The Expressive Force of Primitive Masculine Sounds in Schwitters’ Sonata/Poem Ursonate
Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2014
24 September 2014
10 October 2014
30 October 2014
Downloads: 285
Views: 3583
Abstract: This paper examines the ways in which language sounds with a masculine or feminine emotional character convey meaning and structure in Kurt Schwitters’ expressive non-verbal poem the Ursonate. Schwitters emphasized the importance of sounds and the Merz (multi-modal) nature of art. The emotional character of sounds is associated with their physical qualities (e.g., frequency), their emotional associations, and the muscle movements involved in enunciating them: it was quantified, in this research, on the basis of emotional associations. Masculine consonants (e.g., r, t, p, g) predominate within the poem whose themes, segments, and movements are characterized by different combinations of masculine and feminine consonants and vowels. Performances of the Ursonate indicate the importance of expressive force in its rendition and masculine consonants allow for a forceful recitation.
Abstract: This paper examines the ways in which language sounds with a masculine or feminine emotional character convey meaning and structure in Kurt Schwitters’ expressive non-verbal poem the Ursonate. Schwitters emphasized the importance of sounds and the Merz (multi-modal) nature of art. The emotional character of sounds is associated with their physical ...
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The English Adverbial of Time vs. the Vietnamese Range Topic of Time
Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2014
1 October 2014
22 October 2014
30 October 2014
Downloads: 406
Views: 4459
Abstract: Differences between the function of the adverbial of Time and that of the range topic of Time may lead Vietnamese language users to the risk of mistakenly translating the English clause with the adverbial of Time. The recommended translation of the English commercial note “Have you had a Coke today?” is “Hôm nay bạn đã uống Coca-Cola chưa?”, in which the adverbial of Time at the end of the English clause should be converted into the range topic of Time at the beginning of its Vietnamese equivalent, to meet the requirement of the Topic-Comment structure of the Vietnamese clause. In the mistakenly used version “Bạn đã uống Coca-Cola hôm nay chưa?” hôm nay can also be considered as an adjectival to be the post-nominal modifier of Coca-Cola, resulting in a case of structural ambiguity that should always be avoided. The research reported in this paper was carried on the basis of the theory of the Topic-Comment structure applied by Hao X. Cao (1991) to Vietnamese as a natural language to search for (i) dissimilarity with regard to word order when translating into Vietnamese the English clause with one or more adverbials including the adverbial of Time; (ii) possible cases when native speakers apply the fronting of the adverbial of Time in the English clause, like “Tonight I’ll call you.” instead of “I’ll call you tonight.” and (iii) any potential change in the meaning they would like to convey with such fronting.
Abstract: Differences between the function of the adverbial of Time and that of the range topic of Time may lead Vietnamese language users to the risk of mistakenly translating the English clause with the adverbial of Time. The recommended translation of the English commercial note “Have you had a Coke today?” is “Hôm nay bạn đã uống Coca-Cola chưa?”, in whi...
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Lexico-Grammatical Peculiarities of Adverb as a Part of Speech in Turkic Languages
Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2014
17 October 2014
27 October 2014
30 October 2014
Downloads: 263
Views: 3321
Abstract: The article deals with the problems of etymology, development and formation of the adverb as a part of speech in a system of the Turkic languages. The paper presents a detailed analysis of lexico-semantic properties and morphological peculiarities of adverbs in some separate Turkic languages. The author carried out a thorough exploration of research works of many distinguished scholars of Turkic linguistics concerning a development of adverbs as a linguistic phenomenon from the ancient Turkic epoch up to the present time. In the process of investigation the author revealed their scientific viewpoints and hypotheses, compared and generalized them.
Abstract: The article deals with the problems of etymology, development and formation of the adverb as a part of speech in a system of the Turkic languages. The paper presents a detailed analysis of lexico-semantic properties and morphological peculiarities of adverbs in some separate Turkic languages. The author carried out a thorough exploration of researc...
