The Syntax of Let Construction in English: A Systemic Functional Approach
Volume 4, Issue 3, May 2016
21 March 2016
30 March 2016
21 April 2016
Downloads: 262
Views: 5763
Abstract: The syntactic issue of English let construction has long been one of the hot topics in linguistic research. Opinions about its syntax are various among grammarians, especially about the problem of how to deal with let. Systemic functional grammar claims that the relationship between meaning and form is realization, e.g. meaning is realized in form. Meaning is the generative base of systemic functional grammar. Therefore, the principle of functional syntactic analysis is that functional syntactic analysis should be “meaning-centered.” Based on the basic principle of functional syntax and COCA (Corpus of Contemporary American English) data, the paper aims to investigate the syntax of let construction within systemic functional approach. It is concluded that English let construction has two different functional structures: one is canonical imperative let construction; the other is specialized imperative let construction. As for the functional syntax, let within the canonical imperative let construction should be analyzed as the Main Verb, and let within the specialized imperative let construction should be analyzed as the direct element of the clause, that is Let element. Functional syntactic analysis has its own principles, features, and methods. The academic explorations based on systemic functional theory are of great significance both theoretically and practically.
Abstract: The syntactic issue of English let construction has long been one of the hot topics in linguistic research. Opinions about its syntax are various among grammarians, especially about the problem of how to deal with let. Systemic functional grammar claims that the relationship between meaning and form is realization, e.g. meaning is realized in form....
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The Inapplicability of Huebner’s Semantic Wheel to Some English Nps: A Debatable Viewpoint at the Deeper Level
Thekra Mohammed Abdullah Yehia
Volume 4, Issue 3, May 2016
4 April 2016
15 April 2016
27 April 2016
Downloads: 180
Views: 5240
Abstract: The current paper is an argumentative outlook of Huebner’s Semantic Wheel. The researcher wanted to investigate the difficulties in the use of English articles by the Yemeni EFL learners. Huebner’s Semantic Wheel was used to identify the most frequently substituted NPs. However, some shortcomings in the applicability of such model in some cases were found. The curiosity of discovering the reasons behind the inapplicability of Huebner’s model to some noun phrases led to some notable conclusions; which are put, here, for discussion.
Abstract: The current paper is an argumentative outlook of Huebner’s Semantic Wheel. The researcher wanted to investigate the difficulties in the use of English articles by the Yemeni EFL learners. Huebner’s Semantic Wheel was used to identify the most frequently substituted NPs. However, some shortcomings in the applicability of such model in some cases wer...
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Cognitive Analysis of Long-Term Memory in Interpreting
Volume 4, Issue 3, May 2016
12 April 2016
22 April 2016
11 May 2016
Downloads: 312
Views: 9069
Abstract: With the development of the interpretation theory, the studies on interpreting have become extremely important. In view of the importance of memory in interpretation, many scholars concentrate on short-term memory research, while ignoring the important role of long-term memory in interpretation study and practice. In this paper, the author applies the findings of cognitive psychology to probe into the strategies to improve the interpreter’s long-term memory. From the perspective of cognitive psychology, interpretation is a systematic, strategic information processing process. This paper first introduces three memory systems and their characteristics, functions operations and interrelations. Then, the author analyzes the significance of long-term memory in particular, and then elaborates factors affecting long-term memory in a cognitive way. Based on this, the author proposes strategies to improve long-term memory. Finally, the author concludes that the use of these strategies can reduce the workload of restructuring, prevent mother tongue’s negative transfer, reduce the pressure of language encoding and produce more accurate and fluent target language.
Abstract: With the development of the interpretation theory, the studies on interpreting have become extremely important. In view of the importance of memory in interpretation, many scholars concentrate on short-term memory research, while ignoring the important role of long-term memory in interpretation study and practice. In this paper, the author applies ...
