Starter Culture Development from Lactic Acid Bacteria for Improved Nutritive Value of Linamarase Treated Cassava Peels
Adeleke Bartholomew Saanu,
Olaniyi Oladipo Oladiti
Volume 2, Issue 1, June 2018
12 March 2018
27 March 2018
18 April 2018
Downloads: 195
Views: 2615
Abstract: This study was design to develop starter culture from lactic acid bacteria for improved nutritive value of linamarase treated cassava peels. Isolation and identification of bacteria were carried out using standard microbiological and biochemical methods. The grated cassava peels was pre-treated by subjecting to pasteurization process. Pasteurized samples were inoculated with prepared bacterial inoculum and incubated at 37°C for 24 hours in a sealed vessel. The samples were withdrawn at interval for viable cell count. The proximate evaluation, mineral and anti-nutrient contents of the fermented and inoculated-fermented samples were determined using standard methods. From the fermented and inoculated-fermented cassava peels, the microbial loads increased from 1.5 x 106 to 26.1 x 106cfu/ml and 1.0 x 106 to 6.3 x 106cfu/ml. The protein content showed a significant increase from 5.99 to 6.15% and 6.17 to 8.03% while crude fiber decreased from 14.33 to 13.01% and 14.46 to 11.47% respectively in fermented and inoculated-fermented samples. The cyanide content of the naturally fermented cassava peels decreased from 14.07 to 3.06 mg/kg while the inoculated-fermented cassava peels with linamarase-producing isolate showed a significant decrease in the cyanide content from 1.61 to 0.02 mg/kg respectively. Improvement in the nutritional composition with reduction in the anti-nutrient content of fermented and inoculated-fermented cassava peels suggest a promising and the application of these bacteria as biological tools in the production starter for the formulation of animal feeds.
Abstract: This study was design to develop starter culture from lactic acid bacteria for improved nutritive value of linamarase treated cassava peels. Isolation and identification of bacteria were carried out using standard microbiological and biochemical methods. The grated cassava peels was pre-treated by subjecting to pasteurization process. Pasteurized s...
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Physicochemical Characteristics of Honey Samples from Mambilla Plateau, Nigeria
Japhet Amanah Lullah-Deh,
Muluh Emmanuel Khan,
Ishaq Shaibu Eneji
Volume 2, Issue 1, June 2018
11 March 2018
8 April 2018
14 May 2018
Downloads: 338
Views: 2287
Abstract: This research investigated the physicochemical properties of seven honey samples obtained from seven different locations on the Mambilla Plateau.The physicochemical properties evaluated were colour, temperature, pH, moisture contents, viscosity, specific gravity, density and conductivity.The results showed a range of honey colours from light amber to dark, pH range of (3.22 – 5.00); temperature range of (29.0 – 39.4°C); moisture content range of (16.4 – 34.0%); viscosity range of (23.2 – 34.7 Ns/m); specific gravity range of (1.35 – 1.47); density range of (1.30 – 1.51 g/cm3); and conductivity range of (7.6 – 12.4 μs/m).
Abstract: This research investigated the physicochemical properties of seven honey samples obtained from seven different locations on the Mambilla Plateau.The physicochemical properties evaluated were colour, temperature, pH, moisture contents, viscosity, specific gravity, density and conductivity.The results showed a range of honey colours from light amber ...
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Optoelectronic Sensor Solid Surface Color Analyzer
Radjabov Telman,
Rakhimov Bakhtiyor,
Fayzullayev Nasrulla
Volume 2, Issue 1, June 2018
14 March 2018
20 April 2018
21 May 2018
Downloads: 120
Views: 1983
Abstract: In the paper, studies of fiber transmission lines have been considered, for measurements of distances in space and atmosphere, the study of atoms and molecules and in solving other problems of science and technology. The article deals with one of the pulse methods of fiber optics, i.e. scatterometry or backscattering for metal surfaces qualitative parameters control. This object can be apply not only to radio electronics, but also to physics, chemistry, biology and other areas of science and technology.
