New Procedure for Assigning Drivers to Work Schedules at a Container Terminal
Khaled Mili,
Ilhem Elghoul
Volume 4, Issue 1, February 2015
1 June 2015
15 June 2015
2 July 2015
Downloads: 187
Views: 5582
Abstract: One of the success factors of a terminal is related to the time in port for the retrieval and transport of containers. Straddle carriers (SCs) are the pivotal axis around which the terminal transportation system evolves and the success or failure of that process is an indicator of the reliability of the container terminal. Over the last years, the deficiency of efficient control and coordination mechanisms in practice produced a relaxation of transportation principles. The valorization of the academic environment represents nowadays one of the most important research challenges. In this paper, we present a collaborative filtering recommender system able to manage the work schedule’s assignment to straddle carrier’s drivers in a container terminal and provide preliminary results on customer’s satisfaction.
Abstract: One of the success factors of a terminal is related to the time in port for the retrieval and transport of containers. Straddle carriers (SCs) are the pivotal axis around which the terminal transportation system evolves and the success or failure of that process is an indicator of the reliability of the container terminal. Over the last years, the ...
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Corporate Social Responsibility in India Inc.: Are They Spending Right
Volume 4, Issue 1, February 2015
4 May 2013
11 July 2015
22 July 2015
Downloads: 142
Views: 7442
Abstract: In a landmark legislation new companies bill was passed in 2013. The scholars and practitioners welcomed the bill with unprecedented enthusiasm and fanfare. Some even claimed it to be the most progressive bill ever passed in the history of independent India. Amongst many provisions, one that has caught maximum attention is a 2% mandatory spending on CSR activities for companies making Rs. 5 Crores (USD 800,000 approx) or more in profits after tax. One should have the courage to cast a doubt on the good intent and immense possibilities that this legislation offers. Yet, going by the history of businesses in India, both public and privately owned enterprises have been quite reluctant to spend on the social initiatives. Even though the bill appears very promising in its intent, it is not very apparent how the businesses will respond to it. The paper brings out the patterns of large corporate spending on social activities in the past to assess the sector preference of businesses, to somewhere assess are they appending right.
Abstract: In a landmark legislation new companies bill was passed in 2013. The scholars and practitioners welcomed the bill with unprecedented enthusiasm and fanfare. Some even claimed it to be the most progressive bill ever passed in the history of independent India. Amongst many provisions, one that has caught maximum attention is a 2% mandatory spending o...
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Influence of Gender in the Saving Culture of Sacco Members in Nyandarua County, Kenya
Martin Muriithi,
Dennis Muriithi
Volume 4, Issue 1, February 2015
7 July 2015
16 July 2015
25 July 2015
Downloads: 173
Views: 6495
Abstract: Saving is a key component in any development endeavor as it is believed to be the surest way of increasing income and boosting productivity in an attempt to break through the vicious cycle of poverty. A number of studies have demonstrated that the investment and retirement saving behaviors of women and men differ. However, inconsistencies in findings exist in the few studies conducted on the differences in general saving behaviors between men and women. The purpose of this study was to establish gender differences in saving culture with a special bias on SACCO members. Specifically, the study aimed at assessing the influence of income levels on saving culture; evaluate the effect of marital status on saving culture and establish the influence of age on saving culture of SACCO members in Nyandarua County. The research adopted a descriptive survey design and targeted all business and agricultural based SACCO members and officials in Nyandarua County. 18 SACCO officials and 375 SACCO members were sampled using purposive and stratified random sampling respectively. The researcher collected data using structured questionnaires. A descriptive analysis of the data after processing involved computing mean, mode and median with the help of Statistical Package of Social Sciences Software and Microsoft Excel and presented in frequency tables and charts. Marital status of the respondents was found to be statistically significant in terms of the annual saving. The result implies that a change in marital status will affect the annual savings negatively. The researcher is 99.952% confidence that the change in marital status will negatively have an impact on annual saving. The researcher recommends nurturing of marriage institution as a way of protecting saving culture among women and men members of the SACCO in Nyandarua County.
Abstract: Saving is a key component in any development endeavor as it is believed to be the surest way of increasing income and boosting productivity in an attempt to break through the vicious cycle of poverty. A number of studies have demonstrated that the investment and retirement saving behaviors of women and men differ. However, inconsistencies in findin...
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Falling Oil Price, Exchange Rate Volatility and Marco-economic Variables in Nigeria
Olure Bank Adeyinka Michael,
Gbadebo Salako,
Ajiteru Temilade
Volume 4, Issue 1, February 2015
13 July 2015
17 July 2015
28 July 2015
Downloads: 140
Views: 5980
Abstract: With the oil price at low level in Nigeria, exchange rate volatility has been manifested at different exchange rate regimes in Nigeria, the study look at the relationship between exchange rate volatility and Macroeconomics variables in Nigeria between 1985-2014. Secondary data were collected from Central Bank Statistical Bulletin, employing Johansen Error Correction Model (ECM) Technique to estimate the collected time-series data and General Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) to measure volatility. It is therefore observed and recommended that the Nigeria government should employ greater policy sensitivity towards the openness of the economy so that the capital flows that come through foreign direct investment (FDI) will be beneficial to the economy as a whole.
Abstract: With the oil price at low level in Nigeria, exchange rate volatility has been manifested at different exchange rate regimes in Nigeria, the study look at the relationship between exchange rate volatility and Macroeconomics variables in Nigeria between 1985-2014. Secondary data were collected from Central Bank Statistical Bulletin, employing Johanse...
