Bond Strength Evaluation of a Self-etching Adhesive and Two Composite Resins to Human Dentin Irradiated with Cobalt-60
Juliana Dorini Amaral,
Thiago Dorini Sanfins,
Beatriz Garcia Coutinho,
Luiz Flavio Kalil Telles,
Andre Luis Dorini
Volume 6, Issue 1, June 2022
3 September 2021
21 March 2022
14 April 2022
Downloads: 91
Views: 381
Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the bond strength of a self-etching adhesive system on teeth subjected to Co-60 irradiation. Thus, 24 human third molars were selected. Of these, 12 were randomly selected and exposed to total radiation of 1935,588 cGy (corresponding to the effective biological dose of 35 daily cycles of 2000 cGy). The teeth were prepared by removing the occlusal enamel, exposing a flat dentin surface. The Single Bond Universal Adhesive System (3M/ESPE) was applied to each group according to the manufacturer's instructions. Then, two resin increments, of 2 mm each, of composite resins Filtek Z350 XT (3M/ESPE) or Aura (SDI) were added, which were light cured for 20s. There were, therefore, four analysis groups: Aura + irradiated Universal Single Bond (ASBI), Aura + non-irradiated Universal Single Bond (ASBNI), Filtek Z350 + irradiated Universal Single Bond (FZSBI) and Filtek Z350 + irradiated Universal Single Bond (FZSBNI). The samples were sectioned, yielding toothpick-shaped specimens. To evaluate the bond strength, a microtensile test was performed using the EMIC DL - 2000 machine (EMIC, Brazil) with a load cell of 500N and a microtensile speed of 0.5 mm/min. Although the radiation doses applied may cause some structural changes in the dentin, this did not interfere with the bond strength of teeth that were or were not exposed to radiation and that were restored using a self-etching adhesive system. No statistically significant difference was found in the bond strength between the groups, whether comparing the irradiated and non-irradiated groups, or between the different resins used: ASBI (35.76 Mpa), ASBNI (34.32 Mpa), FZSBI (32.20 Mpa) and FZSBNI (38.37 Mpa).
Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the bond strength of a self-etching adhesive system on teeth subjected to Co-60 irradiation. Thus, 24 human third molars were selected. Of these, 12 were randomly selected and exposed to total radiation of 1935,588 cGy (corresponding to the effective biological dose of 35 daily cycles of 2000 cGy). The teeth we...
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In vitro Antimicrobial Evaluation of Biologically Synthesised Silver Nanoparticles from Terminalia avicennioides Extracts on Antibiotic Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolates
Danjuma Lawal,
Bobai Mathew,
Sani Muhammad Nura
Volume 6, Issue 1, June 2022
11 June 2022
18 July 2022
17 August 2022
Downloads: 104
Views: 323
Abstract: Most available antimicrobials are now ineffective and the whole world healthcare system is currently under threat of antimicrobial resistant infections. Consequently, study of plant bioactive compounds with potentials infectious diseases therapeutic values is of significant risen interest with biologically synthesized plant extracts derived silver nanoparticles on the greater focus. This research was aimed at determining the in vitro antimicrobial activity of silver nanoparticles synthesized from extracts of Terminalia avicennioides on antibiotic resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from wounds. Standard phenotypic and genotypic techniques were used for the Isolation and identification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates. Selected antibiotics, Terminalia avicennioides extracts and the extracts derived silver nanoparticles antimicrobial activities on the antibiotic resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa were determined using standard tests methods. Findings showed the isolates to be resistant to 18.18% - 100% of the antibiotics used, but 100% sensitive to imipenem. Analysis of the plant extracts for bioactive compounds showed the presence of tannins, alkaloids, flavonoids, cardiac glycosides, phenols, saponins and terpenoids. Antimicrobial profile of Terminalia avicennioides extracts on the antibiotic resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates showed zones of growth inhibition ranged from 10.04±9.39 – 18.08±10.62 mm with no significant difference (P > 0.05), minimum inhibitory concentration ranged from 60.000+65.8281 -40.000 + 21.0821 mg/ml with no significant difference (p < 0.05), and minimum bactericidal concentration ranged from 100.00 ± 89.4427 – 63.6364 ± 50.4525 mg/ml with no significant difference (p > 0.05). The antimicrobial activity of the biologically synthesized silver nanoparticles on the antibiotic resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa showed zone of growth inhibition ranged from 28.00 ± 13.51 – 53.00 ± 76.97 mm with no significant difference (p > 0.05). Terminalia avicennioides extracts and silver nanoparticles antimicrobial activity showed significant difference (p > 0.05). In comparison, the silver nanoparticles zones of growth inhibition was larger (28.39 ± 2.98 mm) than that of the extracts (16.83 ± 12.70 mm). This inferred that the synthesized silver nanoparticles possess potential of being used as a good chemotherapeutic agent for wound infections.
Abstract: Most available antimicrobials are now ineffective and the whole world healthcare system is currently under threat of antimicrobial resistant infections. Consequently, study of plant bioactive compounds with potentials infectious diseases therapeutic values is of significant risen interest with biologically synthesized plant extracts derived silver ...
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