Literary Resonances in Clara Nunes´ Song - Macunaima, Rhapsody, Mario De Andrade
Beatriz Helena Ramos Amaral
Volume 11, Issue 2, March 2023
30 October 2022
28 December 2022
31 March 2023
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Abstract: The article aims to check the intersection of the musical, verbal, visual and body languages which are present in the art of Brazilian interpreter, research and composer Cara Nunes (1942-1983), focusing works recorded by her over the 70s, when the interpreter dedicates herself completely to the authentic Brazilian music, the folklore, affirmation of the African religious matrix and defense of equality and liberty. One of Clara Nunes’songs recorded by her in 1975 permits an dialogue with Brazilian Culture, mainly with Literature and the work of writer, professor and musicologist Mário de Andrade (1893-1945): Macunaíma, a samba composed by David Corrêa and Norival Reis, an inter-semiotic translation of the rhapsody romance of the modernist writer. One can visualize a bridge connecting the targeas and ideas of the two Brazilian artists, supported by strong links of similarities, including appreciating of “roof culture”. Clara Nunes developed a vast project including musical, visual and body interaction. Her clothing were specificallly designed according to the popular culture, composed of white dresses, generally laced material and typical acessories full of religious symbolism. Her singing altered in some respects, setting aside the imposture that characterizes the romantic or lirics interpretations, with reductions of the vibrato, maintaining its power and beauty. And the interpreter created her body language, which were developed during five years course of African dance with Mercedes Batista, the ballerina, teacher and choreographer of Rio de Janeiro Municipal Theatre, creator of Afro-Brazilian Ballet. Macunaíma (samba) is an excellent example of this Clara Nunes’s process of creation developed with interseccion of the three languages.
Abstract: The article aims to check the intersection of the musical, verbal, visual and body languages which are present in the art of Brazilian interpreter, research and composer Cara Nunes (1942-1983), focusing works recorded by her over the 70s, when the interpreter dedicates herself completely to the authentic Brazilian music, the folklore, affirmation o...
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Definite and Indefinite Article Misuse Among Saudi Students Learning English as a Second Language
Volume 11, Issue 2, March 2023
5 March 2023
22 March 2023
31 March 2023
Abstract: This study was designed to observe and demonstrate common errors with regard to definite and indefinite English articles made by language learners. An in-depth quantitative analysis was then conducted to discover the causes behind the errors, and recommendation for improvement was suggested. For the purpose of the study, thirty (30) Saudi ESL students were randomly selected to test their awareness of definite and indefinite English articles. They were given the task to translate 28 simple Arabic sentences to English and were allowed thirty minutes to complete the job. Following an analysis of responses, it was revealed that while many errors were made by students when using articles, the misuse of the definite article "the" was the most frequent error, followed by the omission of the indefinite article "a". However, the omission of the indefinite article "an" was the least common error. The facts and figures also showed that along with Arabic interference, the misuse of a particular rule of English grammar, the target language, was also a major source of errors. Results exhibited that 87% of the errors were interlingual, illustrating the influence of the native language. In contrast, intralingual errors indicated 12.5% of article errors. The result clearly pointed to the fact that L1 interference had drastically affected the process of acquiring English articles.
Abstract: This study was designed to observe and demonstrate common errors with regard to definite and indefinite English articles made by language learners. An in-depth quantitative analysis was then conducted to discover the causes behind the errors, and recommendation for improvement was suggested. For the purpose of the study, thirty (30) Saudi ESL stude...
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Use of Authorial Stance Markers in Different Rhetorical Moves of Dissertation Abstract by International Students in China: A Corpus-Based Comparative Study
Volume 11, Issue 2, March 2023
3 March 2023
28 March 2023
11 April 2023
Abstract: The abstract is a critical component of an academic genre as it enables readers with an overview of the contents. Based on two self-constructed corpora, this study examined the use of rhetorical move structure and stance markers in dissertation abstracts by international students in China and native Chinese speakers through a comparative analysis. The results show that the majority of dissertation abstracts by international students in China contain three essential moves (M1, M2, M3), while the majority of native Chinese speakers' abstracts included four essential moves (M1, M2, M3, M4). International students in China spend more space on "Background" Move while native Chinese speakers focus more on "Results" Move. Overall, the distribution of stance markers between the two corpora is quite similar, with hedges, self-mentions, boosters, and attitude markers appearing in descending order. However, the preference in the usage of stance markers varies from move to move in this study based on the different functions of each move. The findings of this study suggest that the importance of rhetorical move structures and stance markers in academic writing proficiency for international students in China, and it is necessary to provide appropriate teaching and guidance to help CSL students improve their academic writing proficiency.
Abstract: The abstract is a critical component of an academic genre as it enables readers with an overview of the contents. Based on two self-constructed corpora, this study examined the use of rhetorical move structure and stance markers in dissertation abstracts by international students in China and native Chinese speakers through a comparative analysis. ...
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Interactional Functions of Self-Identification in Initial Interactions
Volume 11, Issue 2, March 2023
2 March 2023
23 March 2023
11 April 2023
Abstract: One of the most basic interpersonal events is meeting someone for the first time. Research has shown that the interactive practices of getting acquainted in initial interactions play a crucial role in the construction of interpersonal relationships. This study focuses on how conversational openings particular self-identification sequences are constructed in dyadic and multi-party interactions between previously unacquainted interlocutors. Analyzing representative examples of initial interaction conversations under the framework of rapport management model, this study aims to discover the functions of self-identification in initial interactions. Findings indicate that self-identification is essential in initial interactions, and it mainly fulfills three kinds of functions: maintaining interlocutors’ face, striving for interlocutors’ sociality right, and contributing to interlocutors’ interactional goals. It is noted that the self-identification sequences are generally multi-functional and at least play two kinds of roles at the same time, and the inevitable role is contributing to the interactional goals. In addition, lack of self-identification at the early stage of conversational openings will be perceived as problematic and will be remedied in the subsequent conversation. The fact that interlocutors initiate or re-initiate self-introductions, whether prompted or unprompted, is evidence of the essential role of self-identification sequences in initial interactions in the process of interpersonal relationship construction.
Abstract: One of the most basic interpersonal events is meeting someone for the first time. Research has shown that the interactive practices of getting acquainted in initial interactions play a crucial role in the construction of interpersonal relationships. This study focuses on how conversational openings particular self-identification sequences are const...
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