Interrelationships Between Soil Quality Parameters and Wheat Productivity for Some Soils of Monufyia Governorate
Mohamed Soliman Zaid,
Ahmed Hamdy Rizk,
Ali Mohamed Abd Elwhab Mashhour,
Wanas Mohamed Ahmed
Volume 1, Issue 1, June 2017
27 January 2017
13 February 2017
12 April 2017
Downloads: 139
Views: 2788
Abstract: The present study was carried out to investigate the interrelationships between some physical and chemical soil characteristics and wheat productivity at seven locations; El-Sadat area, Monufyia Governorate during 2013/2015 years. Eight surface soil samples (0-30 cm) from each location were correlated for the investigated soil parameters determination. The investigated parameters were the coarse sand (CS), fine sand, silt and clay content, bulk density (BD), real density (RD), total porosity (TP), quickly drainable pores (QDP), slowly drainable pores (SDP), water holding capacity (WHC), hydraulic conductivity (HC), field capacity (F. C), wilting coefficient (WC); mean weight diameter (MWD); pH, electric conductivity (EC), organic matter (OM), cation exchange capacity (CEC), calcium carbonate (CaCO3), available potassium (Av-K) and total nitrogen (TN). The results showed a high significant correlation (P < 0.05) between some physical and chemical soil quality parameters. The observed a positive significant correlation was: WHC (water holding capacity), F. C (field capacity), pH and CEC (cation exchange capacity) correlated with clay content. QDP (quickly drainable pores) correlated with fine sand content. TP (total porosity), F. C, RD (real density), and WC (wilting coefficient) correlated with (HC) hydraulic conductivity. Also, the observed that a negative significant correlation was: OM (organic matter), WHC, clay content, RD and silt correlated with fine sand content. QDP (quickly drainable pores) correlated with water holding capacity and clay content Bulk density correlated with the hydraulic conductivity, total porosity and silt. The highest values of mean, standard deviation and the relative weight of physical and chemical parameters were obtained for cation exchange capacity, clay content, fine sand content, silt content, quickly drainable pores, field capacity and water holding capacity compared with the other soil parameters. Concerning the relationship of some soil parameters and wheat productivity, the data of correlation studies showed that the most suitable parameters for evaluation of soil quality under different soil management of study area were CEC, clay content, fine sand content, silt content, QDP, FC and WHC. On the other hand, the data showed an insignificant correlation between wheat productivity and some physical and chemical parameters such as coarse sand, slowly drainable pores, pH, CaCO3 and total nitrogen.
Abstract: The present study was carried out to investigate the interrelationships between some physical and chemical soil characteristics and wheat productivity at seven locations; El-Sadat area, Monufyia Governorate during 2013/2015 years. Eight surface soil samples (0-30 cm) from each location were correlated for the investigated soil parameters determinat...
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Impact of Plant Extracts on Parasitological and Histological Parameters of Albino Mice Infected with Schistosoma mansoni
Fayez A. Bakry,
Somaya M Ismail
Volume 1, Issue 1, June 2017
7 March 2017
29 March 2017
3 May 2017
Downloads: 167
Views: 2793
Abstract: This study elucidates the potential of the plant extract of Phoenix dactylifera and Zingiber officinal plantsin treating Schistosoma mansoni infected mice. The parasitological parameters, worm burden/mouse, number of ova/g tissue in the liver and intestine and the developmental stages of ova in infected treated mice were determined. In addition, glycolytic enzymes,liver function enzymes and histological changes in liver tissues of infected treated mice were studied.The present results showed a significant reduction in the number of worms in groups treated with plant extracts as well as in the number of mature and live ova in the treated group compared to the infected control group. In addition, the present results showed a significant reduction in Lactate dehydrogenase, Aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase enzyme activity in Schistosoma mansoni infected group as compared to the normal, healthy control, while a significant increase was noticed in acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase level and other glycolytic enzymes as compared to the normal healthy control. Moreover, treatment of the infected mice with plant extracts recorded no significant difference in the level of liver function enzymes andall glycolytic enzymes as compared to the normal healthy control. A noticeable remark to the effect of Z. officinal and P. Dactylifera pointed out to that there is no side effects on liver function and all glycolytic enzymes and as compared to the normal, healthy control group. In conclusion, plant extracts can be applied clinically as a prophylactic treatment against schistosomiasis together with the ideal antischistosomal drug praziquantel.