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Grammatical Cohesion Devices on the Indonesian Translation of English Bidding Document
Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2014
15 October 2014
29 October 2014
10 November 2014
Abstract: This research studies the grammatical-cohesion devices employed in the Indonesian translation of English bidding documents, ‘Dokumen Tender’. This research aims at (1) Finding and describing in details about grammatical-cohesion-marking translation focused on Bidding Document translated as Dokumen Tender. This also describes grammatical cohesion-making translation in which the change thereof is identified, (2) Finding and explaining technique of grammatical cohesion-marking translation which is used by a translator and along with the reason thereof centralized in Bidding Document which is translated into Dokumen Tender, (3) Disclosing and describing in details concerning the meaning equivalence and acceptability of grammatical-cohesion devices in Bidding Document to become Dokumen Tender. This research uses qualitative descriptive approach integrated with established case study and having the orientation on such a product using holistic critical method which examines objective, genetic and affective aspects. The research findings thereof are as follows: First, grammatical cohesion devices in Bidding Documents translated into Dokumen Tender consisting of: First, cohesion marker of reference, substitution, ellipsis and conjunction. There are several grammatical cohesion devices in Bidding Document which experience to change and not to change in cohesion marker. This is because there are differences in grammatical structure, reference, and social culture context. Second, there are 6 kinds of translation techniques, namely literal, amplification, modulation, reduction and linguistic amplification technique. Third, transfer of meaning of cohesion-marking translation in Bidding Document can be deemed good. This is based on the assessments of the experts that 89.77% of transfer of meaning of cohesion marking translation is considered accurate, 5.61% is less accurate, and 4.62% is inaccurate. Acceptability value or worthiness level of cohesion devices in this Bidding Document is stated very good. Worthiness level of cohesion-devices of this Bidding Document reaches 88.12%, and 5.94% is considered unnatural or improper.
Abstract: This research studies the grammatical-cohesion devices employed in the Indonesian translation of English bidding documents, ‘Dokumen Tender’. This research aims at (1) Finding and describing in details about grammatical-cohesion-marking translation focused on Bidding Document translated as Dokumen Tender. This also describes grammatical cohesion-ma...
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On the Culturology Language of Human Body Parts in Vietnamese and English
Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2014
17 November 2014
28 November 2014
5 December 2014
Abstract: The study on the words related to body parts has been an interesting topic for research in linguistics. This is also the case in Vietnamese language. The case is even becoming more interesting when we compare two languages with different cultures. In this paper, we analyze the words related to body parts in Vietnamese and in English. The words analyzed are the words “đầu” and “chân” in Vietnamese and their English equivalents “head” and “foot/leg”, respectively. The analysis started from the point of view of culturology language that relates the words with the cultural phenomenon. Particularly, the analysis focuses on the transfer meanings shown in the metaphors and metonymys. The discussion is concluded with the calculation on the statistical relations between the words “đầu” and “chân” in Vietnamese and the words “head” and “foot/leg” in English based on the corpora available in the Sketch Engine. The results show that the relation between body parts in Vietnamese is closer that the relation between the body parts in English.
Abstract: The study on the words related to body parts has been an interesting topic for research in linguistics. This is also the case in Vietnamese language. The case is even becoming more interesting when we compare two languages with different cultures. In this paper, we analyze the words related to body parts in Vietnamese and in English. The words anal...
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Are the Forms Targeted in the Enriched Input Noticed by Learners
Mansoureh sajjadi,
Farzaneh khabazi,
Firooz sadighi
Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2014
9 July 2014
28 July 2014
16 December 2014
Abstract: This work is an attempt in order to clarify whether the forms targeted in the enriched input are noticed by learners or not. Whiles taking Schmidt’s Noticing Hypothesis and the frequency Hypothesis into consideration all through the study. It also describes how enriched input works for the acquisition provided that learners actually focus on the target structure, which by itself is a demonstration of how important noticing is. While taking the results of several related and partly-related works, it tries to prove the efficacy of enriched input as an FFI option.
Abstract: This work is an attempt in order to clarify whether the forms targeted in the enriched input are noticed by learners or not. Whiles taking Schmidt’s Noticing Hypothesis and the frequency Hypothesis into consideration all through the study. It also describes how enriched input works for the acquisition provided that learners actually focus on the ta...
