Synthesis and Characterization of Biodiesel from Castor Bean as Alternative Fuel for Diesel Engine
Molla Asmare,
Nigus Gabbiye
Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2014
26 December 2013
20 February 2014
Downloads: 567
Views: 4659
Abstract: This paper deals with the transesterification of Ricinus Communis (RC) oil with methanol to produce biodiesel in the presence of KOH as a catalyst. Moreover, this study analysis the fuel properties of RC biodiesel and diesel fuel blend to use castor oil methyl ester as a possible alternative fuel for diesel engines. Various properties of the RC biodiesel and their blends such as density, kinematic viscosity, iodine value, saponification number, Cetane number, heating value, flash point and acid value were determined. The experimental results were compared well with American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM D6751) and European biodiesel standards (EN 14214). The experimental design as well as statistical analysis were done and analyzed using design expert version soft ware. The predicted optimum conditions for castor oil biodiesel production were a reaction temperature of 59.890c, methanol to oil ratio of 8.10:1 and a catalyst of 1.22 wt% of oil. The methyl ester content under these optimum conditions was 94.5% w/w of oil, and all of the measured properties of the biodiesel met the international standards of EN14214 and ASTM D 6751 with the exception of density and viscosity. Therefore, the viscosity and density of the ester was high and further reduced by blending with diesel fuel up to B45 to satisfy within the ASTM D6751 and EN 14214 limits for biodiesel.
Abstract: This paper deals with the transesterification of Ricinus Communis (RC) oil with methanol to produce biodiesel in the presence of KOH as a catalyst. Moreover, this study analysis the fuel properties of RC biodiesel and diesel fuel blend to use castor oil methyl ester as a possible alternative fuel for diesel engines. Various properties of the RC bio...
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Design of Cylindrical Fixed dome Bio Digester in the Condominium Houses for Cooking Purpose at Dibiza Site, East Gojjam, Ethiopia
Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2014
2 January 2014
20 February 2014
Downloads: 617
Views: 4952
Abstract: Organic Waste is undesirable matter, which is most frequently generated by human activity that causes environmental pollution. Therefore, domestic biogas production is one of the most promising method of biomass wastes treatment because it provides a source of energy while simultaneously resolving ecological, environmental and agrochemical issues. The provision of bio‐energy tackles both energy poverty and the reliance on polluting and Non ‐ Renewable fuels as a result matured biogas production technology has led to the development of a number of biogas appliances for lighting, power generation, and cooking. The most promising among them is the biogas energy in order to meet the energy requirement for cooking application at domestic and community level. In this paper, an attempt has been made to design and develop a cylindrical torpispherical fixed dome bio digester for cooking application in the condominium houses at Debiza site in Debre Markos, East Gojjam in Amhara Region. The size of biogas plant is 53m3 and the input materials are different wastes such as kitchens, food waste and the human excreta from a total of 357 people living in four building of 120 residence. The gas production rating of the developed biogas plant is 25.36m3/day, which accounts 60.73% of the energy consumption that covers all the energy demand of firewood, charcoal and animal dung cakes that used for baking Injera and bread. The amount of gas obtained averagely, 0.211m3/ per household per day for cooking purpose.
Abstract: Organic Waste is undesirable matter, which is most frequently generated by human activity that causes environmental pollution. Therefore, domestic biogas production is one of the most promising method of biomass wastes treatment because it provides a source of energy while simultaneously resolving ecological, environmental and agrochemical issues. ...
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Effects of Atmospheric Variables on the Performances of Parabolic Trough Concentrating Collector
Sadik Umar,
Umar Kangiwa Muhammad,
Muhammad Mahmoud Garba,
Hassan N. Yahya
Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2014
8 December 2013
20 February 2014
Downloads: 213
Views: 4029
Abstract: In recent years solar energy has been strongly promoted as a viable energy source. one of the most simplest and direct application of this energy is the conversion of solar radiation in to heat energy using a devices called sollar collectors [3].In order to enhance this conversion efficiency, important parameters that influence the system performances need to be evaluated. To achieve the state objectives, this paper investigates the effects of some meteorological variables (Wind Speed and Ambient Temperature) on the performance of parabolic trough collector. The results obtained show that wind speed is inversely proportional to the direct solar radiation and it has also shown that a maximum daily average wind speed of 1.39m/s was observed, when ambient temperature reach it lowest value. Furthermore, efficiency is highly correlated with wind speed and negatively correlated with ambient temperature.
Abstract: In recent years solar energy has been strongly promoted as a viable energy source. one of the most simplest and direct application of this energy is the conversion of solar radiation in to heat energy using a devices called sollar collectors [3].In order to enhance this conversion efficiency, important parameters that influence the system performan...
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Survey of Airflow around Multiple Buildings
Ahmed A. Rizk,
Gregor P. Henze
Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2014
13 January 2014
28 February 2014
Downloads: 310
Views: 4037
Abstract: This survey paper offers a review of past and present studies related to air flow around multiple building configurations to achieve energy savings and thermal comfort in hot climate regions in the presence of increased urbanization. The purpose of this review paper is to provide guidelines based on previous studies for the successful design of group housing in a hot and arid climate such as Egypt to improve air flow around multiple rows of buildings. This study presents several types of courtyard designs inside houses that provide direct air flow at windward sides inside compactly planned buildings. Next, air flow is described around one individual building and two buildings that have a passage between them. Furthermore, air flow around buildings is discussed to include several rows of buildings that range from rectangular linear to square shapes with flat and jack roofs, where the main goal is to achieve appropriate wind velocity at inlet surfaces, especially at the second and the third rows of buildings, and to avoid turbulence zones caused by wind around building. Finally, the effect of topography and urban mass on global wind velocity at the city scale is discussed.
Abstract: This survey paper offers a review of past and present studies related to air flow around multiple building configurations to achieve energy savings and thermal comfort in hot climate regions in the presence of increased urbanization. The purpose of this review paper is to provide guidelines based on previous studies for the successful design of gro...
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Transitioning the Dominican Republic: Regimes, Niches and Scenarios
Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2014
15 November 2013
28 February 2014
Downloads: 145
Views: 3939
Abstract: Energy security in the Dominican Republic is far from acceptable; black-outs, high tariffs, politicized decisions etc. are common. Furthermore, the future outlook seems worse due to effects of the global economy, climate change, oil prices, further degradation of the existing system, etc. A transition towards sustainable alternatives is therefore mandatory. In this paper a combination of existing concepts and approaches is used to indentify possible roadblocks and windfalls for such a transition in the Dominican Republic. This combination starts with defining the unit of analysis, after which actors in the socio-technical energy system are charted through literature research and interviews. Next, using social network analysis, regimes and niches are identified to depict the unit of analysis in a more useful manner for managing transitions. The step hereafter consists of creating internal and external scenarios based on critical uncertainties to insure transition management efforts against uncertainty. Moving to Transition Management, robustness analysis is then used to evaluate strategies and policies in all combinations of these internal and external scenarios to get to an optimum set of strategies and policies which are used to form a normative scenario. This will be used to get stakeholders behind the transition effort. The results are a clear overview of the energy system, impediments and opportunities regarding transitions, possible futures, and the validity of strategies and policies in different scenarios for the Dominican Republic.
Abstract: Energy security in the Dominican Republic is far from acceptable; black-outs, high tariffs, politicized decisions etc. are common. Furthermore, the future outlook seems worse due to effects of the global economy, climate change, oil prices, further degradation of the existing system, etc. A transition towards sustainable alternatives is therefore m...
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