Research on the Selection of Vertical and Horizontal Type of the Foreign Direct Investment of Multinational Enterprise and Its Influencing Factors
Zeng Xiaolong,
Wang Shuhui
Volume 5, Issue 5, October 2016
1 August 2016
9 August 2016
10 September 2016
Downloads: 153
Views: 3944
Abstract: Since the 1970s, international trade and investment patterns have occurred great changes, also the production organization of international enterprises had undergone profound changes. Intra-industry trade gradually replace the inter-industry trade, has become the main form of international trade. After 1980s, the multinational enterprises got unprecedented development. All the data are from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis and the World Bank.
Abstract: Since the 1970s, international trade and investment patterns have occurred great changes, also the production organization of international enterprises had undergone profound changes. Intra-industry trade gradually replace the inter-industry trade, has become the main form of international trade. After 1980s, the multinational enterprises got unpre...
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Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Information Construction Research Based on Cloud Computing
Zhao Rui-jie,
Tang Li-chun
Volume 5, Issue 5, October 2016
10 August 2016
22 August 2016
10 September 2016
Downloads: 124
Views: 4030
Abstract: The small and medium-sized enterprises occupy the important position of the Chinese economy in the quantity and the contribution to the economy. Due to the shortage of funds, lack of technology and the lack of professional talents, small and medium-sized enterprises are facing the bottleneck of information construction. Therefore this paper puts forward a cloud service model in the information construction. This paper compares the differences between cloud computing and traditional patterns in the aspects of stability, flexibility, cost, and security. The practical significance of the cloud model is also discussed. Cloud model can improve the operational efficiency of the existing equipment, reduce the initial investment and operating costs, including management, update, and reduce the overall cost of the user. Finally, verify the cost advantage of information construction by using the actual data of small and medium-sized enterprises. Cloud model in two aspects of software cost and service cost advantages. Thus, we provide a new way to solve the bottleneck of information construction in small and medium-sized enterprises.
Abstract: The small and medium-sized enterprises occupy the important position of the Chinese economy in the quantity and the contribution to the economy. Due to the shortage of funds, lack of technology and the lack of professional talents, small and medium-sized enterprises are facing the bottleneck of information construction. Therefore this paper puts fo...
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Analysis of Public Procurement Planning Practices on Provision of Quality Health Care Services at Nakuru Level V Hospital, Kenya
Francis Mathenge Kingo’ri,
Josphat Kwasira
Volume 5, Issue 5, October 2016
21 August 2016
13 September 2016
23 September 2016
Downloads: 205
Views: 5712
Abstract: Over the recent past, quality of health care has been a major concern for various stakeholders in Kenya. A number of programs such as Beyond Zero campaign, investment in Kidney Dialysis machines, Cancer Scanning machines among others have been launched towards quality health care. It is in this light that this study delves into the influence of public procurement planning practices on provision of quality health care services. Procurement planning involves material requirement planning, resource planning and capacity planning which will be linked to health care service quality. The indicators of procurement planning are used to formulate the specific objectives. The theories on which the study was based on include the Resource Based View Theory and Systems Theory. The research used survey design as only one organization was studied. Therefore, the target population was comprised of top, middle and lower level managers which totals to 98 at Nakuru General Hospital. The study adopted stratified random sampling which gave a sample of 79 managers to be included in the study. Questionnaire was used to collect necessary data and the questionnaire was closed ended. The data collected was then processed using SPSS. Inferential statistics was conducted to test the relationship between the variable where Karl Pearson correlation coefficient was used. Further, descriptive statistics was used where mean and standard deviation were used for generalization of respondent’s opinions. The findings of the study are beneficial towards enhancing health care quality at the Nakuru Level V Hospital. Further, it is beneficial to other Hospitals around the Country struggling with offering quality health care services with respect to the role of procurement planning in achieving the same. The results (p = 0.001) indicated that there is a statistically significant relationship between public procurement planning practices and provision of quality health care because P value is less than 0.05. Regarding the influence of public procurement planning and quality health care, the study established that capacity planning had the greatest influence on quality health care (Beta =.372), followed by master production schedule (Beta = .359), then resource planning (Beta=.117) and finally material requirement planning which had a Beta of .132.
Abstract: Over the recent past, quality of health care has been a major concern for various stakeholders in Kenya. A number of programs such as Beyond Zero campaign, investment in Kidney Dialysis machines, Cancer Scanning machines among others have been launched towards quality health care. It is in this light that this study delves into the influence of pub...
