Selecting a Project Manager from Multiple Alternatives
Volume 4, Issue 6, December 2015
21 July 2015
11 August 2015
19 August 2015
Downloads: 114
Views: 4131
Abstract: To reduce subjectivity in the choice of the project manager (and in a broader sense - the manager or specialist), proposed to use the analytic hierarchy process, Saaty proposed and widely used in various applications. The article details the procedure for selecting candidates for the position of alternative project manager. This article is intended for beginners and not very novice leaders.
Abstract: To reduce subjectivity in the choice of the project manager (and in a broader sense - the manager or specialist), proposed to use the analytic hierarchy process, Saaty proposed and widely used in various applications. The article details the procedure for selecting candidates for the position of alternative project manager. This article is intended...
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On State Budget in the North Central of Nigeria: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Approach
Muritala Abdulkabir,
Raji Surajudeen Tunde
Volume 4, Issue 6, December 2015
22 July 2015
10 August 2015
21 August 2015
Abstract: This study examine the comparative analysis of state budget North central region of Nigeria, the aim focus on testing if there is significant differentin state budgeting allocation among the state in the North central of Nigeria and also if there is significant different in budgeting allocation within the years of consideration in the same Region, at the end of the analysis of the result obtained it was observed that the budget allocation for Benue state has the highest and Kwara has the lowest budget allocation since 2005-2013, also indicate that there is significant different in budget allocation within the year 2005-2013
Abstract: This study examine the comparative analysis of state budget North central region of Nigeria, the aim focus on testing if there is significant differentin state budgeting allocation among the state in the North central of Nigeria and also if there is significant different in budgeting allocation within the years of consideration in the same Region, ...
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Financing the Expansion of Family Businesses in Ghana: Which Way to Go, Debt or Equity
Joseph Yensu,
Edmond Oppong-Peprah,
Elizabeth Dwomo-Fokuo,
Francis Boadu,
Anthony Kusi
Volume 4, Issue 6, December 2015
22 July 2015
11 August 2015
29 August 2015
Abstract: Financing activities are crucial exercises in any organizational set-up. It has attracted intense debate and scholarly attention in the financial management arena over the years, whether businesses should opt for debt or equity financing to expand their businesses or not. This paper attempts to ascertain the type of finance that family business operators in Ghana use to expand their business using Ashanti Region as the study area.Questionnaires were administered to 148 family businesses in Ghana. Descriptive survey study design was adopted to achieve the envisaged aims of the study. A total of 150 questionnaires were administered but 148 family businesses responded. Generally, the study revealed that founders or owner-managers use equity financing (68.92 %) as a source of start-up capital to commence their business activities. Also, founders or owner-managers admitted that they will only allow external investors (venture capitalist and business angels) to come in, if they would be prepared to offer advice and expertise to them alone, and nothing more.To establish whether family business use debt or equity financing for their expansion activities, a total of seven variables were used to measure the level of acceptance among the family business operators. These variables were analyzed using principle component factor analysis with varimax rotation.Varimax rotation with Kaiser Normalization was done to simplify and minimize the number of factors to achieve meaningful construction. As a result, 7 crucial variables were established as the sources of development finance by family businesses, which include external equity funding (venture capital and business angel), equity (family & friends, partnership) funding, rotational savings, owner’s equity, debt funding, re-invest profits earned, and government support, 4 factors are also established as sources of development finance by family businesses namely internal investment fund, mixed investment fund, external investment fund (funds from non family members) and source from anywhere. The paper seeks to establish that family business operators in Ghana utilize both debt and equity financing (mixed investment) for their business developmental activities. However, the equity financing is limited to family & friends, and partners alone and not private equity investors-venture capitalist and business angels. The study recommends that Ghana Venture Capital Trust Fund and venture capital companies should embark on massive educational and information program on venture capital support activities in order to disseminate the needed information to family business owners concerning the financing options and support services available to them.
Abstract: Financing activities are crucial exercises in any organizational set-up. It has attracted intense debate and scholarly attention in the financial management arena over the years, whether businesses should opt for debt or equity financing to expand their businesses or not. This paper attempts to ascertain the type of finance that family business ope...
