A Comprehensive Overview of the Pertinence and Possibilities of Bioactive Glass in the Modern Biological World
Jahidul Haque,
Ahsan Habib Munna,
Ahmed Sidrat Rahman Ayon,
Zarin Rafa Shaitee,
Arko Saha
Volume 4, Issue 2, December 2020
5 August 2020
22 August 2020
3 September 2020
Downloads: 207
Views: 1015
Abstract: An unbelievable revolution happened in medical science during the late '60s. A casual conversation with a colonel led Larry Hench to the invention of a biomaterial that is more biocompatible, biodegradable, and bioactive, which was named as Bioglass. The material started its journey with its application in the replacement of ossicles in the middle ear, and today Bioglass is dominating in major medical fields like bone tissue engineering, drug delivery, dentistry, and so on. The wide range of applications and such bio-friendly properties of the material also convey a message that this material is a promising area to work in the field of research. Bioglass is synthesized by two methods i) melt quenching and ii) sol-gel. We aim to help new optimistic researchers in uplifting their interest to conduct researches with this auspicious biomaterial. This paper provides a bird's eye view of the history, preparation process, composition of different bioactive glasses and their biological feedback, biocompatibility mechanism, fundamental properties, noteworthy applications, possibilities along with the shortcomings of Bioglass. The shortcomings of Bioglass are elaborated so that the researchers can explore more about those limitations. We have also depicted the chronological advancements of bioglasses over the years. We believe that the prospects of more advanced researches with Bioglass can bring more success in the modern biomedical world.
Abstract: An unbelievable revolution happened in medical science during the late '60s. A casual conversation with a colonel led Larry Hench to the invention of a biomaterial that is more biocompatible, biodegradable, and bioactive, which was named as Bioglass. The material started its journey with its application in the replacement of ossicles in the middle ...
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Biological Safety Evaluation of KiOmedine® CM-chitosan, an Innovative Non-animal Carboxymethyl-Chitosan Biomaterial Intended for Injectable Biomedical Applications
Pierre Douette,
Mickael Chausson,
Emilie Theatre,
Catherine Philippart,
Sandrine Gautier,
Jacques Bentin,
Laurence Hermitte
Volume 4, Issue 2, December 2020
7 September 2020
19 September 2020
25 September 2020
Downloads: 512
Views: 1866
Abstract: When designing innovative biomaterials, biocompatibility is regarded as a prerequisite for safe clinical use in humans. In this study, the biological safety of KiOmedine® CM-chitosan, which is a non-animal carboxymethyl chitosan biomaterial, was evaluated using a large panel of both in vitro and in vivo biocompatibility tests in accordance with the ISO 10993 series. KiOmedine® CM-chitosan was non-cytotoxic and non-genotoxic in vitro. The biomaterial was neither found to be haemolytic nor was it able to potentiate the activation of the central complement component C5a or the inflammatory mediators IL-1β and IL-8 in the presence of human whole blood. Furthermore, no evidence of any significant irritation, sensitization, pyrogenicity, and organ toxicity was detected in specific animal studies conducted with KiOmedine® CM-chitosan, and only minimal local tissue effects were observed after the intra-articular or intra-dermal injection of KiOmedine® CM-chitosan in the rabbit model. KiOmedine® CM-chitosan had minimal potential to induce immunotoxic reactions in the mouse air pouch model. Its biodegradation process was appropriately characterized at the histological level. In summary, our study represents an unprecedented body of work supporting the biological safety evaluation of KiOmedine® CM-chitosan, allowing its use in injectable medical devices.
Abstract: When designing innovative biomaterials, biocompatibility is regarded as a prerequisite for safe clinical use in humans. In this study, the biological safety of KiOmedine® CM-chitosan, which is a non-animal carboxymethyl chitosan biomaterial, was evaluated using a large panel of both in vitro and in vivo biocompatibility tests in accordance with the...
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Electrospun Chitosan-based Fibers for Wound Healing Applications
Sameer Sapkota,
Shih-Feng Chou
Volume 4, Issue 2, December 2020
14 November 2020
25 November 2020
4 December 2020
Downloads: 285
Views: 824
Abstract: Chitosan, a natural-occurring biopolymer, is biocompatible to tissues with excellent antibacterial and hemostatic properties, which makes it a great candidate among wound dressing materials. In this paper, electrospun fiber-based wound dressings from blend chitosan and/or polyethylene oxide (PEO) and/or polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fibers were reviewed. The incorporation of these water-soluble copolymers allows the entanglement of the rigid chitosan molecular chains during electrospinning leading to the production of continuous nonwoven fibers having average diameters ranging from several tenths to hundredths of nanometers. Increasing chitosan composition in the fibers improves the bulk mechanical strength of the fiber mats due to the rigid molecular structure of chitosan. The nano-sized pores within the fiber mats promote permeability of the fiber dressings, which further enhances the exchange of oxygen and nutrients with outside environment. In addition, the porous fiber mat structure facilitates the absorption of wound exudates while reducing the possibility of bacterial infections. Several studies in antibacterial and anti-inflammatory responses of chitosan-based electrospun fibers were discussed in this short review. More importantly, inclusions of small molecule drugs and/or biological agents are possible in chitosan-based electrospun fibers, which provide a multi-purpose treatment capability for wound healing applications.
Abstract: Chitosan, a natural-occurring biopolymer, is biocompatible to tissues with excellent antibacterial and hemostatic properties, which makes it a great candidate among wound dressing materials. In this paper, electrospun fiber-based wound dressings from blend chitosan and/or polyethylene oxide (PEO) and/or polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fibers were reviewed....
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