Non-traditional Types of Youth Tourism and Developing Problems of Tourism
Volume 7, Issue 3, June 2018
26 June 2018
7 July 2018
27 July 2018
Downloads: 116
Views: 1973
Abstract: In the article, nonconventional types and the basic problems of development of youth travel are considered. Thus, authors treat youth travel as an innovative direction of development of recreational sphere. Except for the presence of various tourist-recreational resources of the country allows developing almost all kinds of youth travel. The decision of this problem along with spiritual improvement of the nation is one of strategic problems, both on republican, and at regional level. Actual the problem of working out of the adaptive approach to the organization of tourist service of youth in Republic Uzbekistan thereupon is. The satisfaction of these requirements in the conditions of realization of social control should become priority from the state and accessible to youth. Participation in tourist campaigns, walks, country excursions, tourist meetings and competitions promotes spiritual and physical development, give skills of self-organizing, expand an outlook of the person and promote its improvement. It is necessary to notice also that amateur and sports tourism is as much as possible accessible to youth. Besides, tourism can be rather profitable branch of economy.
Abstract: In the article, nonconventional types and the basic problems of development of youth travel are considered. Thus, authors treat youth travel as an innovative direction of development of recreational sphere. Except for the presence of various tourist-recreational resources of the country allows developing almost all kinds of youth travel. The decisi...
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Analysis on the Operation Modes and Strategies of China's Product Placement
Volume 7, Issue 3, June 2018
24 June 2018
6 July 2018
2 August 2018
Downloads: 131
Views: 1837
Abstract: When audiences are increasingly bored with mandatory advertisements for television programs, branding is vitally important to the company. Therefore, a new type of advertising named product placement has emerged. Compared with traditional advertisements, such advertisements can reduce the audience's resistance to advertisements. However, in real life, consumers are not satisfied with such kind of advertising due to various reasons.
Abstract: When audiences are increasingly bored with mandatory advertisements for television programs, branding is vitally important to the company. Therefore, a new type of advertising named product placement has emerged. Compared with traditional advertisements, such advertisements can reduce the audience's resistance to advertisements. However, in real li...
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Innovative Activity as a Means of Developing the Economic Potential of the Tourism Industry
Ismailov Adhambek Bakhramovich
Volume 7, Issue 3, June 2018
25 June 2018
6 July 2018
6 August 2018
Downloads: 99
Views: 1702
Abstract: This article gives an overview of the peculiarities of the use of innovations in tourism and their role in improving the investment attractiveness of the tourism industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan. And also the article highlights different approaches of creating favorable investment conditions for the creation of innovative tourism products. In the article the role of tourism has been demonstrated in the development of regional economies and the current condition of tourism in the region is analyzed with different approaches and methods. Thus, the distinctive feature of the development of innovative activities in tourism from classical tourist activities is the creation of a new or improvement of the existing tourist product, the improvement of transport, hotel and other services, the development of new markets, the introduction of advanced information and telecommunications technologies and modern forms of organizational and managerial activity.
Abstract: This article gives an overview of the peculiarities of the use of innovations in tourism and their role in improving the investment attractiveness of the tourism industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan. And also the article highlights different approaches of creating favorable investment conditions for the creation of innovative tourism products. In...
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Research on Strategic Analysis and Decision Modeling of Venture Portfolio
Liu Xiaobing,
Tian Yingjie,
Liu Manhong
Volume 7, Issue 3, June 2018
9 August 2018
13 August 2018
Downloads: 112
Views: 1703
Abstract: The value of risk project is usually uncertain, so venture investor must make investment decision based on prior estimation of future value of risk projects. This paper constructs a portfolio optimization model of risk projects considering the psychological characteristics of venture investors, and proposes a Bayesian method to deal with the uncertainty of value estimation in project portfolio selection, and utilizes Monte Carlo method to simulate the model as a linear integer programming problem. The study finds that, compared with portfolio selection based directly on ex ante value estimation, Bayesian modeling of project estimates of project value uncertainty can provide more accurate value estimates and use the resulting revised estimates to make portfolio decisions can help to select a project portfolio with a higher expected utility, eliminate the expected interval between the expected pre-expected utility and the expected utility of post-implementation, and reduce the degree of disappointment of venture investor's expected decision-making.
Abstract: The value of risk project is usually uncertain, so venture investor must make investment decision based on prior estimation of future value of risk projects. This paper constructs a portfolio optimization model of risk projects considering the psychological characteristics of venture investors, and proposes a Bayesian method to deal with the uncert...
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Customer Based Retail Brand Equity Dimensions on Retail Brand Equity of Pakistani Markets
Muhammad Umair,
Mubarak Ahmad
Volume 7, Issue 3, June 2018
26 June 2018
24 July 2018
15 August 2018
Downloads: 118
Views: 1801
Abstract: Customer brand equity become the major concept in last decades due to increase the competition and also rise in demands of the customer. This study investigate the impact of customer brand equity in Pakistan in embryonic areas and mature areas because in immature area customer preference change and in mature areas customer demands may also be differ so for checking the retailer base customer’s brand equity [RBCBE]. We select the two markets of Pakistan Hakim hyper Market [HHM] and Metro cash and carry [MCC]. Sample was selected 100 respondents in both Regression analyses; Pearson’s correlation and Cronbach alpha used for the purpose of the investigation and results reveal that market loyalty have positive impact on retail brand equity in backward areas while market association have strong positive impact on retail brand equity in advance areas.
Abstract: Customer brand equity become the major concept in last decades due to increase the competition and also rise in demands of the customer. This study investigate the impact of customer brand equity in Pakistan in embryonic areas and mature areas because in immature area customer preference change and in mature areas customer demands may also be diffe...
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