Pragmatic Features of the English Version of the Peking Gazette Extracts in The Indo-Chinese Gleaner
Volume 7, Issue 3, May 2019
24 March 2019
27 April 2019
20 May 2019
Downloads: 176
Views: 1260
Abstract: Robert Morrison and William Milne regularly selected passages from the Peking Gazette and translated them into English in the English quarterly magazine The Indo-Chinese Gleaner (1817-1822) to help foreigners know about Chinese society. Subsequently, foreigners in China began systematic translation of the Peking Gazette so as to understand China’s actual conditions in the 19th century. In this essay, we studied The Indo-Chinese Gleaner from the perspective of the Peking Gazette extracts, as there has been no systematic and content-based research on The Indo-Chinese Gleaner. We found that there are pragmatic features in the English version of the Peking Gazette extracts in The Indo-Chinese Gleaner: standards in selecting the passages from the Peking Gazette, translation structures, unique translation strategies and techniques, cross-cultural comments and so on. English newspapers in China which imitate the example and model of The Indo-Chinese Gleaner in translation of the Peking Gazette include The Chinese Repository, The Cycle, The China Mail, The Hong Kong Daily Press, The North China Herald and The North China Daily News. Also, we explored the role of translation of the Peking Gazette in cultural communication and diplomacy in the 19th century, as well as the academic value of The Indo-Chinese Gleaner and its Peking Gazette extracts, so as to provide new ideas for the study of Sino-Foreign cultural exchanges and Chinese translation history throughout the 19th century.
Abstract: Robert Morrison and William Milne regularly selected passages from the Peking Gazette and translated them into English in the English quarterly magazine The Indo-Chinese Gleaner (1817-1822) to help foreigners know about Chinese society. Subsequently, foreigners in China began systematic translation of the Peking Gazette so as to understand China’s ...
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An Analysis of Graduation Resources in Concession Addresses
Volume 7, Issue 3, May 2019
26 March 2019
8 May 2019
30 May 2019
Downloads: 141
Views: 1244
Abstract: The concession address is generally considered as the final swan song of a lost campaign, communicating the defeated presidential nominee’s thankfulness and gratitude to his or her supporters. Transcripts, videos or audios of concession addresses are easily accessible to the public via internet, television or even radio. With its easy accessibility, the concession address plays a significant part and has a high profile in the public’s daily life. Nonetheless, the researches on concession addresses are few and far between. Based on the system of Graduation within the Appraisal Theory, an analysis of graduation resources in concession addresses by American presidential nominees has been conducted. In this paper, the author aims to find how the political addresser to achieve alignment with the audience by using different kinds of graduation resources. The results show that American presidential nominees tend to be profusive in employing graduation resources, among which they are prone to employ far more Force resources than Focus resources in the given sample. This means that American presidential nominees are inclined to use force resources to highlight their attitudes and proper graduations, appropriately indicating their strong love to people and a strong sense of patriotism.
Abstract: The concession address is generally considered as the final swan song of a lost campaign, communicating the defeated presidential nominee’s thankfulness and gratitude to his or her supporters. Transcripts, videos or audios of concession addresses are easily accessible to the public via internet, television or even radio. With its easy accessibility...
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Exploring the Corresponding Words Among the Subgroupings, Revising Swadesh List, Compared with Chinese
Volume 7, Issue 3, May 2019
2 March 2019
29 April 2019
31 May 2019
Downloads: 114
Views: 1102
Abstract: In 1647, the Dutch linguist Marcus Zuerius van Boxhorn noted the similarity among certain Asian and European languages and first theorized that they were derived from a primitive common language which he called Scythian (proto-language). For hundreds of years, many scholars have been studying the cognate of the subgroupings of Indo-European languages. This paper with the Swadesh list compares several subgroupings of Indo-European languages and finds out that their cognate correspondence is closer. It is inferred that the Proto-Indo-European was a language with very rich vocabulary and should be contained independently in the subgroupings at the beginning of its dissemination. This paper proposes a revised Swadesh list which can be used to assess language homology degree in high or low, and compares English with Chinese. The result shows that Chinese and English have the same origin.