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The Impact of Regulatory Environment on the Effectiveness of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises: A Study of Selected Small and Medium Scale Enterprise in Owerri
Chikwe Goddey Chukwudi,
Joel Augustus-Daddie,
Achiole Emmanuel Ayozie
Volume 4, Issue 6, December 2015
22 July 2015
19 August 2015
29 August 2015
Abstract: This paper examines the impact of regulatory environment on the effectiveness of small and medium scale enterprises. The study employed a survey approach and used the questionnaire as its major source of data collection. In order to guide the study, two research questions and hypotheses that are consistent with the objectives of the study were raised. The population of study consists of 105 staff of selected five small and medium scale enterprises in Owerri. The researchers used purposive sampling technique to select 89 members of staff as the sampled unit. The mean score was the tool for data analysis, and from the findings, the researchers concludes that regulatory environment has significant impact on business competitiveness and innovativeness which were used to proxy effectiveness of small and medium scale enterprises. Based on the findings also, the researchers among others recommended that consultation between SME regulators and operators of SMEs can help address some of the harsh consequences of the regulatory environment.
Abstract: This paper examines the impact of regulatory environment on the effectiveness of small and medium scale enterprises. The study employed a survey approach and used the questionnaire as its major source of data collection. In order to guide the study, two research questions and hypotheses that are consistent with the objectives of the study were rais...
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Management Versus Science: Peer-Reviewers do not Know the Subject They Have to Analyse
Volume 4, Issue 6, December 2015
20 July 2015
10 August 2015
29 August 2015
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to show the ideas to overcome the deep ignorance on Reliability Theory of some authors and Referees (mainly professors). We analyzed some very few cases, taken from some published documents found on the web: Montgomery, Rade, M. A. El-Damcese [paper 41], M. A. El-Damcese, A. N. Salem, and N. S. Temraz [paper 42], and others (Wang, Pham, Xie, Peretto); two cases are from the Montgomery book, a very WWU (World Wide Used) Book; other cases are from books: we show that high scores on documents do not prove the Quality of those documents. This paper is especially written to settle the matter for the researchers who want to learn Reliability and Availability. Researchers must be alert in order to do a good job…. Many others cases should be shown: the paper should be 10 times longer The methods used are the Logic and the Scientific Theory (Mathematics, Probability, Statistics, Physics…). Several Professors do not practice them.
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to show the ideas to overcome the deep ignorance on Reliability Theory of some authors and Referees (mainly professors). We analyzed some very few cases, taken from some published documents found on the web: Montgomery, Rade, M. A. El-Damcese [paper 41], M. A. El-Damcese, A. N. Salem, and N. S. Temraz [paper 42], and ot...
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Miracle Fruit - Miracle Berry (Synsepalum Dulcificum Daniell)-Basic Aspects for Contextualization
Jaime Ricardo Laguna Chacón
Volume 4, Issue 6, December 2015
22 July 2015
19 August 2015
29 August 2015
Abstract: Among the wide range of exotic fruits there are many belonging to the group of berries, as mentioned in specialized books due their attributes, they are fruits which give or provide to the human body a series of important nutritional benefits, like: providing a low-calorie intake, zero-cholesterol, and a lot of fiber per serving; supplying significant amounts of C vitamin and folic acid, several antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. For all these reasons and more, it is highly recommend their inclusion in the daily diet of humans. Miracle fruit or miracle berry (Synsepalum dulcificum Daniell), as cited in specialized studies revealed representative rates of vitamin C compared to other fruits and vegetables, those rates are almost as important as certain varieties of lemons, making from sweet berries as also called, fruits to study within the group of possible foods improving life quality in humans, besides their possible anti-cancer effect by having a great percent of important antioxidants; until now it is all speculation, because there is only one known significant attribute in this kind of berry: to change bitter or acid flavors in a more pleasant taste. Miraculin is the agent that has the effect of changing taste buds to give the feeling of sweet and acidic foods is caused by masking acid glycoprotein. Miracle fruit is a simple tree or a shrub native to Africa from two to five meters high and not so pleasant appearance, these particularities and its name, miracle fruit, makes this shrub practically unknown in the Colombian scientific and agricultural communities, nothing or not much is known about it and several of its attributes are known in our country, nowadays, due to studies from other countries. This fruit is included within the so-called promising fruits classification; their special characteristics described above achieves a special attention to fulfil an important role with a great assortment of possible applications in products development and its implications in the commercial context due to reduced field of industrial researches on this plant. Is here where product development can give a hand to the knowledge of what could be a diversification of raw materials in the world's only known the properties given by the glycoprotein, this is where you enter in fields where the investigative process is incipient so it is necessary to resort to exploratory methodology of how they could make the process of getting a product from purely industrial product development and as you will get a base or principle for an agro-industrial product based on a fruit little studied and known, which needs support from industry for research and development, so that the project in terms of the research presented is only in the planning of a possible scenario a fruit that has a large agribusiness potential.