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Knowledge-Based Strategic Management of Engineering and Basic Sciences for Achieving the New Technologies
Volume 4, Issue 1, February 2015
15 July 2015
21 July 2015
28 July 2015
Downloads: 107
Views: 4575
Abstract: The knowledge-based management and strategy is involved in all human intellectual aspects and performance. The achievement of power, knowledge and innovation in new technologies directly depend on the appropriate strategic management and is along with the future study on the knowledge and sciences. Nowadays, it is impossible to have single access to modern technology and equipment because of the frequency and wide spread of information and increased different ranges of sciences. The governments have been successful in promoting their unique infrastructures of basic sciences and engineering until now according to their power and dominance in technology and industry; and prediction and empowerment of infrastructures for development in science and technology is dependent on the macro strategic management of government. Therefore, the international interactions and access to today's scientific information are essential to achieve the knowledge-based management of engineering and basic sciences. Therefore, the long-term objectives of knowledge production and access to new techniques are among the basics of innovation in the industry. To achieve a modern and industrial society, the appropriate management and foresight in producing and disseminating the knowledge have a major impact on the way of applying and guiding the efficient potential of human capital. The experts and policy makers in developed countries have deeply acknowledged that the potential for sustainable development in all scientific, social, economic, cultural and political aspects needs the knowledge-based strategic management. According to the way of dissemination and progress of sciences in developed countries, we find out that the specific strategies have been developed for sustainable development in technology and innovation. The authors in this paper have conducted an overview of new knowledge-based management structures and selected the appropriate strategic policies in sustainable science and technology development of developing and semi-industrial countries.
Abstract: The knowledge-based management and strategy is involved in all human intellectual aspects and performance. The achievement of power, knowledge and innovation in new technologies directly depend on the appropriate strategic management and is along with the future study on the knowledge and sciences. Nowadays, it is impossible to have single access t...
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Statistical Analysis of the Role of Internal Audit in Promoting Good Governance in Public Institutions in Kenya
Volume 4, Issue 1, February 2015
16 July 2015
22 July 2015
29 July 2015
Downloads: 317
Views: 9014
Abstract: Internal Auditing has increasingly been recognized as an integral part of modern control structures and governance practices in both the private sector and public service. It has also been adding value in organizations across all sectors for many years in order to fight against the global financial crisis and recent cases of corporate frauds that have brought into sharp focus the consequence of the precarious role to be played by the internal auditors in ensuring good corporate governance. The main objective of this study was to find out how the Risk Management, Control Process and Governance Process, which are functions of internal auditing are being recognized today at high level in many organizations, especially in public Sectors, when well structured and given the required mandate to perform, improves performance and serves as valuable contributors in Promoting good governance in its functions which are accountability, transparency, effectiveness & efficiency and responsiveness in the public institutions in Kenya. The research adopted both the descriptive and correlation research designs in order to be successful, where 370 out of 398 respondents, sampled from eighteen (18) public institutions, completed a structured questionnaire. The events were recorded; analyzed, interpreted and described by using SPSS version 20 and the specific tools that were adopted in order to identify the levels of contribution of Internal Audit in Good Governance in the public institutions, respondent responses were determined by their demographic profiles. Parametric statistics were used to derive a meaningful conclusion from the empirical data using tools like descriptive statistics, t-test and Pearson Correlation. The study concluded that there is a strong significant relationship between Internal Audit and Good Governance in Public institutions.
Abstract: Internal Auditing has increasingly been recognized as an integral part of modern control structures and governance practices in both the private sector and public service. It has also been adding value in organizations across all sectors for many years in order to fight against the global financial crisis and recent cases of corporate frauds that h...
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An Experimental Research of Small Hydropower Plant Investments Selection in Turkey by Carrot2, DEXi, DEXiTree
Volume 4, Issue 1, February 2015
18 July 2015
22 July 2015
29 July 2015
Downloads: 128
Views: 5896
Abstract: Nowadays, human daily lives depend very much to electricity. Hence, electricity generation plays a key role not only in countries' economies, but also in people's welfare and comfort in any region. This situation isn't also different for Turkey. Turkish electricity generation policy gives the opportunity for foreign and domestic private investments plans and schemes. Private investors have many private power plant investment options to invest in Turkey. One of the main groups is hydropower plants. Small hydropower plant investments are grouped under the hydropower plant investments. Their characteristics are very different from other types of hydropower plants. This experimental research study investigates the possibility of using a qualitative Multi Attribute Decision Making (MADM) model based on DEXi (Decision EXpert for Education) and DEXiTree software. Attributes in the current experimental research model are analyzed by help of a text mining tool Carrot2. In the experimental case study, the most appropriate small hydropower plant investments amongst five alternative ones at the predevelopment investment stages (an assumption) in Turkey are evaluated, and prioritized by help of seventeen basic factors (catchment area, project runoff, net head, discharge, firm energy, secondary energy, investment cost, river basin, conveyance structure, community attitude, transportation, topography, geology, security conditions, terrorism conditions, protected areas, substation conditions) based on the experimental DEXi decision model. There are some interesting findings such as Option 5 gets the highest priority in the overall experimental decision model. Similarly, Option 5 has the very good preference in the objective attributes evaluation. Option 3 comes afterwards with the good preference. But, both Option 4 and Option 5 get the good preference in the subjective attributes evaluation. The DEXi model file (*.dxi) is also presented to readers for giving opportunity to readers for preparing their models based on this experimental research model. This experimental research study is seen as another very small research step to deeply understand the nature of the small hydropower plants investments decisions in the way of developing an autonomous computer based intelligent decision support system for the real world cases.
Abstract: Nowadays, human daily lives depend very much to electricity. Hence, electricity generation plays a key role not only in countries' economies, but also in people's welfare and comfort in any region. This situation isn't also different for Turkey. Turkish electricity generation policy gives the opportunity for foreign and domestic private investments...
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