Abstract: In 1647, the Dutch linguist Marcus Zuerius van Boxhorn noted the similarity among certain Asian and European languages and first theorized that they were derived from a primitive common language which he called Scythian (proto-language). For hundreds of years, many scholars have been studying the cognate of the subgroupings of Indo-European languag...
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Designing and Evaluating an Educational Innovation, Using K-W-L Strategy for the Trial
Volume 7, Issue 3, May 2019
26 April 2019
30 May 2019
10 June 2019
Downloads: 121
Views: 1213
Abstract: This is a case study of innovation through action research to introduce the ỉmprovement based on changing from traditional way to a kind of communicative approach to teach reading comprehension in class. With the description of the 5-step innovation, starting with (1) Discovering problem, and analyzing reasons; (2) Choosing A suitable strategy for trial; (3) The Preparation for implementing the strategy; (4) The Implementing the innovation and monitoring its progress; (5) The analysis of findings and Evaluating the innovation, mainly using Problem-solving model with a Normative re-educative strategy, it is a kind of selective contact change, which can be the illustration for the process of doing a research into the innovation in education. The aim of this study is to change students’ thinking about reading in class to make them interested in reading and improve their extra-activity of extensive reading. Until now the innovation somewhat has a little success. The trial focuses on the importance of the schema in comprehension especially in reading process. The hypothesis is that the KWL strategy: (a thinking-reading process) will help students to change from negative to positive attitude towards reading, to increase their reading time inside as well as outside the classroom in order to improve their reading skill. Analysis of the experimental and survey data indicated that students who received the treatments made lots of progress in reading skill as well as changed from negative to positive attitude towards reading. This article should be combined with the article “Trying K-W-L Strategy on Teaching Reading Comprehension to Passive Students in Vietnam”. International Journal of Language and Linguistics USA. ISSN 2330-0221, 2013, also written by Tran Thi Thanh Dieu, PhD, with detailed description of the trial. From this innovation it is concluded that more researches should be carried out to find out how to use this strategy effectively to make students accustomed to applying this method for their extra activities on extensive reading outside the classroom.
Abstract: This is a case study of innovation through action research to introduce the ỉmprovement based on changing from traditional way to a kind of communicative approach to teach reading comprehension in class. With the description of the 5-step innovation, starting with (1) Discovering problem, and analyzing reasons; (2) Choosing A suitable strategy for ...
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Oral Corrective Feedback and Its Impact on Learners’ Speaking Skills: Tunisian EFL Students as a Case Study
Volume 7, Issue 3, May 2019
3 April 2019
11 May 2019
12 June 2019
Downloads: 483
Views: 1979
Abstract: The present research paper tries to discover the effect of teachers’ oral corrective feedback (OCF) on EFL learners’ speaking skills (grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and fluency). The study relies on the use of an experimental design and direct observations. 20 participants formed the experimental group. All subjects are intermediate foreign language learners of English (EFL). They are given an initial pre-test. Then, this experimental group undergoes intensive oral corrective feedback (mainly through prompts, recasts and explicit correction) delivered by their teacher during various oral activities. Finally, a post-test is applied. The analysis of the pre-test and post-test scores of the experimental group both quantitavely and qualitatively (using the MELA-Scoring Matrix) and the calculation of the mean rate of errors pre 100 words shows that learners’ progress in oral performances vary from one individual to another. The findings of this study reveal that immediate and explicit OCF was able to positively affect EFL learners’ grammatical development; yet, it was not helpful to ameliorate the learners’ utterances in terms of vocabulary, fluency and pronunciation.
Abstract: The present research paper tries to discover the effect of teachers’ oral corrective feedback (OCF) on EFL learners’ speaking skills (grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and fluency). The study relies on the use of an experimental design and direct observations. 20 participants formed the experimental group. All subjects are intermediate foreign la...
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