Investigation of Polysulfone Based Aluminium Oxide Coated Membrane for Separation of Crude Oil Emulsion in the Niger Delta
Ngozi Claribelle Nwogu,
Nkemakolam Chinedu Izuwa,
Chioma Deborah Mbakaogu,
Stanley Toochukwu Ekwueme
Volume 8, Issue 4, December 2020
1 October 2020
19 October 2020
16 December 2020
Downloads: 60
Views: 1149
Abstract: There is need for efficient separation of crude oil from its emulsion in oil and gas processes especially during production and refining activities. Among other methods used for crude oil emulsion demulsification, polymer membranes have attracted a lot of attention. The increasing interest in polymer membranes usage for ultrafiltration and micro filtration are mainly due to their versatility, efficiency and reduced operating cost when compared with conventional techniques such as use of chemical, flocculation etc. This paper illustrates experimental process for the separation of crude oil emulsion using Polysulfone membrane material coated with Aluminium oxide nanoparticle. The crude oil emulsion was prepared by mixing with distil water to obtain an oil in water emulsion. Because of the oleophilicity of Polysulfone membrane materials in oil/water separation, aluminum nanoparticles were used as metallic coatings to their Polysulfone membrane to improve efficiency and anti-fouling characteristics. Three parametres were investigated in the results, these include the separation efficiency in terms of oil rejection, the permeation flux, the filtrate volume for pressure application of 80% stroke and 60% stroke. The augmented membrane construction yields 98.5% and 97.6% efficiency in terms of oil rejection for a pressure application of 60% stroke and 80% stroke respectively while the permeation fluxes are 0.911 ml/cm2-min and 1.024 ml/cm2-min for 80% stroke and 60% stroke pressure application respectively.
Abstract: There is need for efficient separation of crude oil from its emulsion in oil and gas processes especially during production and refining activities. Among other methods used for crude oil emulsion demulsification, polymer membranes have attracted a lot of attention. The increasing interest in polymer membranes usage for ultrafiltration and micro fi...
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A Method for Diagnosing Formation Fluid Leakage During the Operation of Sucker Rod Pumps and a Device for Its Implementation
Rzayev Abbas Heydar,
Asadova Rena Sharif,
Hagverdiyev Vugar Mamed,
Gurbanov Zafar Gazanfar
Volume 8, Issue 4, December 2020
26 November 2020
14 December 2020
22 December 2020
Abstract: The operation of oil sucker rod pumps (SRP) is known to be one of the most common and basic methods of oil production, especially for marginal wells. However, rapid wear of the plunger pair, tubing and sucker rods caused by friction, leading to a decline in equipment performance, as well as to labor intensity of replacement and repair of deep-well pumps, determines the relevance of developing methods for diagnosing the technical condition of sucker rod pumping units (SRPU) and formation fluid (FF) leakage during the operation of SRPU as an indicator of the technical condition of SRPU in particular. As one of the controlled parameters, leakage value is important for the operational control of well performance and increasing the efficiency of oil production. The authors consider the impacts of well product leakage both in the pump itself (the “cylinder-plunger” clearance, valves) and on the path of the pump product from the cylinder to the orifice (through threaded connections of the tubing string (TS) of the well, through possible pipe breakdowns caused by wear due to rubbing against the rods, etc.). In the existing literature, formulas are given for calculating the amount of fluid leakage through the clearance between the working surfaces of the plunger and the cylinder of a SRP during laminar flow in the clearance (laminar regime is the most probable), with the clearance as the main parameter, cubed. However, this formula requires determining the size of the clearance directly, which is an extremely difficult (impossible) task in an operating SRPU. And results of determining leakage from dynamometer cards and piezograms have low accuracy. In view of the above, the paper proposes a new method and a device for its implementation, which involves measuring the pressure on the well flow line and at two points of the tubing string (TS) of the well, one of which is located at the TS orifice, and the second lower at a distance of half the height of the cylinder of the pump being used, the FF leakage from downhole pumping equipment being calculated by the algorithms given in the text. It is shown that the proposed diagnostic method makes it possible to more accurately and reliably, in comparison with the existing methods, determine the formation fluid leakage during the operation of SRPU.
Abstract: The operation of oil sucker rod pumps (SRP) is known to be one of the most common and basic methods of oil production, especially for marginal wells. However, rapid wear of the plunger pair, tubing and sucker rods caused by friction, leading to a decline in equipment performance, as well as to labor intensity of replacement and repair of deep-well ...
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