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Determinants of Loan Repayment by Borrowers from Micro-Financial Institutions in Nakuru County Kenya
Volume 5, Issue 5, October 2016
8 September 2016
19 September 2016
29 September 2016
Downloads: 437
Views: 6339
Abstract: Many financial institutions in developing countries provide financial services such as saving and Credit to aid several smallholder enterprises including farmers. This is an effort in line with the Millennium development goals which seeks to reduce poverty by 50% by the year 2015. However, the sustainability and continuity of the financial institutions to increase the volume of credit to stimulate the poverty reduction goal depends on the repayment rates. However many of the financial institutions have not been able to carry out these services effectively perhaps because of loan defaults of previous advances. The study used descriptive type of design. This is the design whose purpose is to provide a description of affairs as they are. The main objective of the research was to identify the determinant of loan repayment by borrowers in micro financial institutions in Nakuru County. Specific objectives were to determine the significance of level of education, level of income and age of borrowers as a determinant of loan repayment in Micro Financial Institutions in Nakuru County. The target population comprised a total of 590 loan borrowers and employees of Micro Financial institutions out of which a sample of 10%was picked using stratified random sampling on each stratum out of which a simple random was done to pick the respondent from the list of borrowers and employees, which enable every member of the population have an equal and independent chance of being selected as respondents and also simplest, most convenient and bias free selection method. The cross sectional data was collected by use of questionnaire. The data was analyzed using linear multiple regression model which quantified the determinants while the descriptive statistics was analyzed by use of frequency tables and percentages pie charts. The results showed that education level, income level and age negative were significant determinants of loan repayment. The study recommends that borrowers with low levels of income and education should be encouraged to take up loan since they are associated with loan repayment than their counterparts respectively. The study from the sample also recommends that youths should be taken serious because they are also associated with loan repayment. Nevertheless Most MFLs were going concern.
Abstract: Many financial institutions in developing countries provide financial services such as saving and Credit to aid several smallholder enterprises including farmers. This is an effort in line with the Millennium development goals which seeks to reduce poverty by 50% by the year 2015. However, the sustainability and continuity of the financial institut...
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Influence of Enterprise Resource Planning Interface in Enhancing Service Delivery in Procurement Function at Geothermal Development Company, Nakuru
Lindah Jepchirchir Maiyo,
Josphat Kwasira
Volume 5, Issue 5, October 2016
21 August 2016
21 September 2016
29 September 2016
Downloads: 136
Views: 4284
Abstract: The use of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software had become increasingly more common in a lot of today’s businesses; it is adopted in many firms in attempts of improving business performance. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of ERP interface on service delivery in procurement function of GDC. The study adopted descriptive research and was a case study. ERP interfaces were the independent variable while service delivery was the dependent variable. Procurement department of Geothermal Development Company, Nakuru was used as a case and consequently, employees of Geothermal Development Company Nakuru constitute the target population for the study. The study was guided by innovation diffusion theory and theory of constraints. The study involved employees from Procurement, Stores, Registry, Finance and ICT departments in the organization. 115 employees in the five departments constituted the target population for the study. 99 employees were selected through stratified random sampling to be involved in the study. Selected employees from the five departments were issued with questionnaires that contain research items on every research variable. The collected data were coded and analyzed by use of SPSS. The independent and dependent research variables were analyzed descriptively using means and standard deviation while the influence of ERP interface on service delivery was analyzed inferentially using regression analysis. A multiple regression model was developed and used to guide the study. The findings of the study were presented using tables and every table was explained. The study concluded that ERP interfaces both individually and collectively have significant influence on service delivery. The study recommended that ERP interfaces should be adopted by organizations to enhance service delivery. Further study were recommended to establish the role of organizational culture in adoption of ERP interfaces, to develop a theory that would explain the direct link between ERP and service delivery and to establish whether there are specific determinants of ERP adoption unique for manufacturing and service organizations.
Abstract: The use of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software had become increasingly more common in a lot of today’s businesses; it is adopted in many firms in attempts of improving business performance. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of ERP interface on service delivery in procurement function of GDC. The study adopted descript...
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Effect of Inventory Control Strategies on Inventory Record Accuracy in Kenya Power Company, Nakuru
Lilian Tundura,
Daniel Wanyoike
Volume 5, Issue 5, October 2016
22 August 2016
21 September 2016
29 September 2016
Downloads: 615
Views: 13286
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of inventory control strategies on inventory record accuracy in Kenya Power Nakuru. The study looked at three inventory control strategies; cycle counting, inventory coding and computerized inventory accuracy. The three variables were individually and collectively related with inventory records accuracy. The study adopted a descriptive survey. The target populations for the study were the employees in Kenya Power Nakuru working in procurement, stores and finance departments. Since there are only 42 employees in the departments, all the employees were involved in the study as respondents. The researcher conducted a pilot study to test for validity and reliability of the research instruments before the actual study. Data was then collected through structured questionnaires that were self-administered by the researcher. Collected data was analyzed both descriptively and inferentially. Descriptive statistics was used to describe the study variables while correlation and regression analysis was used to relate the research variables. Single tailed t-test was used to test the hypotheses in the study. The study established that inventory control practices have significant positive influence on inventory records accuracy. The study recommends that public companies as well as private companies adopt inventory control practices as they are likely to experience enhanced efficiency and effectiveness in inventory records. The study suggests that further study is conducted to assess the role of management in implementing inventory control practices and whether inventory control practices can enhance operational performance of an organization.
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of inventory control strategies on inventory record accuracy in Kenya Power Nakuru. The study looked at three inventory control strategies; cycle counting, inventory coding and computerized inventory accuracy. The three variables were individually and collectively related with inventory records ...
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