Qualitative and Quantitative Feasibility of Biogas Production from Kitchen Waste
Haftu Gebretsadik,
Solomon Mulaw,
Giday Gebregziabher
Volume 6, Issue 1, March 2018
10 September 2017
28 December 2017
7 March 2018
Downloads: 286
Views: 3653
Abstract: This study focuses on production of biogas from kitchen waste using modified digester. The digester has been placed in four different conditions. As the result shows, production of gas gradually increased and peaked to 0.360, 0.260, 0.150 and 0.116m3 at 9th, 12th, 17th and 23th days of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th sets respectively. Due to depletion of the developed culture and organic content of the waste, gas production becomes decreased and then nearly zero at 22th and 29th days of the 1st and 2nd sets. But For the last two cases production is not completed within thirty days. Finally, 10kg of food waste has been produced a total of 2.292, 1.783, 1.172 and 0.962m3 of biogas from the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th sets respectively and the best waste/water ratio is 1:2. Temperature, particle size and pH are the main factors affecting microbial activity and then methane production. Of those, temperature is the most important factor. Low pH decrease’s the biogas production by facilitating hydrolysis and acidogenesis reactions and makes bacteria’s to utilize the waste more readily. Generally, production of biogas in Shoarobit is more feasible, and takes short time than in Debre Berhan town.
Abstract: This study focuses on production of biogas from kitchen waste using modified digester. The digester has been placed in four different conditions. As the result shows, production of gas gradually increased and peaked to 0.360, 0.260, 0.150 and 0.116m3 at 9th, 12th, 17th and 23th days of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th sets respectively. Due to depletion o...
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Parametric Evaluation of Bio-Digestion Process-A Review
Manish Baweja,
Prashant Baredar,
R. R. Lal
Volume 6, Issue 1, March 2018
14 March 2018
18 April 2018
18 May 2018
Downloads: 217
Views: 2868
Abstract: Anaerobic digestion is the biodegradation of the organic waste with the aid of bacteria which performs it work in the absence of oxygen. The main objective of anaerobic digestion is the degradation and destruction of organic substances, with consequent reduction of the pathogens. & odorous emissions. Anaerobic digestion process consists of four major steps: hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis an methanogenesis vegetable wastes are a fine substrate with possibility to produce methane and are available. In abundance This work reviews the various parameters affecting the biodigestion process. A careful consideration when selecting the working method parameter such, organic loading rate (OLR), C/N ratio, Gas production rate inoculums to substrate ration (ISR) temperature & pressure hydraulic retention time, Electricity generation calculations are given. Improvement in C/N ratio, higher bio-degradability, effective volatile solids (VS) elimination, eco-friendly sludge production has been regarded as advantage of co-digestion process.
Abstract: Anaerobic digestion is the biodegradation of the organic waste with the aid of bacteria which performs it work in the absence of oxygen. The main objective of anaerobic digestion is the degradation and destruction of organic substances, with consequent reduction of the pathogens. & odorous emissions. Anaerobic digestion process consists of four maj...
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