Numerical Modelling of a Parabolic Trough Concentrator for the Design of a Thermodynamic Solar Power Plant
Bouwèreou Bignan-Kagomna,
Issaka Ouedraogo,
Daniel Windé Nongué Koumbem,
Gado Tchabode
Volume 10, Issue 4, December 2022
20 September 2022
5 October 2022
17 October 2022
Downloads: 77
Views: 876
Abstract: The Sahel region of Burkina, whose capital is Dori, is one of the regions of the country whose electricity coverage rate is very low, which happens to be a paradox because it has enormous solar deposits which are sources of energies. This is the essence of our study of a 50MW cylindrical-parabolic concentrator solar power plant in Dori. It should be noted that for the production of electricity through solar, several technologies exist, the choice of one over the other is made on technical and economic criteria. Essentially there are photovoltaic solar power plants, parabolic trough solar power plants, combined cycle solar power plants and tower power plants. The cylindrical-parabolic concentrator (CCP) solar power plant is chosen because it is more promising and its technology produces not only electricity but also sanitary hot water which is essential for this part of the country where it is very cold at certain period of the year. In this work, attention is paid to the numerical simulation of solar to thermal energy conversion using a parabolic trough concentrator for the design of a solar power plant in Dori. Therminol vp-1 is used as heat transfer fluid. The mathematical equations governing the operating principle of our PTC are described and solved using the finite difference method. The numerical results obtained indicate a thermal efficiency of 63.38% for our concentrator and an overall efficiency of 22.10% for the solar power plant. These results show real possibilities for electricity production in this region of the country.
Abstract: The Sahel region of Burkina, whose capital is Dori, is one of the regions of the country whose electricity coverage rate is very low, which happens to be a paradox because it has enormous solar deposits which are sources of energies. This is the essence of our study of a 50MW cylindrical-parabolic concentrator solar power plant in Dori. It should b...
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Solar Desalination Methods and Economics (Literature Review)
Ahmed Saeed AL-Ghamdi,
Amro Mohammed Mahmoud,
Khalid Bamardouf
Volume 10, Issue 4, December 2022
10 October 2022
1 November 2022
11 November 2022
Downloads: 49
Views: 723
Abstract: The shortage of drinking water source limits the socio-economic development of many areas of the world. Saudi Arabia is one of the poor countries in fresh water source and around 40 to 50% of portable water is produced by desalination technology that depends on using oil and natural gas. The high cost of the water and electricity production reflects depleting the natural source of the country. This paper show literature review for using solar energy in desalination application. The direct electrical method PV–RO combination works like two independent units also there is still much room for improving the combination of both technologies. A direct thermal method such as solar still is applicable for small scale since the productivity is very low and the required area to produce water in commercial scale is huge. CSP systems can be combined with different desalination methods (RO, MSF and MED). The researches show that CSP-MSF seems to be not feasible compared to MED CSP. CSP coupled with MED and RO appear to be promising since the water cost ranges 0.62 to 3.09 $/m3. Besides, it was shown that MED-CSP suits more the stand-alone option while CSP+RO is preferred for cogeneration plants. The water cost for CSP+MED in the previous literature shows variation from 0.62 to 3.09 $/m3.
Abstract: The shortage of drinking water source limits the socio-economic development of many areas of the world. Saudi Arabia is one of the poor countries in fresh water source and around 40 to 50% of portable water is produced by desalination technology that depends on using oil and natural gas. The high cost of the water and electricity production reflect...
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Technical-Economic Analysis of Photovoltaic and Small-Scale Wind Turbine Hybrid System for Rural Health Centers: A Case Study in South Benin
Vodounnou Edmond Claude,
Gbado Douala Cresus Pierre,
Ahouannou Clement,
Degan Gerard,
Vianou Antoine
Volume 10, Issue 4, December 2022
18 October 2022
2 November 2022
22 November 2022
Downloads: 27
Views: 705
Abstract: The Republic of Benin, like other West African countries, has a low rate of rural electrification (less than 20%). Therefore, all rural health centers operate without electricity. It is necessary to develop solutions to empower rural health centers. Integrated hybrid renewable energy solutions have demonstrated their ability to provide reliable and cost-effective electricity to health centers. This article is part of a technical and economic study of different solutions of mixed renewable energy systems to meet the needs of rural health centers. To determine the electrical load of the rural health center, we used a method that consists of monitoring the electricity consumption of a standard center for 92 days. Using a power meter data logger, health center consumption was recorded for the entire period. The monitored load of the rural health center consists mainly of lighting and electrical appliances such as the freezer. Consumption is monitored with a five minute time step so the data can be used to generate any level of load profile detail. Then a 15 minute step load profile is generated for each day and the daily profiles are repeated to create a load profile for the whole year by applying a small stochastic variation function. Regarding our results, we noted a technical-economic optimization of a small-scale wind-photovoltaic (PV) battery system with a concern for reliability and a comparison with a grid extension solution. Then, we presented the results of monitoring the load of a rural health center and the results of the extension of the network and the hybrid system. Reliability and cost aspects are analyzed. The results obtained showed that despite the scarcity of wind resources, the complementarity of wind and solar potentials increases the efficiency of the system for a break-even point of 1 km to 5 km for wind-PV-battery systems.