Abstract: This study elucidates the potential of the plant extract of Phoenix dactylifera and Zingiber officinal plantsin treating Schistosoma mansoni infected mice. The parasitological parameters, worm burden/mouse, number of ova/g tissue in the liver and intestine and the developmental stages of ova in infected treated mice were determined. In addition, gl...
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Biological Aspect of Nona Tengra (Mystus gulio) in Khulna Region, South West Bangladesh
Wasim Sabbir,
Basonti Mondal,
Mukta Das,
Md. Nuruzzaman Khan,
Tania Sultana
Volume 1, Issue 1, June 2017
13 March 2017
12 April 2017
3 May 2017
Downloads: 309
Views: 2933
Abstract: The present study deals with hepatosomatic index (HSI), alimentosomaticindex (ASI), gastro-somatic index (GaSI), condition factor, relative gut length and food and feeding habit of Nona Tengra (Mystus gulio) collected from Khulna region during August to December, 2015. A total of 100 specimens were collected from different fish market of Khulna region. Total length, standard length and head length ranged from 11.7-21.00, 9.5-17.00 and 2.5 - 4.3 cm respectively. The body weight (BW), gonad weight (GdW), liver weight (LW) and gut weight (GtW) ranged from 20.13-35.81, 0.03-0.05, 0.3-0.53 and 0.39-0.69 g respectively. The relationships between different features of the fish body were found to be linear. The mean values of hepatosomatic (0.41±0.06) and alimentosomatic index (0.53±0.083) indicated greater liver activity and feeding intensity in Mystus gulio during the experimental period. Present investigation also showed that the chlorophyceae, planktonic crustacea, rotifera, insect body parts and shrimp were the main food items of Mystus gulio, which suggested that the species is carnivorous. However, the biological knowledge of this study will help to conserve this species as well as develop new culture system.
Abstract: The present study deals with hepatosomatic index (HSI), alimentosomaticindex (ASI), gastro-somatic index (GaSI), condition factor, relative gut length and food and feeding habit of Nona Tengra (Mystus gulio) collected from Khulna region during August to December, 2015. A total of 100 specimens were collected from different fish market of Khulna reg...
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Multivariate Analysis of Different Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Genotypes
Md. Rafiul Alam Khan,
Md. Mostofa Mahbub,
Mir Alif Reza,
Bir Jahangir Shirazy,
Firoz Mahmud
Volume 1, Issue 1, June 2017
13 March 2017
10 April 2017
24 May 2017
Downloads: 159
Views: 2774
Abstract: Forty six pea genotypes were evaluated for thirteen morphological characters during Rabi season, 2010 at Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, Bangladesh in randomized complete block design with three replications. The experiment was conducted to estimate the genetic variability in different pea genotypes. High heritability coupled with high genetic advance was recorded for hundred seed weight and pod length. This indicates that the effectiveness of selection depends on to improve these characters. Pod length, hundred seed weight, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per plant showed significant positive correlation with seed yield. The genotypes under the experiment were grouped into six clusters. The highest intra cluster distance was found in cluster III and while cluster II showed no intra-cluster distance values which revealed homogenous nature of the genotype within the cluster. The highest inter cluster distance was look-out between cluster II and V followed by II and IV. Considering genetic variability and heritability, emphasis should be given on traits during phenotypic selection and also intra and inter cluster distances for genotypic selection for developing high yielding genotypes of pea.
Abstract: Forty six pea genotypes were evaluated for thirteen morphological characters during Rabi season, 2010 at Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, Bangladesh in randomized complete block design with three replications. The experiment was conducted to estimate the genetic variability in different pea genotypes. High heritability coupled with hig...
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