American Journal of Energy Engineering

Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2014

  • Optimisation of Acid Hydrolysis in Ethanol Production from Prosopis Juliflora

    Temesgen Atnafu Yemata

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2014
    Pages: 127-132
    Received: 29 November 2014
    Accepted: 17 December 2014
    Published: 22 December 2014
    Downloads: 290
    Views: 4079
    Abstract: Lignocellulosic materials (eg.Prosopis juliflora) can be utilized to produce ethanol, a promising alternative energy source for the limited crude oil. This study involved optimization of acid hydrolysis in ethanol production from prosopis juliflora. The conversion of prosopis juliflora to ethanol can be achieved mainly by three process steps: pretr... Show More
  • Numerical Analysis of Fluid Flow Properties in a Partially Perforated Horizontal Wellbore

    Mohammed id Abdulwahhab Abdulwah, Sadoun Fahad Dakhil, I. N. Niranjan Kumar

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2014
    Pages: 133-140
    Received: 22 November 2014
    Accepted: 6 December 2014
    Published: 23 December 2014
    Downloads: 353
    Views: 4333
    Abstract: The pressure drops in horizontal wellbores, acceleration, wall friction, perforation roughness, and fluid mixing are analyzed in a partially perforated wellbore. It was demonstrated that the perforation inflow actually reduced the total pressure drop. The pressure drop due to perforation roughness was eliminated by the perforation inflow when the r... Show More
  • Ethanolysis of Calabash (Lageneria sinceraria) Seed Oil for the Production of Biodiesel

    Muhammad Mukhtar, Chika Muhammad, Musa Usman Dabai, Muhammad Mamuda

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2014
    Pages: 141-145
    Received: 18 August 2014
    Accepted: 3 September 2014
    Published: 8 January 2015
    Downloads: 297
    Views: 4687
    Abstract: Biodiesel production from plant seed oil and animal fat is not a new technologies, though recently searching for alternative renewable sources of fuel is receiving much attention due to global energy demand and increase in environmental pollution. Currently biodiesel is largely produced from edible oil feedstock which may not be sustainable in the ... Show More