Abstract: Among the wide range of exotic fruits there are many belonging to the group of berries, as mentioned in specialized books due their attributes, they are fruits which give or provide to the human body a series of important nutritional benefits, like: providing a low-calorie intake, zero-cholesterol, and a lot of fiber per serving; supplying signific...
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Effect of Mortgage Market Risk on Mortgage Uptake: A Case Study of Mortgage Lenders in Kenya
Grace Melissa Akenga,
Margaret Akinyi Olang,
Nebat Mugenda Galo
Volume 4, Issue 6, December 2015
12 August 2015
22 August 2015
2 September 2015
Abstract: Mortgage market is a financial system that provides opportunity for originating and trading mortgage loans. A mortgage loan is used for financing real estate investments. Although there has been a remarkable increase in demand for real estate investments in Kenya the amount of mortgage uptake is still low. Studies reveal risks as important macroeconomic variables in the mortgage market. However the effect of these risks on mortgage uptake in Kenya is inconclusive. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of mortgage market risk on mortgage uptake. The objectives of the study were to determine the effect of credit risk, interest rate risk, price risk and liquidity risk on mortgage uptake in mortgage lending institutions in Kenya. Causal research design was used to establish the effect of mortgage market risk on mortgage uptake. Purposive sampling was used to select a sample size of 27 out of 37 mortgage lenders that had been involved in mortgage lending since 2008 to 2013. Secondary data was obtained from Central Bank of Kenya reports and mortgage special reports for the period under study. The assumptions that form a basis for use of the regression model were tested using homoscedasticity and autocorrelation. Ordinary Least Square method was used to determine the cause effect relationship among variables while hypotheses were tested at 5% significance level. The overall model was found to be significant with F=13.474 and p-value (0.00 < 0.05). The findings revealed that risks faced by lenders affect mortgage uptake such that if the risk involved in lending is high lenders limit the amount of mortgage lending. The study recommended that lenders should ensure risks are well managed so as to increase mortgage uptake. The findings would form a basis for lenders to formulate risk management strategies that would help to mitigate risks and increase mortgage uptake. The study also forms a basis for further research and adds to the existing body of knowledge.
Abstract: Mortgage market is a financial system that provides opportunity for originating and trading mortgage loans. A mortgage loan is used for financing real estate investments. Although there has been a remarkable increase in demand for real estate investments in Kenya the amount of mortgage uptake is still low. Studies reveal risks as important macroeco...
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Quality, Environment and Health Integrated Management Systems: A Literature Review
Adela Mariana Vadastreanu,
Adrian Bot,
Dorin Maier,
Andreea Maier
Volume 4, Issue 6, December 2015
11 August 2015
21 August 2015
3 September 2015
Abstract: The context of the research made in this article is the harsh economic environment where in order to stay on the market organizations need to reduce production cost to make more profit but also to meet the quality, environment, and health and safety requirements. The implementation of the standards in the organization involve an allocation of resources both human and financial and all this are time consuming, the necessity of implementing two or more standards make this allocation of resources to increase, in this conditions applying an integrated standards model is shown to be a more effective way then applying the standards independently. The problem that arises is that in order to adopt the integrated version of standards there have to be made some changes at the organizational level. This article analyzes the principal models of integration management systems found in the literature, highlights the benefits of the three standards. This article can be also used as a base for future studies regarding the integrated management systems and future implementation of other management systems like the management system of innovation.
Abstract: The context of the research made in this article is the harsh economic environment where in order to stay on the market organizations need to reduce production cost to make more profit but also to meet the quality, environment, and health and safety requirements. The implementation of the standards in the organization involve an allocation of resou...
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Innovation, the New Challenge of Today’s Entrepreneurship
Adela Mariana Vadastreanu,
Adrian Bot,
Dorin Maier,
Andreea Maier
Volume 4, Issue 6, December 2015
11 August 2015
21 August 2015
3 September 2015
Abstract: The aim of this article is to evaluate the importance of innovation for entrepreneurship environment in the context of current economic conditions. Throughout the last century, industry leaders learnt to master the production process to such an extent that now it no longer functions as a significant competitive advantage. Every entrepreneur is now facing a harsh and highly competitive business context in a globalized economy, and in order to resist and to be successful the new challenge is to master the innovation process, harnessing change, creating new competitive advantages by offering better products, using better processes, delivering better services or even offering entirely new solutions. Although the process of innovation is one of the most important drivers of growth and prosperity in today's global economy, it is also one of the least understood. This paper wants to bring a contribution to a better understanding of the innovation process and to identify some characteristics of the future entrepreneur. At the end of the paper are presented some recommendations that a company should be aware of in order to be more innovative and also we have identified some characteristics that an entrepreneur must have in order to be successful. This article can be also used as a base for future studies regarding the process of innovation, the management of the innovation process, the establishing of a management system of innovation and its implementation into existing management systems.
