different branches of the Ministry of Energy and Mining need to prepare in this language, but there is a shortage of time for studying face to face and here it is where the distance education begins to play its important role in the preparation of the Ministry staff. This course is an alternative for higher rank officers at the Ministry to improve their business English skills. The course is set up in Moodle e-learning platform which eases the teaching process not only for the students but also the professor. The article provides with the course structure as well as an explanation of each one. It socializes some advantages and disadvantages found while implementing this course.
Abstract: This paper aims at giving a general overview of the steps followed to implement the distance course for business English teaching in this school. There is an ever-increasing demand for English teaching and learning activities in Cuba as worldwide. The directors, managers, buyers and specialist from different branches of the Ministry of Energy and M...
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The Challenges Facing Ceramic Industries in Ghana: Its Impact on Ceramic Education in Ghana
Volume 4, Issue 2, April 2019
1 April 2019
9 May 2019
5 June 2019
Abstract: Of late, there have been challenges facing the Ceramic Industry in Ghana that are affecting the study of ceramics in Ghanaian ceramic education, especially tertiary education. Therefore, this study seeks to examine and discuss the impact of the challenges of Ghana’s ceramic industry on ceramic education in Ghana. The population of the study comprised students, lecturers and heads of department of selected ceramic education tertiary institutions in Ghana as well as stakeholders in Ghana’s ceramic factories. The methodology employed was the qualitative approach and the descriptive survey. The research instruments used to gather data were interview and observation. It was found among others, that the establishment of metal and plastic factories in Ghana and the importation of metallic and plastic plates, blenders, metallic cooking pots and plastic buckets into the country have contributed to the reduction of intake of ceramic students in ceramic education institutions. The study recommends among others that, the government of Ghana should protect indigenous industries by means of tax incentives, invest in local ceramic industries by giving subsidies for the acquisition of new machinery, equipment, human resources and manpower development. Additionally, measures should be put in place for the provision of logistics and equipment to facilitate teaching and learning to make the ceramic graduate marketable and employable.
Abstract: Of late, there have been challenges facing the Ceramic Industry in Ghana that are affecting the study of ceramics in Ghanaian ceramic education, especially tertiary education. Therefore, this study seeks to examine and discuss the impact of the challenges of Ghana’s ceramic industry on ceramic education in Ghana. The population of the study compris...
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The Cultivation of Undergraduates with Applied Abilities in Four-year Program Applied Universities in China
Volume 4, Issue 2, April 2019
17 April 2019
10 June 2019
25 June 2019
Abstract: This paper explores how undergraduates with applied abilities can be cultivated. After a review of traditional educational concepts in research-oriented universities, the paper qualitatively and quantitatively analyzes the backgrounds of the cultivation of undergraduates with applied abilities in applied universities. Based on the theory of Outcome-Based Education (OBE), the paper puts forward a new cultivation model of undergraduates with applied abilities. The new model emphasizes (1) The reconstruction of educational concept is of first importance;(2) An applied-ability-oriented curriculum must give special attention to the design of practical teaching system; and (3) The development of teachers’ applied abilities can not be neglected. Six years practice of this new model of cultivation at the author’s university proves that the comprehensive qualities, applied abilities, self-developmental abilities and international vision of the students have been obviously improved.
Abstract: This paper explores how undergraduates with applied abilities can be cultivated. After a review of traditional educational concepts in research-oriented universities, the paper qualitatively and quantitatively analyzes the backgrounds of the cultivation of undergraduates with applied abilities in applied universities. Based on the theory of Outcome...
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Motivating College Students: Evidence from 20 Years of Anonymous Student Evaluations
Volume 4, Issue 2, April 2019
12 May 2019
15 June 2019
26 June 2019
Abstract: The career outcomes of hundreds of college students, mostly biology majors, mentored by U.S. Presidential Awardee (PAESMEM) Steven Oppenheimer, over a 47 year period, at California State University, Northridge, were tracked and recorded. The motivational strategies that putatively helped lead to these career outcomes were gleaned from 20 years of anonymous student evaluations. In addition, evidence is presented that the motivational strategies, in some cases, were a likely cause of student career success and not just correlated with it. The student evaluations suggest that boundless energy, enthusiasm, clarity and organization keep students excited and engaged, helping to motivate them to succeed. Motivation at the pre-college level is also discussed, as by the time students enter college their career choices are often already made. These programs helped win a U.S. Presidential Award, the highest U.S. Award for student mentoring.
Abstract: The career outcomes of hundreds of college students, mostly biology majors, mentored by U.S. Presidential Awardee (PAESMEM) Steven Oppenheimer, over a 47 year period, at California State University, Northridge, were tracked and recorded. The motivational strategies that putatively helped lead to these career outcomes were gleaned from 20 years of a...
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