Improving the Health Workforce Distribution in Remote and Rural Areas of Ethiopia: An Evidence-Based Policy Brief
Serebe Abay,
Amanuel Dibaba,
Yosef Gebreyohannes,
Desalegn Ararso,
Fasil Mengistu,
Mamuye Hadis
Volume 7, Issue 2, April 2018
17 January 2018
11 February 2018
17 April 2018
Downloads: 342
Views: 2349
Abstract: Human Resources for Health (HRH) constitute the most vital component of health systems. However, the HRH picture of Ethiopia has remained critically low and characterized by geographic mal-distribution. This brief aimed to show the major causes for poor health workforce distribution and to suggest possible policy options. We reviewed relevant evidence describing the problem and feasible options to address the problem, the barriers to implement those options, and implementation strategies to address these barriers. We searched electronic databases of systematic reviews and supplemented with local evidences. In our review, we found different options that help to improve health workforce distribution in the remote and rural areas of the country. Systematic reviews on impact of task shifting, clinical rotations in rural areas during studies and financial incentives have shown favourable results that may lead to increase the number of health workforce working in rural and underserved areas. But none of the studies assessed the costs and cost effectiveness of the suggested options. Therefore, given the limitations of the currently available evidence, there is a need for rigorous evaluative research on the cost effectiveness of each option prior to widespread implementation.
Abstract: Human Resources for Health (HRH) constitute the most vital component of health systems. However, the HRH picture of Ethiopia has remained critically low and characterized by geographic mal-distribution. This brief aimed to show the major causes for poor health workforce distribution and to suggest possible policy options. We reviewed relevant evide...
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Employees’ Satisfaction of Government and Non-Government Banks in Tangail City, Bangladesh
Sayed Mohibul Hossen,
Ridwana Chowdhury
Volume 7, Issue 2, April 2018
13 February 2018
8 April 2018
8 May 2018
Downloads: 122
Views: 1959
Abstract: Employees' satisfaction is directly related to their dedication and performance, and customers' satisfaction. Satisfied employees’ put their best effort into building and maintaining successful relationship between the bank and its customers. The present study attempts to identify the key facets contributing to employees' satisfaction in banks and to make a comparative analysis of employees' satisfaction in different ownership structures such as government banks and non-government banks of a small town in Bangladesh. Primary data was used in the study and the sample size of the study was 102 employees from these two sectors of banks situated in Tangail city. Factors including salary of employees, performance appraisal system, promotional strategies, employee’s relationship with management and other co- employees, training and development program, influence of higher authority and working hours are found important for improving job satisfaction of bank employees in Tangail. By the analysis we have found that association between employees’ job satisfaction and their Opportunity to take part in training, courses & workshops, involvement in decision making, company’s behavior as well as company’s well treatment and opinion on Career appointments are significant. Increase in level of these factors improves overall satisfaction of employees which is identified by using statistical techniques.
Abstract: Employees' satisfaction is directly related to their dedication and performance, and customers' satisfaction. Satisfied employees’ put their best effort into building and maintaining successful relationship between the bank and its customers. The present study attempts to identify the key facets contributing to employees' satisfaction in banks and ...
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Research on the Remedy System in China’s Government Procurement Contract Awarding Phase
Fu-Guo Cao,
Jiang-Yu Huang
Volume 7, Issue 2, April 2018
5 April 2018
23 April 2018
15 May 2018
Downloads: 169
Views: 2207
Abstract: Government procurement regulations require efficient implementation and remedy systems to achieve the goals of public procurement and protect the suppliers’ business opportunities. In the phase of awarding public procurement contracts, the establishment of a more independent and professional organization will increase the authority, credibility, and efficiency of dispute resolution in complaint processing. In order to protect the rights and interests of the participants, the public procurement suspension procedures should be further improved; the application of the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) system such as mediation, arbitration, etc, should be encouraged. When a supplier claims damages for losses due to illegal activities, it should use a more diversified dispute resolution mechanism. The remedy system in the awarding phase of public procurement contracts can enable China’s public procurement system to better meet the needs of the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) and enable Chinese companies to participate in international competition fairly and effectively. China should establish professional and independent complaints resolving institutions. Improve the suspension procedures for the dispute settlement in the Public Procurement contract awarding phase.
Abstract: Government procurement regulations require efficient implementation and remedy systems to achieve the goals of public procurement and protect the suppliers’ business opportunities. In the phase of awarding public procurement contracts, the establishment of a more independent and professional organization will increase the authority, credibility, an...
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Factors Affecting the Performance of Micro and Small Scale Enterprises: Experience from North Shewa Zone, Ethiopia
Woldetsadik Kagnew Abebaw,
Sisay Mulate,
Lemma Nigussie
Volume 7, Issue 2, April 2018
6 May 2018
25 May 2018
18 June 2018
Downloads: 1264
Views: 4186
Abstract: Research has shown that there are factors that contribute to success or failure in small enterprises in the government departments in the world. An environment conducive for the growth of MSEs is required, and this has necessitated an investigation into the factors affecting the performance of SMEs in North Shewa Zone, Ethiopia. The general objective of the study is to investigate factors that influencing the performance of micro and small enterprises in North Shewa Zone town, Ethiopia. The research used probability; strata sampling techniques. The researcher selected 386 respondents out of 11,244 populations. For data analysis, we have used OLS regression analysis Pearson correlation Coefficient. Based on the data collected from 386 MSEs in North Shewa Zone, Ethiopia, the results showed that there is a significant positive relationship between entrepreneurship, labour skill, infrastructure, finance, leadership skill and the performance of SMEs. This study recommends that the MSE businesses and government should effectively address the infrastructure especially in terms of electricity, work place, market place and roads in order to increase their performance.
Abstract: Research has shown that there are factors that contribute to success or failure in small enterprises in the government departments in the world. An environment conducive for the growth of MSEs is required, and this has necessitated an investigation into the factors affecting the performance of SMEs in North Shewa Zone, Ethiopia. The general objecti...
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