Abstract: In the paper, studies of fiber transmission lines have been considered, for measurements of distances in space and atmosphere, the study of atoms and molecules and in solving other problems of science and technology. The article deals with one of the pulse methods of fiber optics, i.e. scatterometry or backscattering for metal surfaces qualitative ...
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Reduction by a Nanotechnology Device of Serum Lactate Levels and Heart Rate in Athletes Undergoing to Resistance Exercises
Johrian Ara,
De Martino Angelo,
Beninati Simone,
Pumpo Alessandro
Volume 2, Issue 1, June 2018
28 April 2018
24 May 2018
4 July 2018
Abstract: The aim of the present study was to demonstrate the effect of the T-NES®-HiT Tech patch system, on serum lactate levels and on the heart rate, of 60 triathletes, subjected to a resistance test. The active central portion of the patch contains a nanotechnological material (silver micronized with plasma vaporization) that is appropriately activated with a technology device, which uses optical radiation, magnetic fields, electric fields and acoustic waves specially sequenced. The patch transfers an Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) magneto-electric pulse by ion exchange. The ELF signal emitted by the device, increases the electromagnetic coherence of the systemic cellular electrical signals, which shows a better management of the muscular contraction, both bilaterally and between the agonist and antagonist districts and also a better management of oxygen and lactate, elements that lead to increased proprioception. The final result is manifested in the activation of the transmembrane ion channels, thus providing sufficient energy to the phosphate groups of the ADP, avoiding the deprotonation of excess lactic acid, present in the blood stream and therefore qualitatively improving the work of muscle contraction and aerobic capacity. Following these effects the T-NES®-HiT Tech patch system has led to a significant decrease in heart rate and serum lactate production in the athletes examined.
Abstract: The aim of the present study was to demonstrate the effect of the T-NES®-HiT Tech patch system, on serum lactate levels and on the heart rate, of 60 triathletes, subjected to a resistance test. The active central portion of the patch contains a nanotechnological material (silver micronized with plasma vaporization) that is appropriately activated w...
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Improvement of Antioxidative Defense of Cells Exposed to Radio Frequencies by a Nanotechnology Device
Benedetti Stefania,
Degrassi Cristina,
De Martino Angelo,
Beninati Simone,
Cappello Francesco,
Bonivento Paolo
Volume 2, Issue 1, June 2018
31 July 2018
19 August 2018
4 October 2018
Abstract: Transfer of an electromagnetic activity from a complex biological system, to another complex system is present both in current life and in quantum physics studies. Chlorophyll photosynthesis, is a typical model of an interaction between electromagnetic fields, deriving from solar energy and elements of a biochemical nature, the chlorophyll, responsible for the energy production, as a process deriving from chemical transformation. The following report presents a series of evidences, collected by means of various experimental approaches, aimed at demonstrating that by inducing the electromagnetic activity of an active substance on an electric field in stationary conditions, a quantum variation of the electric field can be obtained. Such electric field, is transferred to a support of fluorescent nanocrystals called "Quantum Dots", whose electronic structure is suitable to maintain the starting quantum characteristics stable. The application of patches containing the aforementioned nanocrystals, on two biological models: Saccharomyces cerevisiae colonies and Pisum sativum plants, exposed to the irradiation of specific routers, showed a protective activity of these patches, evidenced by a regular increase in antioxidative defense and cell proliferation. The results reported in this research suggest the possibility of application of patchs supporting fluorescent nanocrystals as an effective defense against the production of reactive oxygen species.
Abstract: Transfer of an electromagnetic activity from a complex biological system, to another complex system is present both in current life and in quantum physics studies. Chlorophyll photosynthesis, is a typical model of an interaction between electromagnetic fields, deriving from solar energy and elements of a biochemical nature, the chlorophyll, respons...
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