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Improving EFL Classroom Interaction by Understanding Students’ Learning Styles
Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2014
28 November 2014
4 December 2014
16 December 2014
Abstract: Multiple Intelligences (Gardner, 1993) postulates a standpoint that people may prefer to learn in different ways as a result of their predominance of different lobes. In particular, some deal well with sounds, but others appear to have a good sense of syntactic areas. It is important for the teacher to understand students’ learning styles in order to help them improve their language competencies to the most. With a sufficient understanding of students’ learning style preferences, teachers can use appropriate strategies and activities in language classes. The research study has proved the matching of teaching and learning styles and the classroom EFL interaction are positively correlated.
Abstract: Multiple Intelligences (Gardner, 1993) postulates a standpoint that people may prefer to learn in different ways as a result of their predominance of different lobes. In particular, some deal well with sounds, but others appear to have a good sense of syntactic areas. It is important for the teacher to understand students’ learning styles in order ...
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Analysis of the Problems on Coherence in College English Writing
Li Fengjie,
Yuan Xiuying,
Zhang Chuanze
Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2014
17 November 2014
11 December 2014
18 December 2014
Abstract: With a view to finding out the current situation of college English writing, the authors conducted a survey in their university. It is found that students have some problems in sentence effectiveness, mainly on coherence. As a result this essay will mainly focus on the analysis of the syntactical problem on coherence in college English writing, then explore the main reasons for the problem in students’ writing to help them improve their English writing.
Abstract: With a view to finding out the current situation of college English writing, the authors conducted a survey in their university. It is found that students have some problems in sentence effectiveness, mainly on coherence. As a result this essay will mainly focus on the analysis of the syntactical problem on coherence in college English writing, the...
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English Sentences Beginning with there and their Vietnamese Counterparts
Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2014
1 October 2014
15 December 2014
22 December 2014
Abstract: English sentences beginning with there, also called English there-constructions, do not constitute only existential sentences; most important among their other uses are presentational there-constructions. It is almost impossible to distinguish existential sentences beginning with Empty there, which is not stressed and has no lexical meaning, from presentational there-constructions beginning with Locative there, which is pronounced with some degree of stress and has its denotative meaning as opposite to that of the adverb here. Therefore, language users have to care for other sentence components, both obligatory and optional, that follow there in the clause in question. Comparing English there-constructions and their Vietnamese counterparts helps to identify translated versions of each subtype of English there-constructions, both semantically and pragmatically equivalent, irrespective of the fact that Vietnamese has neither the empty subject nor subject-verb inversion – the two phenomena quite easily observed in a Subject-prominent language like English.
Abstract: English sentences beginning with there, also called English there-constructions, do not constitute only existential sentences; most important among their other uses are presentational there-constructions. It is almost impossible to distinguish existential sentences beginning with Empty there, which is not stressed and has no lexical meaning, from p...
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The Use of Rhetorical Devices in the Writings of Arab High School Students
Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2014
5 December 2014
17 December 2014
23 December 2014
Abstract: The article analyzed the rhetorical devices used by Arab high school students when writing in Arabic. Professor Rachel Landau's book The Rhetoric of Parliamentary Speeches in Israel, Tel Aviv, Eked, 1988 provided the reference for the analysis. Landau applied Western rhetorical criteria and concepts to the analysis of Israeli political rhetorical style. We can justifiably also apply Western standards to Arabic rhetoric since rhetorical style is an independent literary genre beyond the linguistic structure of any language, and as such is supranational. Landau adopts the stylistic-rhetorical approach to the study of rhetoric, which includes rhetorical registers that generally operate on the emotions and rhetorical argumentation, which includes registers that generally address the reason.
Abstract: The article analyzed the rhetorical devices used by Arab high school students when writing in Arabic. Professor Rachel Landau's book The Rhetoric of Parliamentary Speeches in Israel, Tel Aviv, Eked, 1988 provided the reference for the analysis. Landau applied Western rhetorical criteria and concepts to the analysis of Israeli political rhetorical s...
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