Abstract: The aim of this article is to evaluate the importance of innovation for entrepreneurship environment in the context of current economic conditions. Throughout the last century, industry leaders learnt to master the production process to such an extent that now it no longer functions as a significant competitive advantage. Every entrepreneur is now ...
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Research on the Risk Factors of Power Coal Supply in China's Shanxi Province Based on ISM
Volume 4, Issue 6, December 2015
21 July 2015
4 August 2015
14 September 2015
Abstract: The stability of power coal supply is of great significance for coal base construction and the focus of thermal power enterprise investment in Shanxi province. This paper analyzes the risk factors of power coal supply chain, builds up the power coal supply risk identification model based on ISM and identifies the major power coal supply risks. It is found that the key power coal supply risks for Shanxi's thermal power enterprise are coal enterprises business risk, the coal price fluctuation, coal supply contract risk etc. And then put forward the risk prevention measures.
Abstract: The stability of power coal supply is of great significance for coal base construction and the focus of thermal power enterprise investment in Shanxi province. This paper analyzes the risk factors of power coal supply chain, builds up the power coal supply risk identification model based on ISM and identifies the major power coal supply risks. It i...
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Financial Market Development and Capital Inflows in Nigeria: The Role of Stock Market Development
Nwosa Philip Ifeakachukwu
Volume 4, Issue 6, December 2015
29 July 2015
13 August 2015
16 October 2015
Abstract: This study investigated the relationship between capital inflows and stock market development in Nigeria for the period spanning 1986 to 2013. Capital inflow was proxied by foreign direct investment and foreign portfolio investment while stock market development was proxied by market capitalization, turnover ratio and value traded ratio. The study employed error correction modelling techniques. From the regression estimate, it was shown that only market capitalization and value traded ratio had significant influence on foreign portfolio investment while none of the measures of stock market development significantly influenced foreign direct investment in the long run in Nigeria. The short run estimate showed that among the three measures of stock market development only market capitalization influenced both foreign direct investment and foreign portfolio investment while value traded ratio only had significant influenced on foreign direct investment in the short run. The study concluded that stock market development had not significantly promoted the inflows of foreign capital inflow in Nigeria.
Abstract: This study investigated the relationship between capital inflows and stock market development in Nigeria for the period spanning 1986 to 2013. Capital inflow was proxied by foreign direct investment and foreign portfolio investment while stock market development was proxied by market capitalization, turnover ratio and value traded ratio. The study ...
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An Analysis of Work Motivation and Teacher Job Satisfaction in Public Secondary Schools in Rarieda Sub-County, Kenya
Fredrick Omondi Ogonda,
Bula Hannah Orwa,
Wambua Philip Peter,
Muli Vika Jedida
Volume 4, Issue 6, December 2015
3 September 2015
23 September 2015
16 October 2015
Abstract: In the public secondary education sub-sector, issues about job satisfaction are glaring as industrial unrest and labour turnover are almost a daily phenomenon. The fundamental question that one would ask is why does there exist this reality. Could it because teachers in the public secondary schools are not satisfied with their jobs .This study seeks to analyze work motivation and teacher job satisfaction in public secondary schools in Rarieda sub-county, Kenya. The specific objectives of this study sought to establish how remuneration, recognition, working conditions and training influence teacher job satisfaction in public secondary schools in Rarieda sub-county. A descriptive research design was employed during the study, with a sample of 205 teachers from a population of 440 being used. Primary data collection was utilized. Quantitative and qualitative data was collected and self-administered questionnaires were preferred, while the validity of the questionnaires was ensured through pre-testing. Quantitative data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Subsequently, the analyzed data was presented using frequency tables, percentages, measures of central tendencies and measures of dispersion. From the analysis, the study concluded that motivation factors such as remuneration, working conditions, recognition and training influence teacher job satisfaction. The study makes a number of recommendations: that similar studies be conducted in other regions in order to corroborate the study or establish new findings; A study to find out whether there exist other factors influencing teacher job satisfaction; studies to establish why majority of teachers were satisfied with training yet the same teachers were not satisfied with their jobs.