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Second Language Learning and Intrinsic Motivation of Multilingual Chinese Learners in the Philippines
Allan Rey S. Villaverde,
Rochelle Irene G. Lucas
Volume 4, Issue 3, May 2016
4 February 2016
4 May 2016
17 May 2016
Abstract: The study focused on the intrinsic motivation factors that may identify what specific L2 communicative skill multilingual Chinese students are more motivated to learn and examined what variables (i.e. age, gender, and language proficiency) may relate to their motivation given their exposure to several languages such as Filipino, Chinese and English. 180 high school sophomore and senior students from a Chinese school in Manila were asked to complete a 48 – item IM questionnaire. The findings suggest that students are intrinsically motivated in learning and using the L2 communicative skills of reading and speaking under IM subtypes of Accomplishment and Knowledge. Moreover, age and gender are found to have moderate relationship to IM, whereas language proficiency seems to show otherwise. It can be noted that learners’ intrinsic motivation stem from their early L2 exposure, proliferation of Internet – mediated tasks and western media, curricular activities, and prestige of the L2 being learned.
Abstract: The study focused on the intrinsic motivation factors that may identify what specific L2 communicative skill multilingual Chinese students are more motivated to learn and examined what variables (i.e. age, gender, and language proficiency) may relate to their motivation given their exposure to several languages such as Filipino, Chinese and English...
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Social Factors for Code-Switching-a Study of Malaysian-English Bilingual Speakers
Marzieh Hadei,
Vigneswari Christie Kumar,
Koik Shuh Jie
Volume 4, Issue 3, May 2016
19 April 2016
29 April 2016
17 May 2016
Abstract: The study reported in this paper concentrates on the factors motivating code-switching within the social context of Malay-English bilingual speeches. Information for the survey was collected by means of transcribing different short video clips in Malay-English conversations. In the current study, the data were analysed within the sketch of Malik’s framework [22] to find the social factors and social dimensions of code-switching parts. The finding of the study revealed that ‘show identity’ is the most frequent reason for motivating the speakers to switch languages. Information gained from the study will help provide insight on why Malaysian-English bilingual speakers use code-switching in their conversations.
Abstract: The study reported in this paper concentrates on the factors motivating code-switching within the social context of Malay-English bilingual speeches. Information for the survey was collected by means of transcribing different short video clips in Malay-English conversations. In the current study, the data were analysed within the sketch of Malik’s ...
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Laryngealized Phonation (’Vocal Fry’) in Speakers of New Zealand English: Two Contrastive Case Studies
Volume 4, Issue 3, May 2016
11 April 2016
4 May 2016
20 May 2016
Abstract: Laryngealized phonation, also known as glottalized phonation or vocal fry, has recently received increased research attention as it represents a socio-phonetic marker that characterizes young urban women’s speech. So far, all studies have focussed on speakers of American English and it has been shown that college-aged female students make use of laryngealized phonation in particular to mark the end of sentences. The present study is the first to investigate speakers of New Zealand English to determine whether laryngealized phonation is also a feature of the New Zealand variant of English and to identify possible functional aspects of laryngealized phonation.
Abstract: Laryngealized phonation, also known as glottalized phonation or vocal fry, has recently received increased research attention as it represents a socio-phonetic marker that characterizes young urban women’s speech. So far, all studies have focussed on speakers of American English and it has been shown that college-aged female students make use of la...
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Impacts of the COERR Writing Project on Cambodian Students’ Attitudes and Writing Performance
Volume 4, Issue 3, May 2016
7 March 2016
15 March 2016
23 May 2016
Abstract: This study aims to assess the impacts of the Catholic Office for Emergency, Relief and Refugees (COERR) Writing Project (COERRWP) on students' attitudes and their writing performance in correlation with age, gender and language proficiency. In the first stage, a study was conducted to assess 45 students’ actual writing performance based on score analysis of their writing test through 2011 to 2014. In the second stage, a quantitative survey questionnaire was administered to a further 80 students from the initial cohort of intermediate, upper and advanced levels. The study found that the COERRWP was effective in improving macro performance such as paragraph or essay structures rather than micro performance or the accurate use of lexico-grammar.
Abstract: This study aims to assess the impacts of the Catholic Office for Emergency, Relief and Refugees (COERR) Writing Project (COERRWP) on students' attitudes and their writing performance in correlation with age, gender and language proficiency. In the first stage, a study was conducted to assess 45 students’ actual writing performance based on score an...
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