Abstract: The Republic of Benin, like other West African countries, has a low rate of rural electrification (less than 20%). Therefore, all rural health centers operate without electricity. It is necessary to develop solutions to empower rural health centers. Integrated hybrid renewable energy solutions have demonstrated their ability to provide reliable and...
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Remediation of Refractory Organic Matter in Coal-to-Gas Industrial Wastewater Using Coal Ash-Based Compound
Zhang Chong,
Huang Jianyuan,
Zhang Zhenjia
Volume 10, Issue 4, December 2022
15 October 2022
8 November 2022
15 December 2022
Downloads: 23
Views: 690
Abstract: As the coal to gas industrial wastewater has high organic concentration that is difficult to degrade, the application research of coal chemical solid waste compounds to the removal of refractory organic wastewater pollutants from coal gasification was studied. According to the characteristics of solid waste compounds, the best combination conditions and the best removal effect of refractory organic matter were determined by single factor experiment, and the possibility of its combination with coagulant PAC was explored. It is found that the removal efficiency of refractory organic matter in coal-to-gas industrial wastewater can be improved, the dosage of PAC can be reduced, and the waste water treatment cost can be saved. Fx composite has good removal effect of COD, turbidity and the refractory organic compounds- total phenols of organic wastewater. When the pollutants in organic wastewater are treated by Fx alone, the best removal rate of COD, total phenol and turbidity reaches 60%, 50.2% and 97% respectively. This has a good carbon emission reduction effect, that contributes to the realization of the low-carbon green cycle development concept of "treating waste with waste".
Abstract: As the coal to gas industrial wastewater has high organic concentration that is difficult to degrade, the application research of coal chemical solid waste compounds to the removal of refractory organic wastewater pollutants from coal gasification was studied. According to the characteristics of solid waste compounds, the best combination condition...
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Performance Analyses of Water Distribution System Toward Water-Energy Nexus for Rural Area Transformation in West Africa: Case of Sekoukou Village in Niger
Djibo Boube Bachirou,
Mounkaila Saley Moussa,
Boubacar Ibrahim,
Abdou Saley Inoussa,
Ibrahim Halidou,
Rabani Adamou
Volume 10, Issue 4, December 2022
17 November 2022
12 December 2022
23 December 2022
Downloads: 45
Views: 777
Abstract: Water is the basic vital need of all living such as human being and environment species. Water demand is increasing day by day whether it is domestic, industrial and agricultural etc., but the source of water is limited. Recently, solar water pumping system is being used as a viable alternative to supply safe drinking water to the rural communities. So, the pumped water is afforded to the end-users through water distribution system. Therefore, the wrong sizing and installation of the water distribution network due to the lack of taking into account some parameters in the sizing of the system in order to supply water to the household at the right pressure and flow. This study aims to analyze the performance of the sekoukou village water distribution system toward water-energy nexus in rural area of Africa. Survey is conducted not only to assess the various water source available and accessibility for a safe drinking water within the sekoukou village but also the impact of the pressure losses to the remote hamlet to the storage source. Subsequently, the overall water distribution of the sekoukou village is analyzed using the Epanet software. To do so, first the characteristics of the water distribution network component are collected then the topographical survey of the area is conducted, and the quantification of the water consumed at the different hamlet tap. As a result, the study revealed that the water flow and the pressure are significantly affected by the topographical characteristic of the area the size of the pipe (length and diameter) as well as the height of the water storage tank. Thus, out of the 10 nodes 66.6% have pressure between 15 m to 22m while the node 2 has a pressure of 13.4 m. In contrast, the pressure at the node 10 is 7.15 (1 bar to 0.7 bar) m which is under the recommended minimum of 10 m (1bar), cause the slow water flow at the hamlet 4.
Abstract: Water is the basic vital need of all living such as human being and environment species. Water demand is increasing day by day whether it is domestic, industrial and agricultural etc., but the source of water is limited. Recently, solar water pumping system is being used as a viable alternative to supply safe drinking water to the rural communities...
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