Abstract: In the public secondary education sub-sector, issues about job satisfaction are glaring as industrial unrest and labour turnover are almost a daily phenomenon. The fundamental question that one would ask is why does there exist this reality. Could it because teachers in the public secondary schools are not satisfied with their jobs .This study seek...
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Managing Openness of the Chinese Economy to Sustain Its Economic Growth
Volume 4, Issue 6, December 2015
5 July 2015
11 July 2015
24 October 2015
Abstract: Many studies suggest the positive causal effects of openness on productivity and growth. However, controversies are still prevalent among vast empirical studies on the issue. In this paper, we develop econometric models in the comprehensive framework to shed quantitative light on the implications of a scenario of deeper economic integration in China, where the barriers for trade and foreign direct investment (FDI) are preferentially eliminated. Different versions of the econometric models are specified and numerically implemented. Each provides a framework to experiment the relationship between economic growth and trade, FDI in China. Our findings include: first, both FDI and trade have positive impact on long-term economic growth and no effect on short-term economic fluctuation; second, the interactions between FDI and policy, trade openness and policy have significant impact on economic growth, and with the rapid growth of FDI and trade, their marginal effects on economic growth is reduced; third, the impact of FDI on TFP is positive, and trade openness is also showed positive effect on TFP under the role of FDI. All these findings suggest that openness is becoming an important drive force of China’s economic growth. It is necessary for Chinese government to manage openness to sustain its’ economic growth.
Abstract: Many studies suggest the positive causal effects of openness on productivity and growth. However, controversies are still prevalent among vast empirical studies on the issue. In this paper, we develop econometric models in the comprehensive framework to shed quantitative light on the implications of a scenario of deeper economic integration in Chin...
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The Relationship Between Social Bearing Capacities with Conflict as a Result, in the Perception of the Visiting Historical Sites
Fatemeh Mirzaie,
Ali Akbar Nazari,
Hamid Zargham Boroujeni,
Mohammad Taghipour
Volume 4, Issue 6, December 2015
18 October 2015
27 October 2015
24 November 2015
Abstract: Sustainable tourism needs to prevent the destruction and degradation of social, cultural and ecological systems in the host society. It is obvious that tourism development and social characteristics is changing. But this (whether positive or negative), and severity of these changes depend on the size and number of tourism activities. Any destinations accept specific level of tourism development that further development leads of the socio-cultural decline or reduce the quality of experience for tourists. On the other hand, tourists are faced with a conflict that already is not expect it And. This time the satisfaction of tourists decreased. The host society has a certain capacity for growth and development of tourism particularly hosting is in the monument with a rich history and ancient values. This requires attention to its own dimensions. In Iran, there are a few studies that examine factors affecting the perceived congestion are by foreign visitors. The aim of this study is to identify the concept of conflict and reaction to foreign visitors comes to this conflict. For this research data in holiday 1394 through questionnaires and interviews were collected by field. The populations of the investigation are foreign tourists visiting the palace complex. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics inferential. The results of the analysis of 100 questionnaires showed that 5's variable were effective on the perception of foreign tourists: history of visiting, Expected crowding, Tensions and physical contact, behavior of other visitors, the number of other visitor.
Abstract: Sustainable tourism needs to prevent the destruction and degradation of social, cultural and ecological systems in the host society. It is obvious that tourism development and social characteristics is changing. But this (whether positive or negative), and severity of these changes depend on the size and number of tourism activities. Any destinatio...
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Industry Variations of Relationship Banking in Mergers and Acquisitions
Volume 4, Issue 6, December 2015
26 November 2015
5 December 2015
14 December 2015
Abstract: In this study we examine the acquirer-advisor relation in mergers and acquisitions. Among other issues we study the effect of this relation in major industry sectors. We have found that the average log abnormal return from acquirer-advisor relation is $0.5 millions. Relationship advisers are rewarding in the range of $1.5 millions to $2.5 millions in all sectors except media, consumer products and services, high technology, industrials and real estate.
Abstract: In this study we examine the acquirer-advisor relation in mergers and acquisitions. Among other issues we study the effect of this relation in major industry sectors. We have found that the average log abnormal return from acquirer-advisor relation is $0.5 millions. Relationship advisers are rewarding in the range of $1.5 millions to $2.5 millions ...
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